摘要: 紫金山矿田内, 自地表往深部, 发育早白垩世中酸性火山岩、次火山英安斑岩、浅成相花岗闪长斑岩、中深成相花岗闪长岩, 构成中酸性火山-侵入岩系列。围绕着紫金山火山机构发育强烈的蚀变矿化, 形成高硫型浅成低温热液铜金矿、低硫型浅成低温热液银金矿和斑岩型铜(钼)矿床。矿田内各类铜金银矿床存在着密切的时空及物源联系, 它们在时间、空间上连续演化, 都是同源含矿中酸性岩浆在同一成矿背景之下于不同演化阶段的产物。含矿热液的物化性质及时空迁移决定了它们在不同地质部位产出不同的矿床类型, 构成与中酸性次火山-斑岩有关的浅成低温-斑岩铜金银矿成矿系统。Abstract: The rocks in the Zijingshang ore field are from the surface to depth as follows:Lower Cretaceous intermediate-acid volcanic rocks, subvolcanic dacite-porphyry, hypabyssal granodioriteporphyry and middle-and deep-level porphyritic granodiorite, forming an intermediate-acid volcanicintrusive sequence. Strong alteration-mineralization occur around the Zijinshan volcanic edifice, forming high-sulfur epithermal Cu-Au deposits, low-sulfur epithermal Ag-Au deposits and porphyry Cu (Mo) deposits. In the ore field, various types of Cu-Au-Ag deposit have close temporal-spatial and material source relations. They evolved continuously in terms of time and space and are products of consanguineous ore-bearing intermediate-acid magmas in the same background of mineralization but in different stages of evolution. The occurrence of different types of ore deposit in diverse geological positions depended on the physico-chemical properties and temporal-spatial migration of ore fluids, thus forming an epithermal porphyry Cu-Au-Ag mineralization system related to intermediate-acid subvolcanic rocks and porphyry.
Key words:
- epithermal /
- porphyritic type /
- Cu-Au-Ag deposit /
- mineralization system /
- Zijingshan ore field
图 1 紫金山矿田蚀变-矿化分带简图
1.寒武系变质岩; 2.泥盆系-石炭系粗碎屑岩; 3.白垩系碎屑岩; 4.白垩系中酸性火山岩; 5.燕山早期花岗岩; 6.燕山早期二长花岗岩; 7.燕山早期花岗闪长岩; 8.英安斑岩; 9.花岗闪长斑岩; 10.隐爆角砾岩; 11.热液角砾岩; 12.石英-地开石-明矾石化蚀变带; 13.石英-绢云母-地开石化蚀变带; 14.石英-绢云母化蚀变带; 15.低温硅化带; 16.热液蚀变带界线; 17.铜矿床(点); 18.铜金矿床; 19.金银矿床; 20.斑岩型矿床(点); 21.高硫型浅成低温热液矿床(点); 22.低硫型浅成低温热液矿床(点)
Figure 1. Schematic map showing hydrothermal alteration-mineralization zoning in the Zijinshan ore field
图 2 紫金山矿田岩浆岩稀土元素球粒陨石标准化配分模式
(A-容矿岩石—花岗岩; B-花岗闪长岩及火山岩; C-花岗闪长斑岩及蚀变英安斑岩)
1.燕山早期碎裂中粗粒花岗岩稀土配分曲线; 2.燕山早期中细粒花岗岩稀土配分曲线; 3.燕山早期细粒花岗岩稀土配分曲线; 4.燕山晚期花岗闪长岩稀土配分分布区; 5.早白垩世火山岩稀土配分分布区; 6.蚀变英安斑岩稀土配分曲线; 7.花岗闪长斑岩稀土配分分布区Figure 2. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns of magmatic rocks in the Zijinshan ore field.A.Host rock Yanshanian granite; B.Yanshanian granodiorite and Lower Cretaceous volcanic rocks; C.granodiorite porphyry and altered dacite porphyry
图 3 紫金山矿田岩浆岩岩石化学成分AFM图解(A =Na2O +K2O, F =FeOt, M =MgO)
(据Irvine & Baragar, 1971[11]的方法)
T.拉斑玄武岩系列; C.钙碱性系列; ■.花岗岩; ▲.花岗闪长岩; △.英安岩; ○.英安斑岩; ●.花岗闪长斑岩Figure 3. AFM plot of magmatic rocks in the Zijinshan ore field (A =Na2O+K2O, F=FeOt, M =MgO)
图 4 紫金山矿田岩浆岩岩石化学成分t-I0图解(t =岩石形成年龄, I0 = (87Sr/86Sr)i)
(据吴利仁, 1985[12]的方法)
I0.初始值; t.年龄值; CⅡ.上地壳源型; CⅠ.下地壳源型; Mc.幔壳混源型; M.幔源型; 1.花岗岩; 2.花岗闪长岩; 3.花岗闪长斑岩Figure 4. Time (t)- (87Sr/86Sr)i (I0)plot of magmatic rocks in the Zijinshan ore field (t=age of rock)
图 5 紫金山矿田碧田-萝卜岭地质剖面图
1.中-下寒武统林田组浅变质岩; 2.下白垩统石帽山组中酸性火山岩; 3.花岗闪长斑岩; 4.燕山晚期一阶段中粒花岗闪长岩; 5.燕山晚期三阶段细粒白云母花岗岩; 6.燕山晚期三阶段碎裂中细粒白云母花岗岩; 7.燕山晚期三阶段碎裂中粗粒白云母花岗岩; 8.隐爆角砾岩; 9.英安斑岩脉; 10.脉状铜矿体; 11.浸染状铜钼矿体; 12.金银矿体; 13.金矿体; 14.蚀变带界线; 15.矿床类型:①.高硫型金矿床; ②.高硫型铜矿床; ③.斑岩型铜(钼)矿; ④低硫型银金矿床; F.断裂
Figure 5. Geological section along Bitian-Luoboling of the Zijinshan ore field
图 7 紫金山铜金银矿田成矿模式与成矿系统示意图
1.早白垩世火山岩; 2.花岗岩; 3.花岗闪长岩; 4.英安斑岩; 5.花岗闪长斑岩; 6.隐爆角砾岩; 7.热液角砾岩脉; 8.石英-明矾石-地开石带; 9.石英-地开石-绢云母带; 10.石英-绢云母带; 11.青磐岩带; 12.钾硅酸盐带; 13.石英-埃洛石-绢云母带; 14.低温硅化帝; 15.石英-冰长石-方解石带; 16.脉状铜矿体; 17.金矿体; 18.银金矿体; 19.浸染状铜(钼)矿体; 20.蚀变带界线; 21.岩浆热液/大气降水; 22.矿床类型编号:①.高硫型金矿床; ②.高硫型铜(金)矿床; ③.低硫型银金矿床; ④.斑岩型铜(钼)矿床
Figure 7. Ore-forming model and ore-forming system of the Zijinshan Cu-Au-Ag field
表 1 紫金山矿田中酸性岩浆岩特征一览表
Table 1. Summary of features of intermediate-acid magmatic rocks in the Zijinshan ore field
表 2 紫金山矿田矿床类型特征一览表
Table 2. Summary of features of deposit types in the Zijinshan ore field
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