摘要: 通过成矿期方解石的C、O、Sr和含硫矿物的S、Pb同位素,成矿期方解石Sm-Nd测年研究,探讨白秧坪矿集区东矿带矿床成因。测试结果表明,白秧坪矿集区东矿带方解石δ13CPDB值变化范围-4.0‰~2.3‰,平均值-0.2‰,δ18OPDB值范围-27.2‰~20.4‰,平均值-14.1‰,δ18OSMOW值范围2.9‰~24.4‰,平均值16.4‰;方解石Sr同位素值变化范围0.707669~0.710115,平均值0.709320;硫化物δ34SV-CDT值分布范围-20.2‰~1.3‰,平均值约-8.8‰,天青石δ34SV-CDT值分布范围为17.1‰~19.4‰,平均值约18.0‰;Pb同位素测试结果中,206Pb/204Pb的变化范围为18.553~18.857,207Pb/204Pb变化范围为15.501~15.826,208Pb/204Pb变化范围为38.54~39.456;成矿阶段方解石Sm-Nd等时线年龄为29.5±1.7 Ma。对测试结果的研究表明,白秧坪矿集区东矿带碳质的来源较为均一,矿石中热液方解石碳质源自地层中碳酸盐岩溶解,成矿流体来自地层水和大气降水,属于盆地卤水流体系统;成矿物质硫来自海水硫酸盐的还原作用,成矿早期以有机质还原硫为主,成矿后期以生物还原硫为主;金属成矿物质来自沉积地层和盆地基底;测定白秧坪矿集区东矿带铅锌成矿年龄为29.5±1.7 Ma,与地质年龄限定的较为吻合。Abstract: By studying the C, O and Sr isotopic characteristics of calcites in ore-forming stage, the S and Pb isotopic characteristics of sulfides, and the Sm-Nd dating of calcite in mineralization period, we discussed the ore genesis of the east belt in Baiyangping ore concentration area. Test results show that the δ13CPDB values of calcite range from -4.0‰ to -2.3‰ with the average of -0.2‰, the δ18OPDB values range from -27.2‰ to 20.4 ‰ with the average of -14.1‰, the δ18OSMOW values range from 2.9‰ to 24.4‰ with the average of 16.4‰, and the Sr isotopic values of calcite are between 0.707669 and 0.710115 with the average of 0.709320. The δ34SV-CDT values of sulfides distribute in the range of -20.2 ‰ to 1.3 ‰ with the average of about -8.8‰, and the δ34SV-CDT values of celestine distribute in the range of 17.1‰ to 19.4‰ with the average of about 18.0‰. The Pb isotope test results yield 206Pb/204Pb values of 18.553~18.857, 207Pb/204Pb values of 15.501~15.826 and 208Pb/204Pb values of 38.54~39.456, and the Sm-Nd isochron age of calcite in mineralization stage is 29.5±1.7 Ma. The results indicate a homogeneous carbon source in the east ore belt, and the carbon in hydrothermal calcite is derived from the dissolution of carbonate rock strata. The ore-forming fluids are from formation water and precipitate water, which are belonged to the basin brine fluid system. The sulfur is from organic thermal chemical sulfate reduction in the early mineralization stage and biological sulfate reduction in the late mineralization stage. And the metal mineralization material is from sedimentary strata and basement. The dating results show that the Pb-Zn mineralization of the east ore belt occurred at 29.5±1.7 Ma ago, which is consistent with the constrainted geological age.
图 1 白秧坪矿集区东矿带地质简图(据文献[9]修编)
Figure 1. The geological sketch map of the east ore belt of Baiyangping ore concentration area
图 3 白秧坪多金属矿集区东矿带方解石及成矿流体氧同位素组成分布图(底图据文献[28])
Figure 3. δ18O values of calcite and ore-forming fluid in the east ore belt of Baiyangping polymetallic ore district
图 4 白秧坪方解石碳同位素组成分布图(底图据文献[32])
Figure 4. δ13C values of calcite in Baiyangping Pb-Zn-Cu-Ag polymetallic deposit
图 5 白秧坪铅锌铜银多金属矿床方解石的C、O同位素图(底图据文献[33])
Figure 5. Diagram of C-O isotope of calcite in Baiyangping Pb-Zn-Cu-Ag polymetallic deposit
图 7 锶同位素演化图(底图据文献[43])
Figure 7. Evolution diagram of strontium isotope
图 8 白秧坪矿集区东矿带铅同位素Δβ-Δγ成因分类图解(底图据文献[44])
Figure 8. Δβ-Δγ genetic classification diagram of lead isotope of the east ore belt in Baiyangping Pb-Zn-Cu-Ag polymetallic deposits
表 1 白秧坪矿集区东矿带方解石C、O、Sr同位素测试结果
Table 1. The C-O-Sr isotope results of calcites from the east ore belt of Baiyangping ore concentration area
序号 样品号 矿段 矿物 δ13CPDB/‰ δ18OPDB/‰ δ18OSMOW 成矿流体δ18OSMOW 87Sr/86Sr SE 1 HS016-7 灰山 方解石 1.7 -9.0 21.6 9.2 0.709508 6 2 HS016-8 灰山 方解石 2.3 -10.3 20.3 7.9 0.708280 5 3 HS016-10 灰山 方解石 0.7 -6.3 24.4 12.0 0.709477 4 4 HS016-12 灰山 方解石 1.2 -9.4 21.2 8.8 0.709482 5 5 HS2-7 灰山 方解石 -3.0 -15.0 15.5 3.1 0.709475 5 6 HS2-10 灰山 方解石 -1.3 -23.5 6.7 -5.7 0.709633 5 7 D019-4 黑山 方解石 -4.0 -11.7 18.8 6.4 0.709331 4 8 D019-9 黑山 方解石 0.7 -27.2 2.9 -9.5 0.709093 4 9 HX024-1 河西 天青石 0.710115 3 10 HX024-2 河西 天青石 0.709926 5 11 HX024-3 河西 天青石 0.709896 6 12 HX024-4 河西 天青石 0.707669 7 13 HX024-5 河西 天青石 0.709971 5 14 HX030-4 河西 天青石 0.709981 4 15 HX2-11 河西 天青石 0.709899 3 16 HX2-12 河西 天青石 0.709977 5 17 HX2-14 河西 天青石 0.709746 4 18 YZD040-5 燕子洞 天青石 0.708749 5 19 YZD040-6 燕子洞 天青石 0.708660 4 20 YZD040-10 燕子洞 天青石 0.708675 5 21 YZD2-1 燕子洞 天青石 0.708173 6 表 2 兰坪盆地白秧坪矿集区东矿带硫化物、硫盐矿物中S、Pb同位素组成
Table 2. S-Pb isotope composition of sulfide and sulphosalts from the east ore belt of Baiyangping ore concentration area
序号 样品号 矿物 矿床/矿段 δ34SV-CDT/‰ 206Pb/204Pb 207Pb/204Pb 208Pb/204Pb Δβ Δγ 样品描述 1 HX024-2 方铅矿 河西 -11.2 18.605 15.623 38.812 19.1 36.1 含方铅矿天青石矿石 2 HX030-1 方铅矿 河西 -20.2 18.598 15.601 38.76 17.6 34.7 块状方铅矿 3 HX030-1 方铅矿 河西 -11.0 18.609 15.619 38.809 18.8 36.1 块状方铅矿 4 HX030-10 方铅矿 河西 -19.1 18.584 15.590 38.706 16.8 33.3 明显的方铅矿胶结灰岩角砾 5 HX2-14 方铅矿 河西 -10.6 18.588 15.594 38.707 17.1 33.3 与天青石共生的团块状方铅矿 6 YZD2-1 闪锌矿 燕子洞 -9.5 18.600 15.572 38.727 15.5 33.9 闪锌矿矿石 7 YZD2-2 闪锌矿 燕子洞 -9.2 18.688 15.642 38.918 20.2 39.0 闪锌矿矿石 8 YZD040-2 闪锌矿 燕子洞 -10.5 18.614 15.591 38.753 16.8 34.6 泥灰岩中的闪锌矿 9 YZD040-3 闪锌矿 燕子洞 -10.6 18.661 15.597 38.752 17.1 34.5 灰岩中的闪锌矿 10 YZD040-6 闪锌矿 燕子洞 -10.8 18.553 15.501 38.54 10.7 28.9 含天青石、闪锌矿矿石 11 YZD040-10 闪锌矿 燕子洞 -13.0 18.681 15.642 38.937 20.2 39.5 天青石、闪锌矿脉 12 HS2-4 闪锌矿 灰山 -6.7 18.742 15.696 39.018 23.8 41.6 不含矿方解石脉穿切含团块状闪锌矿的方解石脉 13 HS2-5 闪锌矿 灰山 -7.7 18.684 15.633 38.822 19.6 36.4 无矿方解石脉切穿闪锌矿-方解石细脉 14 HS2-7 闪锌矿 灰山 -6.2 18.703 15.642 38.822 20.1 36.4 同期形成的呈互层出现的闪锌矿脉和石英脉 15 HS2-8 闪锌矿 灰山 -6.4 18.685 15.631 38.844 19.4 37.0 方解石-闪锌矿脉 16 HS2-9 闪锌矿 灰山 -6.4 18.725 15.647 38.813 20.4 36.2 方解石-闪锌矿脉被晚期无矿方解石脉切穿 17 HS2-10 闪锌矿 灰山 -7.1 18.656 15.616 38.806 18.4 36.0 含少量浸染状闪锌矿的方解石网脉 18 D019-4 黝铜矿 黑山 1.3 18.825 15.788 39.331 30.0 50.0 热液胶结角砾状矿石 19 D019-8 黝铜矿 黑山 -2.7 18.857 15.82 39.129 32.2 44.6 铅锌矿石 20 D019-8 闪锌矿 黑山 -2.9 18.716 15.621 38.800 18.6 35.8 铅锌矿石 21 D019-9 黝铜矿 黑山 -4.1 18.856 15.826 39.456 32.6 53.4 含方解石脉铅锌矿石 22 HX024-1 天青石 河西 17.2 23 HX024-2 天青石 河西 17.8 24 HX024-3 天青石 河西 17.2 25 HX024-4 天青石 河西 18.3 26 HX024-5 天青石 河西 17.1 27 HX030-4 天青石 河西 17.9 28 HX02-11 天青石 河西 17.1 29 HX2-12 天青石 河西 17.3 30 HX2-14 天青石 河西 18.1 31 YZD040-5 天青石 燕子洞 18.7 32 YZD040-6 天青石 燕子洞 18.6 33 YZD040-10 天青石 燕子洞 18.7 34 YZD2-1 天青石 燕子洞 19.4 表 3 白秧坪矿集区东矿带成矿阶段方解石Sm-Nd分析检测结果
Table 3. Sm-Nd analysis results of the calcite in mineralization stage in the east ore belt of Baiyangping metallogenic concentration area
序号 样品号 Sm/10-6 Nd/10-6 147Sm/144Nd 143Nd/144Nd(1σ误差) 1 HS016-7 3.298 1.004 0.1682 0.512432±6 2 HS016-8 1.645 0.2753 0.1016 0.512417±8 3 HS016-10 2.597 0.6892 0.1624 0.512431±9 4 HS016-12 2.516 0.5894 0.146 0.512426±7 5 HS2-7 1.207 0.3706 0.1827 0.512435±8 6 D019-4 0.1986 0.1513 0.4238 0.512480±9 7 D019-9 0.3314 0.0982 0.1893 0.512436±6 美国La Jolla
(国际权威值:0.511860±20) -
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