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康清清 陈正乐 潘家永 李鹏 刘玉龙 李雷 江宏君 高成

康清清,陈正乐,潘家永,等,2024. 陕西小秦岭地区碳酸岩时空分布、地球化学特征及其与铀稀土成矿作用的关系[J]. 地质力学学报,30(1):147−167 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023106
引用本文: 康清清,陈正乐,潘家永,等,2024. 陕西小秦岭地区碳酸岩时空分布、地球化学特征及其与铀稀土成矿作用的关系[J]. 地质力学学报,30(1):147−167 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023106
KANG Q Q,CHEN Z L,PAN J Y,et al.,2024. Spatial and temporal distribution, geochemical characteristics of carbonatites and their relationship with U–REE mineralization in the Xiaoqinling area, Shaanxi Province[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,30(1):147−167 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023106
Citation: KANG Q Q,CHEN Z L,PAN J Y,et al.,2024. Spatial and temporal distribution, geochemical characteristics of carbonatites and their relationship with U–REE mineralization in the Xiaoqinling area, Shaanxi Province[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,30(1):147−167 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023106


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023106
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(2017YFC0602205);中国铀业与东华理工大学核资源与环境国家重点实验室联合创新基金项目(NRE2021-01);中陕核工业集团有限公司科技攻关项目(61230101)


  • 中图分类号: P584

Spatial and temporal distribution, geochemical characteristics of carbonatites and their relationship with U–REE mineralization in the Xiaoqinling area, Shaanxi Province

Funds: This research is financially supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (Grant No. 2017YFC0602205), the Joint Innovation Fund of China Uranium Industry and the State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Resources and Environment of Donghua University of Science and Technology (Grant No. NRE2021-01), and the Scientific and Technological Research Project of Sino-Shaanxi Nuclear Industry Group (Grant No. 61230101).
  • 摘要: 碳酸岩作为一种岩浆成因的岩石类型,是铀、稀土等矿产的重要含矿母岩。陕西小秦岭地区广泛分布着碳酸岩,呈大脉状、群脉状、网脉状沿断裂构造侵入太古代变质基底、长城系熊耳群火山沉积岩及蓟县系高山河群碎屑岩中。基于野外穿插关系,结合碳酸岩主要矿物组合特征,将小秦岭碳酸岩划分为5个阶段,由老到新分别为:霓辉石正长岩阶段、霓辉石碳酸岩阶段、钾长石碳酸岩阶段、石英碳酸岩阶段和含沸石碳酸岩阶段,碳酸岩由早期铁碳酸岩向晚期钙碳酸岩演化。在空间上碳酸岩大致以近东西向小河断裂为界,南北部碳酸岩脉的主要类型存在明显的差异;在时间上碳酸岩总体形成于晚三叠世,但不同地段不同类型碳酸岩存在较为明显的时间差异性。碳酸岩地球化学特征显示高硅、富碱、低镁、高钡锶−稀土元素的特征,以及异常高的钾钠比值;CaO含量、TiO2含量、Al2O3含量、铁镁质含量、全碱含量、稀土元素总量及分馏程度均有自早期碳酸岩到晚期碳酸岩逐渐降低的趋势;MnO含量与重稀土元素含量变化相反,且两者呈线性相关特征;与国内其他地区碳酸岩地球化学特征具有明显的差异性。不同类型碳酸岩具有显著的成矿专属性:早期的霓辉石正长岩、霓辉石碳酸岩、钾长石碳酸岩主要富集铀(铌),钾长石碳酸岩还富集钼;晚期的石英碳酸岩主要富集钼、重稀土元素。碳酸岩的侵入致使围岩发生了普遍的霓长岩化作用,由此导致的钾钠元素的迁移可能是碳酸岩成矿专属特征的重要指标和原因。研究结果为小秦岭地区碳酸岩型铀、稀土等多金属矿的区域勘探提供了有价值的信息。


  • 图  1  研究区大地构造位置及地质矿产简图


    Figure  1.  Schematic map of tectonic location and geological and mineral resources in the study area

    (a) Tectonic location map of the study area(modified after Yu et al., 1992); (b) Schematic map of geological and mineral resources in the study area (modified after Wang et al., 1996) I–tectonic boundary; II–regional fault structure; 1–Jixian System; 2–Changchengian System; 3–Proterozoic Tietonggou Fm; 4–Archaeozoic Taihua Group; 5–Cretaceous–Jurassic monzogranite; 6–Cambrian syenite; 7–Mesoproterozoic monzogranite; 8–Paleoproterozoic monzogranite; 9–Paleoproterozoic syenite porphyry; 10–Paleoproterozoic diorite; 11–Archaeozoic Taiyuling−Wengchapu gneiss suite; 12–crustal fault; 13–brittle ductile shear zone/ductile shear zone; 14–regional fault/general fracture; 15–geological boundary; 16–carbonatite; 17–carbonatite-type deposits (mineral occurrences); 18–number of major fractures Number of deposits and mineral occurrences: ①–Huayangchuan U-Nb-Pb deposit; ②–Dashigou Mo deposit; ③–Jialu REE deposit; ④–Songjiagou Mo deposit; ⑤–Taoyuan U-Mo deposit; ⑥–Xigou Pb-Mo deposit; ⑦–Xiaofuyu REE deposit; ⑧–Qinlinggou Mo deposit; ⑨–Wengongling Mo deposit; ⑩–Yuantou W-Mo deposit; ⑪–Shijiawan Mo deposit; ⑫–Biegaizi Mo deposit; ⑬–Tiechagou U occurrences; ⑭–Taiziping REE occurrences Number of fractures: F1–Taiyao fracture; F2–Xiaohe fracture; F3–Qinggangping−Jinduicheng fracture; F4–Huayangchuan fracture

    图  2  小秦岭地区典型碳酸岩矿区地质简图


    Figure  2.  Geological schematic map of typical carbonatite mining areas in the Xiaoqinling area

    (a) Geological schematic map of the Yuantou–Huanglongpu mining area; (b) Geological schematic map of the Jialu mining area; (c) Geological schematic map of the Huayangchuan mining area 1–Quaternary System; 2–Gaoshanhe Group of Changchengian System; 3–Xionger Group of Changchengian System ; 4–Archaeozoic Taihua Group; 5–Cretaceous Shuichigou Cell; 6–Cretaceous Huanggouyu Cell; 7–Cretaceous Xiniuyu Cell; 8–Jurassic Momocha Cell; 9–Jurassic Saihuashan Cell; 10–Mesoproterozoic Hougou Cell; 11–Mesoproterozoic Gangou Cell; 12–Archaeozoic Dayueping gneiss; 13–Archaeozoic Majuyu gneiss; 14–Archaeozoic Houjiacun gneiss; 15–Archaeozoic Dayueping gneiss; 16–granite porphyry; 17–granite pegmatite; 18–biotite amphibolite; 19–aegirite syenite; 20–arfvedsonite syenite; 21–diabase; 22–carbonatite vein; 23–geologic boundary/pulsation boundary; 24–non-integration boundary; 25–faults; 26–presumed faults; 27–carbonatite vein groups; 28–deposit location

    图  3  小秦岭碳酸岩产出特征


    Figure  3.  The occurrence characteristics of carbonatites in Xiaoqinling

    (a–d, g) Photos of Huayangchuan carbonatite, and the surrounding rock is Archean Wujiaping gneiss; (e,h) Photos of Dashigou carbonatite, and the surrounding rock is metamorphic andesite of the Xionger Group; (f) Photos of Taoyuan carbonatite, and the surrounding rock is altered slate of the Gaoshanhe Group

    图  4  小秦岭碳酸岩脉穿插关系素描图


    Figure  4.  Sketch of interpenetrating relationship of carbonatite veins in Xiaoqinling

    (a–c) Sketch map of carbonate vein intrusion relationship in the Huayangchuan area; (d) Sketch map of carbonate vein intrusion relationship in the Dashigou area I–aegirine syenite; II-1–barite-quartz-calcite veins with aegirine and riebeckite; II-2–barite-quartz-calcite veins with aegirine and black mica; III–potassium-feldspar-barite-quartz-calcite veins; IV–barite-quartz-calcite veins; V–zeolite-bearing barite-calcite-quartz veins; ρ–pegmatite; γπ–granite porphyry; bpg–biotite-plagioclase gneiss; mas–metamorphic andesite

    图  5  小秦岭碳酸岩手标本特征及显微特征(单偏光)


    Figure  5.  Characteristics of hand specimens and microscopic characteristics of carbonatites in Xiaoqinling area (plain-polarized)

    (a–e) Characteristics of hand specimens of carbonatites, in order, syenite, aegirine carbonatite, potassium feldspar carbonatite, quartz carbonatite, zeolite-bearing carbonatite; (f–j) Microscopic characteristics of carbonatites, in order, syenite, aegirine carbonatite, potassium feldspar carbonatite, quartz carbonatite, zeolite-bearing carbonatite Agt–aegirine; Kfs–potassium feldspar; Cal–calcite; Brt–baryte; Qz–quartz; Zeo–zeolite; Str–strontianite; Amp–amphibole; Ttm–titanite; Ap–apatite; Mt–magnetite; Bat–betafite; Ga–galena

    图  6  小秦岭地区不同类型碳酸岩常量元素特征图解


    Figure  6.  Characterization diagram of major elements of different types of carbonatites in the Xiaoqinling area

    (a) Plot of CaO vs. SiO2 content of carbonatites; (b) Plot of CaO vs. (Na2O+K2O) content of carbonatites; (c) Plot of Al2O3 vs. (Na2O+K2O) content of carbonatites; (d) Plot of (TFe2O3+MnO) vs.TiO2 content of carbonatites; (e) Plot of LOI vs.CaO content of carbonatites; (f) Plot of MnO vs.CaO content of carbonatites In Fig. a, b and d, the average investment points of Xiaoqinling carbonatite, Bayan Ebo H8 carbonatite, Maoniuping carbonatite, Miaoya carbonatite, world carbonatite and world sedimentary carbonate rock are added.

    图  7  小秦岭碳酸岩MgO–CaO–TFe2O3+MnO岩相分类图解(底图引自Woolley and Kempe, 1989

    Figure  7.  Classification of Xiaoqinling carbonatite phases using the MgO–CaO–TFe2O3 +MnO diagram of Woolley and Kempe (1989)

    图  8  小秦岭地区不同类型碳酸岩稀土元素与常量元素相关性图解

    a—碳酸岩稀土元素总量与MgO含量关系图;b—碳酸岩重稀土元素与MnO含量关系图;c—碳酸岩重稀土元素与CaO含量关系图;d—碳酸岩重稀土元素与SiO2含量关系图;e—碳酸岩 (La/Yb)N与MgO含量关系图;f—碳酸岩(Gd/Yb)N与MnO含量关系图;g—碳酸岩δCe与CaO含量关系图;h—碳酸岩δCe与δEu关系图

    Figure  8.  Correlation diagram of rare earth elements and major elements for different types of carbonatites in the Xiaoqinling area

    (a) Plot of REE vs. MgO content of carbonatites; (b) Plot of HREE vs.MnO content of carbonatites; (c) Plot of HREE vs.CaO content of carbonatites; (d) Plot of HREE vs.SiO2 content of carbonatites; (e) Plot of (La/Yb)N vs. MgO content of carbonatites; (f) Plot of (Gd/Yb)N vs. MnO content of carbonatites; (g) Plot of δCe vs. CaO content of carbonatites; h—Plot of δCe vs. δEu of carbonatites

    图  9  小秦岭碳酸岩稀土元素配分模式(球粒陨石数据引自Sun and McDonough, 1989


    Figure  9.  Chondrite-normalized REE pattern of carbonatite in Xiaoqinling (Chondrite data is cited from Sun and McDonough, 1989 )

    (a) Chondrite-normalized REE pattern of carbonaites in stage I–III; (b) Chondrite-normalized REE pattern of carbonaites in stage IV and V

    图  10  小秦岭碳酸岩年龄分布频率图

    Figure  10.  Age distribution frequency map of carbonate rocks in the Xiaoqinling area

    图  11  小秦岭碳酸岩Sr+Ba–REE分类图(底图引自Samoilov,1991修编)

    Figure  11.  The Sr+Ba–REE classification diagram for Xiaoqinling carbonatites (modified from Samoilov, 1991)

    图  12  小秦岭地区不同类型碳酸岩含矿性差异图解


    Figure  12.  Mineral-bearing difference diagram of different types of carbonatites in Xiaoqinling

    (a) Plot of U vs. Pb content of carbonatites; (b) Plot of U vs. Nb content of carbonatites; (c) Plot of U vs. REE content of carbonatites; (d) Plot of Ba vs. Sr content of carbonatites; (e) Plot of (K2O–Na2O) vs. U content of carbonatites; (f) Plot of (K2O–Na2O) vs.(La/Yb)N of carbonatites

    图  13  霓长岩化围岩SiO2和全碱(Na2O+K2O)含量变化趋势图(数据来自表5)

    Figure  13.  Trends of SiO2 and total alkali (Na2O+K2O) contents in aegirine rocks (data from Table 5)

    表  1  小秦岭地区不同阶段碳酸岩岩矿特征表

    Table  1.   Petromineral characteristics of carbonatite in different stages in the Xiaoqinling area

    霓辉石正长岩(第(I)阶段) 霓辉石正长岩脉、霓辉石正长斑岩脉 华阳川、驾鹿 霓辉石正长岩多呈伟晶状,主要由晶体粗大的霓辉石和钾长石(微斜长石)构成(图5f),局部地段可见霓辉石、微斜长石集中分布于脉体边部或中心,形成不规则的霓辉石条带和微斜长石条带,此外还含有少量的石英、方解石、重晶石及钠铁闪石。霓辉石正长斑岩,斑晶为钾钠长石和霓辉石;基质主要为钾钠长石和霓辉石,此外还含有少量的石英、金云母、碱性闪石和黑云母等 铀、铌、轻稀土
    霓辉石碳酸岩(第(II)阶段) 含霓辉石钠闪石的重晶石石英方解石脉(II-1)、含黑云母及少量霓辉石的重晶石石英方解石脉(II-2) 华阳川、铁岔沟 前者主要矿物成为方解石、霓辉石、石英,其次为微斜长石、重晶石(天青石)、铁白云石以及少量的钠闪石。部分具有明显的分带特征,方解石主要位于脉壁,霓辉石、重晶石、微斜长石、石英多呈不规则团块状位于中心部分(图3d),亦有发现霓辉石等暗色位于脉壁,而方解石等浅色矿物位于中心部分的现象(图3g);无明显分带特征者脉内霓辉石呈自形程度较好的大团块状分布(图5b)。后者主要矿物为石英、方解石、重晶石及少量的霓辉石、黑云母;该脉较前者相比以含量较多的自形程度较好的黑云母为特征,且霓辉石等暗色矿物总体含量明显减少,浅色矿物石英、方解石的含量明显增加。脉体无分带特征,矿物多呈不规则团块状杂乱分布(图5g) 铀、铌、铅、轻稀土
    钾长石碳酸岩(第(III)阶段) 含重晶石(钡天青石)钾长石石英锰方解石脉、含重晶石方解石的长石石英脉 文公岭、上河、大石沟、宋家沟、驾鹿、西沟、塬头,华阳川少量 主要成分为钾长石、锰方解石、石英、重晶石(天青石),不含霓辉石等暗色矿物,具有伟晶状结构(图3h,图5c、5h)。西沟地区和桃园地区的该类碳酸岩脉中方解石一般含量少于石英和钾长石,局部地段还形成几乎不含方解石的长石石英脉 铀、铌、铅、钼、稀土
    石英碳酸岩阶段(第(IV)阶段) 含重晶石(天青石)石英方解石脉、方解石石英脉 华阳川、西沟、文公岭、上河、大石沟、宋家沟、驾鹿 主要矿物为方解石和石英,其次为重晶石或钡天青石,部分含少量的微斜长石,极少含有暗色矿物(图5d、5i)。部分脉体可见矿物分带现象,多形成石英的内带和方解石、重晶石的外带(图3c)。不同地段主要矿物石英和方解石的含量差别比较大,局部地段发育仅有少量方解石的石英脉,亦发现仅有少量石英的方解石脉 钼、铅、重
    含沸石碳酸岩(第(V)阶段) 含沸石重晶石方解石石英脉 华阳川、铁岔沟、西沟、大石沟 主要矿物为石英、方解石和沸石,其次为重晶石(天青石),脉体内沸石和天青石多在晶洞处发育自形程度较好的晶体,同时该类型脉体内还多发育针状的菱锶矿和片状方解石,未见有暗色矿物霓辉石、黑云母及长石等(图5e、5j)
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    表  2  小秦岭地区碳酸岩常量元素及成矿元素组成

    Table  2.   The major element composition and metallogenic elements of carbonatites in Xiaoqinling

    1 华阳川 HY-14 II-1 含霓辉石方解石石英脉 20.47 0.18 0.48 9.36 0.89 1.72 34.95 1.96 0.20 0.15 25.18 95.54 7208.24 1405.67 2339.22 1549.37 1506.98 文中
    2 HY-15 IV 方解石石英脉 50.60 0.01 0.03 0.76 0.44 0.14 25.72 0.03 0.03 0.02 20.50 98.28 5530.99 4.48 1401.22 68.96 4.68
    3 HY-16 IV 含重晶石方解石石英脉 0.42 0.02 0.05 1.05 1.44 0.57 50.55 0.03 0.03 0.04 42.06 96.26 8612.08 8.92 1421.39 928.99 13.76
    4 HY-17 II-2 含黑云母霓辉石方解石石英脉 11.17 0.39 2.26 6.24 1.08 4.13 37.79 0.07 1.56 0.22 29.40 94.31 6110.52 436.36 766.49 1205.44 421.85
    5 HY-18 III 含钾长石石英锰方解石脉 11.65 0.07 2.54 1.38 1.15 0.58 39.60 0.11 2.00 0.12 33.21 92.41 11504.62 640.57 7679.19 5471.90 671.15
    6 HY-19 II-1 含重晶石霓辉石方解石石英脉 32.95 0.20 3.49 9.99 0.24 1.74 10.61 0.38 2.23 0.43 5.94 68.20 40679.00 397.17 12203.75 26448.17 666.07
    7 H1 II 碳酸岩 17.52 0.6 3.97 8.49 1.01 4.73 33.67 0.09 3.29 0.42 26.23 100.02 6966 780 2155 343 1110 惠小朝,2014
    8 H37 III 碳酸岩 36.06 0.14 8.25 3.7 0.59 1.32 21.4 0.46 5.98 0.5 17.61 96.01 7406 893 0 585 1392
    9 H38 I 碳酸岩(霓辉石正长岩) 63.45 0.49 13.71 4.74 0.09 1.02 2.86 2.97 7.26 0.36 2.51 99.46 1071 645 7398 664 860
    10 HYC-01 II 含霓辉石碳酸岩 14.86 0.16 3.46 3.1 0.75 0.46 32.02 0.51 2.06 0.15 26.76 84.29 21337 1629 24034 7389 1715 黄卉,2020
    11 HYC-28 II 含霓辉石碳酸岩 61.31 0.92 3.44 12.65 0.33 5.81 6.94 0.39 0.98 0.16 2.02 94.95 1104 5779 299 78.90 6719
    12 17KD-2 IV 重晶石碳酸岩 47.59 0.03 0.3 1.48 0.5 0.42 22.7 0.11 0.11 0.01 18.11 91.36 14501 22.80 18415 1351 22.70
    13 17KD-3 V 含沸石碳酸岩脉 79.82 0.02 1.52 1.05 0.13 0.21 6.14 0.1 1.11 0.02 5.32 95.44 7886 17 10876 2606 26.30
    14 驾鹿  JL-06 III 钾长石石英方解石脉 61.80 0.14 9.15 1.51 0.72 0.22 9.09 0.10 7.02 0.10 8.21 98.05 746.25 14.42 3187.87 57.39 6.53 文中
    15 JL-07 IV 锰方解石脉 0.19 0.00 0.18 0.66 4.49 1.16 48.32 0.05 0.02 0.00 41.70 96.77 4995.34 0.07 524.06 67.38 0.62
    16 XI01-1 IV 锰方解石脉 42.81 0.04 1.62 1.31 2.41 3.14 23.83 0.11 1.01 0.04 21.78 98.10 贾鸿涛,
    17 大石沟 DSG 004 IV 蚀变方解石碳酸岩脉 5.42 0.05 0.15 1.12 2.16 0.63 46.16 0.03 0.13 0.09 36.33 92.28 >10000 44 14230 19 59 Delia Cangelosi,
    18 DSG 436 IV 蚀变方解石碳酸岩脉 6.61 < 0.01 0.05 0.76 2.23 0.49 48.34 0.04 0.04 < 0.01 38.43 97 6094 11 391 7210 9
    19 DSG 006 IV 蚀变方解石碳酸岩脉 13.41 0.01 0.2 1.96 2.51 0.41 44.73 0.03 0.14 < 0.01 34.11 97.51 4472 17 1551 46 1
    小秦岭碳酸岩平均   碳酸岩 30.43 0.18 2.89 3.75 1.22 1.52 28.71 0.40 1.85 0.15 9234.67 708.08 6168.41 由上述平均
    白云鄂博碳酸岩H8   碳酸岩 0.80 0.05 0.11 9.31 1.52 14.48 25.16 0.25 0.02 1.38 1550.00 257.50 1005.00 王希斌,2002
    牦牛坪碳酸岩     碳酸岩 2.920 0.001 0.126 0.463 0.685 0.151 55.013 0.064 0.035 0.001 12390.00 0.097 980.38 许成等,2002
    庙垭碳酸岩      碳酸岩 4.420 0.170 1.660 5.27 1.060 3.330 41.990 0.220 0.570 1.640 5330.00 821.74 718.00 李石,1980
    世界碳酸岩平均    碳酸岩 9.58 0.65 2.9 8.7 0.72 6.69 34.06 1.02 1.47 1.86 6853.00 782.00 3581.00 Hyndman,
    世界沉积碳酸盐岩平均 碳酸盐岩 5.14 0.07 0.4 0.49 0.14 7.79 42.3 0.03 0.16 0.05 592.00 0.20 8.95
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    表  3  小秦岭碳酸岩稀土元素组成(×10−6

    Table  3.   The REE composition of carbonatites in Xiaoqinling(×10−6

    1 HY-14 华阳川 II-1 含霓辉石方
    239.06 567.68 71.74 284.50 55.75 14.47 43.42 5.57 30.58 5.92 17.93 2.70 20.02 3.01 183.42 1233.20 312.57 3.95 1545.77 2.77 1.79 8.57 0.90 1.06 文中
    2 HY-15 IV 方解石石英脉 157.93 381.67 48.13 197.70 40.25 10.40 33.31 4.20 23.31 4.49 13.11 1.89 13.27 1.82 139.85 836.08 235.25 3.55 1071.33 2.53 2.08 8.54 0.87 1.07
    3 HY-16 IV 含重晶石方
    339.05 731.84 86.64 335.17 72.57 19.22 69.79 9.94 58.75 11.74 34.42 5.57 39.29 5.86 377.07 1584.49 612.43 2.59 2196.93 3.02 1.47 6.19 0.83 1.05
    4 HY-17 II-2 含黑云母霓辉石
    1373.24 2282.21 205.53 637.35 88.76 21.27 73.62 9.78 56.78 11.19 33.63 5.24 36.01 5.32 357.85 4608.36 589.42 7.82 5197.78 9.99 1.69 27.36 0.80 1.05
    5 HY-18 III 含钾长石方
    840.94 1398.78 131.57 407.09 58.33 13.89 46.53 6.00 35.98 7.66 24.06 4.03 29.86 4.58 249.50 2851.60 408.20 6.98 3258.80 9.31 1.29 20.20 0.82 1.03
    6 HY-19 II-1 含重晶石霓辉石
    283.44 312.15 31.24 118.51 24.58 9.32 19.59 2.45 13.90 2.52 7.08 1.12 9.46 1.91 71.54 779.24 129.57 6.01 908.80 7.44 1.71 21.49 1.30 0.81
    7 H1 II 碳酸岩 2796.00 4655.00 349.00 1103.00 118.00 25.80 98.60 10.80 52.00 10.10 28.40 4.98 34.40 4.93 268.00 9046.80 512.21 17.66 9559.01 15.30 2.37 58.30 0.73 1.16 惠小朝,
    8 H37 III 碳酸岩 2784.00 4140.00 335.00 1045.00 105.00 22.40 73.80 7.11 29.70 5.52 17.30 2.59 18.40 2.71 147.00 8431.40 304.13 27.72 8735.53 17.12 3.32 108.53 0.78 1.05
    9 H38 I 碳酸岩(霓辉
    551.00 918.00 104.00 324.00 37.40 9.09 24.00 2.34 9.79 1.67 4.61 0.62 3.93 0.49 40.00 1943.49 87.45 22.22 2030.94 9.51 5.05 100.57 0.93 0.94
    10 HYC-01 II 含霓辉石
    335.00 623.00 74.40 300.00 55.60 15.10 36.90 4.32 22.60 4.27 12.80 1.96 14.00 2.08 134.00 1403.10 232.93 6.02 1636.03 3.89 2.18 17.16 1.02 0.97 黄卉等,
    11 HYC-28 II 含霓辉石
    1574.00 2630.00 251.00 770.00 100.00 18.00 57.10 7.03 34.60 5.36 14.40 1.78 11.20 1.73 118.00 5343.00 251.20 21.27 5594.20 10.16 4.22 100.81 0.73 1.03
    12 17KD-2 IV 重晶石
    200.00 350.00 42.80 166.00 29.50 9.21 24.40 3.13 17.60 3.64 10.90 1.75 12.40 1.84 119.00 797.51 194.66 4.10 992.17 4.38 1.63 11.57 1.05 0.93
    13 17KD-3 V 含沸石碳
    65.00 88.40 10.00 37.70 6.34 2.51 5.37 0.61 3.42 0.67 2.07 0.32 2.43 0.41 23.90 209.95 39.20 5.36 249.15 6.62 1.83 19.19 1.32 0.85
    14 HYC-1 II 含霓辉石石
    580.00 1159.00 104.00 337.00 44.30 10.50 37.20 4.91 25.70 5.00 15.60 2.67 18.00 2.76 166.00 2234.80 277.84 8.04 2512.64 8.45 1.71 23.11 0.79 1.16 康清清等,
    15 HYC-2 II 含霓辉石石
    1228.00 2325.00 199.00 613.00 68.70 14.40 55.60 5.85 27.10 5.13 16.40 2.69 18.40 2.86 162.00 4448.10 296.03 15.03 4744.13 11.54 2.50 47.87 0.71 1.15
    16 JL-1 驾鹿 IV 石英方
    238.91 493.67 52.42 174.60 58.81 24.10 58.69 13.16 64.19 13.26 44.98 9.38 52.34 7.76 431.64 1042.51 695.42 1.50 1737.93 2.62 0.93 3.27 1.25 1.08 康清清等,
    17 JL-2 IV 石英方
    276.94 536.71 62.60 221.90 69.07 24.27 69.15 13.92 71.07 15.85 48.50 8.57 51.40 7.97 461.34 1191.50 747.76 1.59 1939.26 2.59 1.11 3.86 1.07 1.00
    18 JL-3 IV 石英方
    185.81 345.37 39.14 165.63 52.83 18.23 63.47 10.87 75.74 14.39 45.18 8.26 54.65 7.12 546.86 807.00 826.55 0.98 1633.55 2.27 0.96 2.44 0.96 0.99
    19 JL-06 III 钾长石石英
    579.33 1062.66 104.36 342.57 54.60 11.27 31.97 3.66 22.67 4.24 12.02 1.98 13.98 1.65 157.88 2154.80 250.05 8.62 2404.85 6.85 1.89 29.72 0.83 1.06 文中
    20 JL-07 IV 锰方解石脉 74.94 239.17 37.43 194.88 82.87 25.64 102.70 18.32 124.04 24.80 72.27 12.91 84.89 10.31 930.90 654.90 1381.14 0.47 2036.08 0.58 1.00 0.63 0.85 1.11
    21 DSG 004 黄龙铺
    IV 蚀变方解石
    531.00 867.00 80.00 271.00 48.00 15.00 50.00 8.00 51.00 11.00 37.00 6.00 43.00 7.00 437.00 1812.0 650.00 2.79 2462.00 7.14 0.96 8.86 0.94 1.03 Cangelosi
    et al,,
    22 DSG 436 IV 蚀变方解石
    148.00 385.00 51.00 223.00 61.00 18.00 66.00 11.00 67.00 14.00 47.00 8.00 57.00 9.00 472.00 886.0 751.00 1.18 1637.00 1.57 0.96 1.86 0.87 1.09
    23 DSG 006 IV 蚀变方解石
    179.00 422.00 52.00 218.00 46.00 14.00 44.00 7.00 40.00 9.00 29.00 5.00 38.00 6.00 348.00 931.00 526.00 1.77 1457.00 2.51 0.96 3.38 0.95 1.07
    24 HD80-11 IV 石英方
    195.00 500.00 70.20 275.00 58.70 16.60 52.30 7.40 41.90 11.00 33.20 4.50 43.90 4.90 295.00 1115.50 494.10 2.26 1609.60 2.14 0.99 3.19 0.92 1.05 黄典豪等,
    25 HD81-21 IV 石英方
    450.00 1150.00 137.50 575.00 118.80 30.00 93.00 11.30 78.40 13.40 38.40 6.10 43.90 5.10 375.00 2461.30 664.60 3.70 3125.90 2.45 1.75 7.35 0.87 1.13
    26 HD81-95 IV 石英方
    456.00 1184.00 162.80 677.90 147.70 36.38 106.70 13.90 76.20 18.70 39.70 6.70 42.90 5.90 418.80 266478 729.50 3.65 3394.28 1.99 2.06 7.62 0.89 1.07
    27 HD81-48 IV 石英方
    219.90 578.70 79.00 333.40 81.10 22.10 76.60 11.50 68.90 19.60 47.50 8.60 58.40 8.70 486.10 1314.20 785.90 1.67 2100.10 1.75 1.09 2.70 0.86 1.08
    28 HD81-25 IV 石英方
    408.60 909.00 112.60 438.90 93.20 23.30 72.10 9.60 58.30 15.30 35.30 6.20 41.40 5.80 361.70 1985.60 605.70 3.28 2591.30 2.83 1.44 7.08 0.87 1.04
    29 HLP-1 黄龙铺
    IV 石英方
    220.00 516.00 47.90 200.00 41.70 11.30 38.00 5.72 34.30 8.28 28.60 4.86 35.30 5.55 365.00 1036.90 525.60 1.97 1562.51 3.41 0.89 4.47 0.87 1.23 许成等,
    30 HLP-2 IV 石英方
    147.00 466.00 46.00 199.00 42.90 11.30 38.90 5.59 33.50 7.92 26.30 4.48 32.30 5.02 339.00 912.20 493.00 1.85 1405.21 2.21 1.00 3.26 1.22 1.39
    31 HLP-3 IV 石英方
    130.00 445.00 46.10 210.00 58.20 17.90 61.20 11.30 77.40 19.20 67.30 11.80 86.00 13.30 841.00 907.20 1188.50 0.76 2095.70 1.44 0.59 1.08 0.92 1.41
    32 HLP-4 IV 石英方
    279.00 764.00 76.90 336.00 71.90 18.60 60.70 8.80 49.60 10.90 34.20 5.23 34.70 4.82 426.00 1546.40 635.00 2.44 2181.35 2.51 1.45 5.77 0.86 1.28
    33 HLP-5 IV 石英方
    140.00 516.00 53.20 240.00 60.10 17.20 56.80 9.48 59.70 13.60 44.90 7.52 53.00 8.11 589.00 1026.50 842.10 1.22 1868.61 1.50 0.89 1.89 0.90 1.47
    34 HLP-6 IV 石英方
    186.00 527.00 52.40 230.00 50.90 13.50 45.50 6.84 41.60 9.73 32.90 5.47 37.90 5.61 421.00 1059.80 606.60 1.75 1666.35 2.36 0.99 3.52 0.86 1.31
    白云鄂博H8碳酸岩 18400.00 28300.00 2000.00 6200.00 436.50 88.50 644.50 38.50 168.00 7.00 37.00 0.75 7.00 1.50 130.00 55425.00 1034.25 53.32 56459.25 27.21 76.17 1885.47 0.51 0.94 王希斌,
    牦牛坪碳酸岩   627.38 1329.75 133.34 525.75 78.73 17.26 54.70 6.27 29.35 4.96 15.03 1.90 12.28 1.51 145.50 2712.20 271.49 9.96 2983.69 5.14 3.69 36.66 0.76 1.07 许成等,
    黄水庵碳酸岩   151.17 346.17 36.55 133.58 27.20 7.45 21.63 3.04 18.77 4.40 15.52 2.33 17.65 2.53 181.67 702.12 267.54 2.59 969.65 3.59 1.01 6.14 0.91 1.11 曹晶,
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    表  4  小秦岭地区碳酸岩测年数据统计表

    Table  4.   Statistical table of carbonatite dating data in the Xiaoqinling area

    华阳川铀铌铅矿 碳酸岩 204~206 K–Ar 钾长石 邱家骧等,1993
    华阳川铀铌铅矿 碳酸岩 181 K–Ar 金云母 喻学惠,1992
    华阳川铀铌铅矿 碳酸岩 222.5±6.7 U–Pb 独居石 王佳营等,2020
    华阳川铀铌铅矿 碳酸岩 200±2.9 U–Pb 榍石 Zheng,et al.,2020
    华阳川铀铌铅矿 碳酸岩 218.7±1.7 U–Pb 独居石 黄卉等,2020
    华阳川铀铌铅矿 碳酸岩 229±3 U–Pb 锆石 Xue,et al.2020
    华阳川铀铌铅矿 碳酸岩 200.6±3.3 U–Th–Pb 晶质铀矿 高龙刚等,2019
    华阳川铀铌铅矿 碳酸岩 230 U–Pb 锆石 陈华勇等,2018
    塬头钨钼矿 碳酸岩 225.0±7.6 Re–Os 辉钼矿 Song et al.,2015
    黄龙铺大石沟钼矿 碳酸岩 221 Re–Os 辉钼矿 黄典豪等,1994
    黄龙铺大石沟钼矿 碳酸岩 221.5 Re–Os 辉钼矿 Stein et al,1997
    黄龙铺大石沟钼矿 碳酸岩 221±8.4 Re–Os 辉钼矿 王佳营等,2020
    黄龙铺大石沟钼矿 碳酸岩 223±1 U–Pb 晶质铀矿 黄广文等,2022
    黄龙铺秦岭沟钼矿 碳酸岩 207±11 U–Pb 独居石 王佳营等,2020
    西沟铅钼矿 碳酸岩 212.4±2.8 Re-Os 辉钼矿 袁海潮等,2014
    西沟铅钼矿 碳酸岩 224.6±9.1 Re-Os 辉钼矿 杜芷葳等,2020
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    表  5  碳酸岩围岩主量元素变化

    Table  5.   Variation of major elements in the surrounding rocks of carbonatites

    WJP-1黑云斜长片麻岩43.482.2214.2213.960.225.386.084.36 4.280.39 4.1098.68 8.63文中
    WJP-2黑云斜长片麻岩44.412.2914.5613.950.195.435.324.40 4.320.40 3.4798.74 8.72
    区域武家坪黑云斜长片麻岩均值62.490.5814.57 5.780.113.435.484.15 1.970.16    6.12王北颖等,1996
    (1)变安山岩51.211.4 15.9 0.880.4294.88 6.03王绪现,1986
    54.821.2914.4710.780.163.8 4.4 4 2.753.33  99.8 6.75
    (3)黑云母−钾石化安山岩51.421.8212.78 9.310.153.043.580.3510.110.38  92.9410.46
    DSG437f霓长岩化蚀变岩(近脉)46.961.5012.4310.190.252.968.240.1710.650.57 5.1799.0910.82Cangelosi et al., 2020
    区域熊耳群上岩性段变质火山熔岩均值50.3 1.7713.5813.120.196.7 5 1.32 2.870.48 4.19王北颖等,1996
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