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方维萱 郭玉乾 贾润幸 童祥 马振飞

方维萱, 郭玉乾, 贾润幸, 等, 2021. 论云南个旧锡铜钨三稀金属矿集区叠加成矿系统与垂向构造岩相学结构的关系. 地质力学学报, 27 (4): 557-584. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.04.048
引用本文: 方维萱, 郭玉乾, 贾润幸, 等, 2021. 论云南个旧锡铜钨三稀金属矿集区叠加成矿系统与垂向构造岩相学结构的关系. 地质力学学报, 27 (4): 557-584. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.04.048
FANG Weixuan, GUO Yuqian, JIA Runxing, et al., 2021. On relationship between the superimposed mineralization systems and the zoning patterns of vertical tectonic lithofacies in the Gejiu concentration area of Sn-Cu-W and three rare metals in Yunnan. Journal of Geomechanics, 27 (4): 557-584. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.04.048
Citation: FANG Weixuan, GUO Yuqian, JIA Runxing, et al., 2021. On relationship between the superimposed mineralization systems and the zoning patterns of vertical tectonic lithofacies in the Gejiu concentration area of Sn-Cu-W and three rare metals in Yunnan. Journal of Geomechanics, 27 (4): 557-584. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.04.048


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.04.048

科技部转制科研院所专项资金项目 2008EG115074

云南省省院省校科技合作项目 2000YK-05

全国危机矿山接替资源勘查项目 〔2005〕027

公益性行业科研专项项目 201511016-1

云南锡业股份有限公司科研项目 LC-ZGB-2021007


    方维萱(1961-), 男, 博士, 研究员, 从事沉积盆地和造山带、矿产普查与勘探研究。E-mail: 569026971@qq.com

  • 中图分类号: P586

On relationship between the superimposed mineralization systems and the zoning patterns of vertical tectonic lithofacies in the Gejiu concentration area of Sn-Cu-W and three rare metals in Yunnan


the Special Fund Project of the System-transforming Scientific Research Institute, the State Ministry of Science and technology 2008EG115074

the Scientific and Technological Cooperation Project of Yunnan provincial-colleges-universities 2000YK-05

the National Project for Exploration of Succeed Resources in Crisis Mines 〔2005〕027

the Scientific Research Project of Public Welfare Industry 201511016-1

the Scientific Research Project of Yunnan Tin Industry Co. Ltd. LC-ZGB-2021007

  • 摘要: 采用构造岩相学分带和变形筛分、宏观与微观构造岩相学研究相结合的方法,对云南个旧矿集区构造和叠加成矿系统进行研究,深入揭示了该矿集区内锡铜钨钴铯铷多金属战略矿产富集机制、叠加成矿作用与构造岩相学结构样式之间的内在关系。研究认为,该区发育前岩浆侵入期三叠纪弧后裂谷盆地、同岩浆侵入期岩浆侵入构造系统和构造样式、后岩浆侵入期岩溶构造样式,它们在不同时间域内发生了异时同位叠加成相成矿与同时异相分异作用,对个旧叠加成矿系统和锡铜钨钴铯铷多金属成矿作用具有显著不同的控制作用。锡铜钨铯铷多金属叠加成矿系统具有9个垂向构造岩相分带结构样式,从深到浅依次为:浅色花岗岩相(VTZ8)和岩浆气成热液结晶核相(VTZ9)为黑云母花岗岩(γK2a-b-c)同岩浆侵入期构造岩相带,分布在花岗岩侵入体顶部和边部; 岩浆接触交代构造岩相带矽卡岩化相-矽卡岩相带(VTZ7),是同岩浆侵入期地层-岩浆系统耦合反应的构造岩相带; 富含残余岩浆的高温气液体系发生了岩浆-气液隐爆角砾岩化,形成进入个旧组内岩浆热流柱构造和电气石热液隐爆角砾岩相带(VTZ6);同岩浆侵入期在个旧组内构造-流体耦合作用,形成了上覆断褶式碳酸盐岩层(VTZ4)和碎裂岩化大理岩化相-电气石碎裂岩化大理岩相带(VTZ5)、远端的似层状碎裂岩化相含锡白云岩(VTZ3);三叠纪弧后裂谷盆地内碱性苦橄岩-碱性火山岩相带和火山喷发机构为前岩浆侵入期构造; 云贵高原侵蚀面(VTZ1)和表生岩溶构造系统(VTZ2)为后岩浆侵入构造系统,它们叠加在同岩浆侵入构造系统(VTZ3、VTZ4、VTZ5、VTZ6、VTZ7、VTZ8、VTZ9)之中。这些新成果为该矿集区深部探测和隐伏构造岩相的预测建模提供了新的理论依据。


  • 图  1  个旧地区卡房-老厂矿田变质火山岩岩石类型和原岩恢复


    Figure  1.  Rock types and reconstructed protolith for meta-volcanic rocks in the Kafang-Laochang ore field in the Gejiu area. (a)Petrochemical diagram for metavocanites. (b)Ne-Ol diagram for ultrabasic rocks (the original diagram after Chi, 1988). (c)SiO2-K2O+Na2O diagram for volcanic rocks (the original diagram after IUGS, 1989).

    Pc-Picritic basalt; B-Basalt; O1-Basaltic andesite; O2-Andesite; O3-Dacite; R-Rhyolite; S1-Trachytic basalt; S2-Basaltic-trachytic andesite; S3-Trachytic andesite; T-Trachyte, trachytic dacite; F-Feldspathoidite; U1-Tephrite, basanite; U2-Phonolitic tephrite; U3-Tephritic phonolite; Ph-Phonolite; Ir-Irvine boundary, the above is alkalinity, the below is sub-alkalinity.

    图  2  老厂矿田内碱性火山岩厚度与成矿关系图

    Figure  2.  Relationship between the alkaline volcanic rock thickness and the mineralization in the Laochang ore-field

    图  3  卡房矿田碱性苦橄岩类特征与铜富集成矿关系

    a-金云母和榍石电子背衍射图(EBSD)和Cs、Rb和Ti面扫描图;b-金云母、阳起石和磁黄铁矿共生关系(×20,单偏光);c-金云母中包裹榍石(电子背衍射图像);d-金云母中黄铜矿与磁黄铁矿呈固熔分离结构,KG-261B(×10;反光镜下);e-包裹在金云母斑晶中的连晶状磁黄铁矿和黄铜矿,KG-300-1(×10,反光镜下);f-锡石与磁黄铁矿(黑色)呈连晶镶嵌结构,KG-27B(×10,单偏光);g-中心红棕色为金红石,KG300-1 (×20,聚光镜下);h-黄铜矿与阳起石呈交织状结构,KG-300-1(×5,反光镜下);i-棕黄色为磁黄铁矿与交织状阳起石,KG-260T(×5,反光镜下)

    Figure  3.  Relationship between the characteristics of alkaline picritic volcanic rocks and the copper mineralization in the Kafang ore-field. (a)Electron back scattering diffraction (EBSD) for phlogopite and titanite and map of surface scanning for Cs, Rb and Ti. (b)Intergrowth relationship for phlogopite, actinolite, and pyrrhotite(×20, plane-polarized light). (c)Titanite wrapped by phlogopite and EBSD for titanite and phlogopite. (d)Solid-solution separation structure of chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite in phlogopite, KG-261B(×10;reflected light).(e)Crystal stock of pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite wrapped by phlogopite phenocryst, KG-300-1(×10, under retroreflector). (f)Crystal stock mosaic structure of cassiterite and pyrrhotite (in black), KG-27B(×10, plane-polarized light). (g)Reddish brown rutile in the centre, KG300-1 (×20, under the condenser). (h)Intertexture structure of chalcopyrite and actinolite, KG-300-1(×5, under retroreflector).(i)Claybank pyrrhotite and intertexture structure of actinolite, KG-260T(×5, under retroreflector)

    图  4  个旧老厂矿田垂向成矿分带与构造岩相学分带

    Figure  4.  Vertical zones by mineralization and tectonic lithofacies in the Laochang ore-field of Gejiu

    图  5  个旧地区电气石细脉带型锡矿床与电气石热液隐爆角砾岩

    老厂矿田大斗山矿段露天采场:a-电气石热流柱与网脉状电气石热启裂隙相;b-电气石热流柱构造内热液岩溶空穴(热液排气口);c-电气石热液角砾岩与热液岩溶面(VTZ6cb);d-电气石热液岩溶角砾岩(VTZ6cb);e-电气石热液角砾岩外侧的网脉状电气石化大理岩相(18-1号矿体);f-层间和穿层的细脉状电气石大理岩化相(18-1号矿体);g-18-1号矿体围岩中,中三叠世方解石溶孔状结晶灰岩坳头山-大斗山矿段-湾子街矿段深部2050 m中段:h-黄铁矿萤石电气石脉;j-毒砂磁黄铁矿电气石热液角砾岩(VTZ6bb);k-电气石热液隐爆角砾岩(VTZ6bb);l-大脉状赤铁矿蓝电气石脉(高氧化强酸性相);m-电气石岩浆隐爆角砾岩(VTZ6amb);n、o-坳头山花岗岩岩枝与电气石岩浆热液隐爆角砾岩(VTZ6amb);p-毒砂磁黄铁矿电气石岩浆热液角砾岩(热液角砾岩化蚀变花岗岩)

    Figure  5.  Tourmaline veinlet belt-type tin deposit and tourmaline-hydrothermal cryptoexplosive breccias in Gejiu

    Potographs from a to g are from the open-pit in the Dadoushan mine district, and potographs from h to p are from the 2050m level at the depth of the Aotoushan, Dadoushan, and Wanzijie mine districts.

    图  6  个旧地区岩溶构造地貌与砖红壤岩溶风化壳

    老厂砖红壤风化壳剖面结构: m-老厂东堆积型砖红壤风化壳剖面,垂高4 m,镜向45°;n-砖红壤岩溶风化壳剖面顶部,含铁锰结核砖红壤层,镜向350°;o-含铁锰结核的褐红壤层,镜向350°;p-豆状铁锰结核,镜向350°;q-含铁锰结核的黄红壤层,镜向350°;r-褐锰质土-黑褐色铁锰质土层,镜向330°;s-含铁锰结核的黄红壤层,镜向320°;t-古近系浅红黄色层纹条带状钙屑泥质粉砂岩,镜向70°

    Figure  6.  Karstic tectonic geomorphology and laterite karst weathering crust in Gejiu

    Pictures of karstic tectonic geomorphology from a to k are the units of the surface karstic landscapes in the Wanzijie, Huangmaoshan, and Laochangdong areas. Pictures from m to t are the section sequence of the laterite karst weathering crust in the Laochangdong area

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  • 收稿日期:  2021-04-13
  • 修回日期:  2021-06-20
  • 刊出日期:  2021-08-01


