摘要: 根据近7年来陕西省宝鸡市12区县地质灾害详细调查资料,总结宝鸡地区地质灾害主要类型、空间分布规律、发育特征及其危害性。研究结果显示,宝鸡市地质灾害发育类型主要包括滑坡、崩塌、泥石流及不稳定斜坡等4类,总体发育特征具有群发性、突发性、周期性和链生性。其中,滑坡和崩塌数量多、危害大,泥石流相对发育较少,不稳定斜坡多与崩塌相伴生,大多发展为崩塌灾害。每年汛期在强降雨作用下,都可能诱发表层小型滑坡和崩塌,特别是城镇居民房前屋后的小型黄土滑坡和崩塌,以及山区公路切坡导致的残坡积层滑坡崩塌频繁发生,是宝鸡市地质灾害群测群防和减灾防灾关注的重点。Abstract: This article makes use of detailed geo-hazard investigation data in 12 districts and counties of Baoji City in recent 7 years, based on collecting and sorting out main types and spatial distribution characteristics of geologic disasters in Baoji area, and analyses the general development characteristics, different development characteristics of various geologic disasters types in Baoji area and their impacts. It is preliminarily revealed that development types of geologic disasters in Baoji city mainly include:landslide, collapse, debris flow and unstable slope. These geo-hazards generally indicate clustering, unexpected, periodic and in chainlike. Development characteristics among all types of disasters, landslides and collapses happen most frequently and cause serious damage. Debris flows account for relatively rare part. Unstable slopes often occur together with collapses and mainly prone to collapse disaster. In each year, the heavy rainfall during rainy season will induce small scale landslides and collapses, especially the loess landslide and collapse in front of and behind of houses in urban residential area. Eluvia layer landslides and collapses due to slop cutting of mountain roads which occur frequently need to be paid special attention to monitoring, prevention and reduction of geologic disasters in Baoji city.
Key words:
- geo-hazards /
- landslide /
- collapse /
- debris flow /
- unstable slope /
- development characteristics
表 1 宝鸡市各区县地质灾害统计
Table 1. Statistical table of geo hazard in each county of Baoji city
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