摘要: 利用卫星遥感技术对矿产资源开发利用及其引发的矿山地质环境问题进行分析, 可以及时、准确地为科学管理与决策提供依据。以山西娄烦多金属矿区为例, 通过遥感数据的处理与提取, 分析调查区相关环境问题, 提出加强和改进矿山环境现状的对策建议。Abstract: By using of satellite remote sensing technology, the exploitation and utilization of mineral resources have been carried out, and the mine geological environments issues have also been analyzed. The result shows that the geoeye-1 satellite data could provide accurate and timely basis for the scientific management and decision-making. Taking Shanxi Loufan polymetallic prospect for example, the analysis and extraction of remote sensing data play an important role for environmental survey and enhancement. Finally, geological suggestions in the region are proposed.
表 1 调查区矿山开采占用土地统计(按开采阶段)
Table 1. Statistics survey area of land occupied by mining (Mining stage classification)
开发状况 矿种 个数 占地面积/ha 合计 生产矿山(地下开采) 煤矿 25 25.86 25.86 铁矿 14 生产矿山(露天开采) 铝土矿 4 3.82 292.48 铁矿 14 184.22 石材 112 104.44 固体废弃物占地 排土场 219 300.65 646.84 尾矿库 133 214.21 废铁矿石堆 234 131.98 闭坑矿山 铝土矿 6 19.92 92.55 铁矿 143 72.63 表 2 调查区矿山开采占用土地统计(按矿种)
Table 2. Statistics of land occupied by mining in the survey area according to mineral commodity
矿种 开采面 矿山建筑 固体废弃物 合法开采 违规开采 小计 煤矿 14.63 11.23 25.86 25.86 铝土矿 3.82 3.82 8.13 铁矿 45.78 138.44 184.22 638.71 采石场 104.44 104.44 合计 49.6 242.88 292.48 25.86 646.84 -
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