Tectonic transition and extension at the eastern and western ends of the Altyn Tagh fault: insights from triple junctions
摘要: 阿尔金断裂带作为青藏高原北缘的关键构造边界,其演化历史和构造转换机制对理解青藏高原的生长极为重要。阿尔金断裂带不同分段的构造环境与演化历程不同,其各自与祁连山造山带和祁曼塔格−东昆仑断裂带的构造转换研究也仍有不足之处。三联点分析是板块构造学中的重要分析方法,速度三角形反映了断裂属性,三联点稳定性则从运动学角度揭示了断裂的演化方向和历程。综合地质、地貌与地震资料,系统分析了阿尔金断裂带中段与东西段代表性的肃北与吐拉三联点的构造特征与活动历史;并借助三联点稳定性准则,构建了这2个三联点的演化模型。研究结果表明,野马河−大雪山断裂与祁曼塔格−东昆仑断裂带启动,不稳定三联点形成并向稳定三联点转化,促使阿尔金断裂带“截弯取直”,并在此基础上提出了分段破裂−双向扩展模型。这一结果为理解青藏高原北缘复杂的构造演化历史提供了新的视角。Abstract:
Objective The Altyn Tagh fault (ATF) is the largest left-lateral strike-slip fault on the northern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, extending for about 1600 km. It accommodates a considerable portion of the India-Eurasia convergence and is widely regarded as a key tectonic boundary influencing the plateau’s uplift and outward growth. However, its mode of propagation remains debated. Resolving this debate requires clarifying how the ATF evolved into its present configuration and how it connects with adjacent structures such as the Qilian orogenic belt and the Qimantagh-Eastern Kunlun fault. In this study, we use the concept of triple junctions to investigate key transition zones at the eastern and western ends of the ATF—namely, the Subei and Tula triple junctions—to shed light on the fault’s Cenozoic segmented rupture and bidirectional extension. Methods Triple junction analysis, a fundamental method in plate tectonics, is utilized to assess fault properties and fault stability from a kinematic perspective. Additionally, GPS data and seismic source mechanism solutions are analyzed to characterize the current kinematic behaviors and movement directions of the faults. Results (1) Transition between ATF and Qilian orogenic belt: Subei triple junction. The central segment of the ATF was the earliest to become active during the Cenozoic, generating a compressional horsetail splay on its eastern termination. The Danghe Nanshan fault and Yemahe-Daxueshan fault emerged as part of this horsetail splay. As left-lateral strike-slip motion on the ATF accelerated in the Miocene, large offsets developed between the Tarim, Qaidam, and Qilian blocks, giving rise to a triple junction near Subei. Initially, this triple junction was unstable, and the Qilian block experienced extensional strain relative to the Tarim block, indicating a local stretching environment. To achieve stability, the ATF progressively “straightened” eastward, ultimately supplanting the Yemahe-Daxueshan fault. Its western segment was reoriented to run parallel to the ATF, while the Danghe Nanshan fault remained as the key boundary on the Qilian side. Consequently, a stable triple junction formed at the intersection of the ATF’s central and eastern segments with the Danghe Nanshan fault. At the present leading edge of the ATF’s eastward propagation, the Hongliuxia fault displays a similar evolutionary trajectory, suggesting that the ATF continues to extend by reconfiguring secondary faults. (2) Transition between ATF and Qimantagh-Eastern Kunlun fault: Tula triple junction. The ATF’s central segment spawned a tensional horsetail splay at its western termination, involving the Tula and Baiganhu faults. When large-scale activity on the Eastern Kunlun fault commenced in the Miocene, the Qaidam block began moving relative to the Eastern Kunlun block, producing an unstable triple junction in the Tula region. To achieve a stable configuration, the ATF propagated westward along a more linear path, gradually diminishing activity on the Baiganhu fault. As a result, the stable triple junction—involving the Tarim, Qaidam, and Eastern Kunlun blocks—ultimately localized where the ATF meets the Qimantagh-Eastern Kunlun fault. This westward “straightening” and the concurrent reduction in subsidiary fault activity have fashioned the current tectonic framework at the western end of the ATF. Conclusion (1) The ATF has undergone a segmented rupture–bidirectional extension process throughout the Cenozoic. (2) The Miocene activation of the Yemahe-Daxueshan, the Qimantagh-Eastern Kunlun and other fault systems led to the formation of two triple junctions at Subei and Tula, respectively. These junctions were initially unstable, prompting secondary faults to “shortcut” and realign and leading the ATF to straighten and extend farther east and west. [Significance] This study refines our understanding of how the Altyn Tagh fault expanded along the northern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. By applying triple junction concepts to continental blocks, we illustrate how block interactions have governed the ATF’s segmentation and through-going evolution. The proposed segmented rupture–bidirectional extension framework reconciles geological observations of Cenozoic deformation along the ATF. It also underscores the importance of analyzing triple junctions in understanding large-scale tectonic reorganization. -
图 1 阿尔金断裂带构造简图
a—青藏高原主要走滑断裂分布图;b—阿尔金断裂带受阻双弯曲、三联点与邻区主要断裂的位置关系分布图(WATF、MATF、EATF分别代指阿尔金断裂带西段、中段与东段);c—阿尔金断裂带地貌学与大地测量学研究获得的左旋走滑速率分布图(修改自Wu et al.,2019b)
Figure 1. Simplified tectonic map of the Altyn Tagh fault (ATF)
(a) Distribution of major strike-slip faults on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau; (b) Extension of the ATF and its spatial relationships with neighboring major faults; the double bending, triple junctions, and the positions of the western, central, and eastern segments of the Altyn Tagh fault (WATF, MATF, and EATF, respectively) are shown;(c) Distribution of left-lateral strike-slip rates obtained from geomorphological and geodetic studies of the Altyn Tagh fault (modified from Wu et al., 2019b)
图 2 三联点原理示意图
A、B、C代表不同的板块;红色实线代表板块边界,蓝色虚线ab、bc、ac则代表板块AB、板块BC和板块AC之间的边界辅助线;ab、bc共线或者ac、bc共线时稳定a—三联点稳定性辅助线作法示意图;b—以FFT型三联点为例,说明三联点速度三角形及辅助线的作法,修改自McKenzie and Morgan(1969);c—Mendocino三联点(FFT型)( Ingersoll,1982)
Figure 2. Schematic diagram of triple junction principles
(a) Schematic diagram illustrating the method of constructing auxiliary lines for triple junction stability; (b) An FFT-type triple junction is used as an example for the construction of the triple junction velocity triangle and auxiliary lines, adapted from McKenzie and Morgan (1969); (c) Mendocino triple junction (FFT-type) (Ingersoll, 1982) In (a) and (b), A, B, and C represent different tectonic plates; the red solid lines denote plate boundaries, while the blue dashed lines ab, bc, and ac represent auxiliary boundary lines between Plate AB, Plate BC, and Plate AC, respectively. The triple junction is stable when ab and bc are collinear or when ac and bc are collinear.
图 4 肃北三联点稳定性演化示意图
Figure 4. Diagram of the stability evolution of the Subei triple junction
In the velocity vector triangle, tq, tql, and qql represent auxiliary lines connecting the Tarim and Qaidam blocks, the Tarim and Qilian blocks, and the Qaidam and Qilian blocks, respectively.
图 6 吐拉三联点稳定性演化示意图
Figure 6. Diagram of the stability evolution of the Tula triple junction
In the velocity vector triangle, tq, tk, and kq represent auxiliary lines connecting the Tarim and Qaidam blocks, the Tarim and Eastern Kunlun blocks, and the Eastern Kunlun and Qaidam blocks, respectively.
图 7 阿尔金断裂带与三联点演化示意图
Figure 7. Diagram of the evolution of the Altyn Tagh fault and triple junctions
(a) Early Cenozoic segmental initiation of the Altyn Tagh Fault (ATF); (b) Miocene activity enhancement, leading to the formation of unstable triple junctions; (c) Post-Miocene shortcutting and through-going of the ATF.
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