摘要: 2001年以来我国天然气勘探事业发展迅速,探明储量快速增长,大气田发现速度加快。大气田主要分布在六大气区:鄂尔多斯气区、四川气区、塔里木气区、柴达木气区、松辽气区、珠江口气区。总结了大气田烃源岩、储层和圈闭方面的特点,即:中国天然气勘探指导理论已进入“多元论”时代,有机气以煤成气为主,烃源岩热演化各阶段皆可形成大气田; 大气田在碎屑岩储层、碳酸盐岩储层和火山岩储层均有分布,以碎屑岩储层为主,碳酸盐岩储层次之; 圈闭类型以构造-岩性复合型为主,少量为构造圈闭。分析了大气田烃源岩、储层、成藏方面存在的问题,认为这些问题的解决将极大地有利于天然气勘探的进一步开展。
- 储层 /
- 烃源岩 /
- 多元成气论 /
- 多阶段生气说 /
- 构造-岩性复合型圈闭
Abstract: In the beginning of 21st century, natural gas exploration has been developing rapidly in China, with rapidly increasing of proven reserves and more and more newly found large gas fields, mainly located in 6 gas provinces, such as Ordos, Sichuan, Tarim, Qaidam, Songliao and Pearl River Mouth basins. The features of source rocks, reservoirs and traps of the large gas fields are summarized in this paper. It is concluded that the natural gas exploration in China has been developing from monism (oil type gas-generating) theory to plurality (oil-type, coal-derived and inorganic gas-generating) theories. The coal-derived gas becomes the major resource. Large gas fields can form at every stage of source rock evolution, and may distribute in clastic, carbonate and volcanic reservoirs with major in clastic reservoir and little in volcanic reservoir, and mainly structural-stratigraphic and minor structural traps. Based on the discussion of source rock, reservoir, and reservoiring, the 6 gas provinces are suggested to be main territories of natural gas exploration in the early 21st century in China. -
表 1 近年来中国发现大气田特征表
Table 1. Features of large gas fields found recently in China
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