摘要: 文中根据北美大陆西南边缘造山带的构造地貌及新构造运动特征, 建立了反S状大陆边缘造山带的三维构造力学模式, 指出阿拉斯加地区为弧形右旋剪切隆升造山带; 科迪勒拉造山带为直线右旋走滑造山带; 马德雷山以南, 延至加勒比海为一左旋沉降`旋扭沟-弧-盆系统'。以此模式检验欧亚大陆南缘造山带, 确定从阿尔卑斯经扎格罗斯、喜马拉雅至印度尼西亚蜿蜒曲折的山链是由四个反S状造山带连锁而成, 导致它们的分解为四个构造体系的原因, 与南半球冈瓦纳大陆裂解有关。依据上述的区域构造规律, 作者认为青藏高原内部结构的原型为旋扭沟-弧-盆系统, 属帕米尔—喀喇昆仑—喜马拉雅反S状造山带尾弧的组成部分。后经印度板块俯冲、青藏—三江—印度尼西亚反S状造山带头部弧右旋隆升两组动力系统叠加结果。Abstract: According to the tectono-geomorphological features and characteristics of neotectonic movement on the southwestern margin of the North American continent, the author has established a 3D tectonomechanic model of the reversed S-shaped continental-margin orogenic belt of the northern hemisphere. This zigzag orogenic belt extends from Alaska through the Cordillera to the Caribbean and may be divided into three sections :(1)the Alaska region, which, as a head arc, is an arcuate dextral shear uplifted orogenic belt; (2)the Cordillera orogenic belt, which as a middle section, is a straight dextral strike-slip orogenic belt; and(3)the region from south of the Madre Mountains to the Caribbean Sea, which, as a tail arc, is a sinistral transrotational " trench-arc-basin system". The author used this model to check the orogenic belts on the southern margin of the Eurasian continent and ascertained that the zigzag mountain chain from the Alps through Zagros and Himalaya to Indonesia is composed of four connected reversed S-shaped orogenic belts. The cause for their decomposition into four separate tectonic systems is related to the breakup of the supercontinent Gondwana in the southern hemisphere. According to the above-mentioned regional tectonic characteristics, the author thinks that the original internal structure of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau was a transrotational trench-arc-basin system, belonging to the tail arc of the Pamir-Karakorum-Himalaya reversed S-shaped orogenic belt.Later it underwent the superimposition of two dynamic systems, the subduction of the Indian plate and the dextral shear and uplift of the head arc of the Qinghai-Tibet-Sanjiang-Indonesia reversed S-shaped orogenic belt.
图 1 阿拉斯加—科迪勒拉—马德雷反S状旋扭造山带
①布鲁克斯断层; ②科育库卡断层; ③德纳里断层; ④卡斯特莱山断层; ⑤落基山地沟走滑断裂; ⑥海岸山走滑断裂; ⑦费尔威瑟弧形断层; ⑧圣安德烈斯走滑断裂; ⑨加利福尼亚湾斜列转换断层带; ⑩南马德雷山—巴拿马火山断裂线; ⑪委内瑞拉EW向断层; ⑫小安的列斯弧形断形断裂; ⑬海地岛(波多黎各)北岸EW向断层; ⑭古巴左旋走滑断层; ⑮开曼海沟断裂带; P1-哥伦比亚高原; P2-科罗拉多高原; P3-墨西哥高原; B1-科育库卡盆地; B2-鲍瑟尔盆地; B3-大盆地; B4-帕拉斯(马皮米)盆地半侧箭头示断裂、造山带、岛弧相对运动指向。空心箭头示北美板块与太平洋板块相对运动方向; 实心箭头示北美板块与南美板块相对扭动方向; 半空半实箭头示两者的合力。
Figure 1. Alaska-Cordilleran-Madre reversed S-shaped transrotational orogenic belt
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