Ore-controlling rules of fault structures in the Wangjiaping gold deposit in Shanyang County, Shaanxi Province
摘要: 陕西山阳王家坪金矿是南秦岭地区新发现的卡林型金矿床,受构造控制明显,矿化蚀变发育。该矿区位于龙头沟背斜北翼,馒头山—大坪—银花河断裂F2及其次级断裂F2-1贯穿全区,矿体赋存于其南侧次级层间断裂内。在野外地质调查与划分成矿期次的基础上,梳理了构造类型及其特征,总结了构造控矿规律,提出了找矿方向。研究表明,该矿床的形成经历了3期,其中热液成矿期中的石英硫化物阶段是主要成矿阶段。梳理出该矿床东西向、北东向、北西向和近南北向向4组断裂构造,其中,东西向构造是主要的含矿断裂,具有导矿和储矿的作用,是印支期造山过程的产物;北东、北西和近南北向构造,叠加于东西向构造之上,与燕山期以来主要构造活动有关,虽然对矿体具有破坏作用,但有利于隐伏矿体次生氧化富集;高品位的主矿体正位于东西向构造和北东、北西等构造组成的"井"字型构造中部;Ⅱ号矿体具有明显的向西侧伏特征,计算侧伏角约36°。F2断裂及其南侧次级层间断裂(如F2-1断裂)、Ⅲ号矿体深部和Ⅱ号矿体侧伏方向具有较大找矿潜力,是进一步找矿的首要地段。Abstract: The Wangjiaping gold deposit in Shanyang County, Shaanxi province, is a newly discovered carlin-type gold deposit in the southern Qinling orogeny, characterized by obvious ore-controlling structure and developed mineralization and alteration. The mining area is located in the north wing of the Longtougou anticline. The Mantoushan-Daping-Yinghuahe fault F2 and its secondary fault F2-1 run through the whole area, and the ore body occurs in the south of the secondary interbedded fault. Based on the field survey and the classification of metallogenic periods, the tectonic types and their characteristics were sorted out, the tectonic ore-controlling rules were summarized, and the prospecting direction was proposed. Three periods about the ore-forming processes have been identified based on the detail petrography observation. The quartz-sulfides stage is the major ore-forming stage. Four trends of faults have been discovered in the Wangjiaping deposit. It is believed that the EW-trend fault was the main ore-bearing structure formed at Indosinian period, which also acted as the major ore-transmitting structure. The other trends of faults, including NE, NW and near SN-trend ones, were formed at Yanshanian Period, obviously cutting and shifting the ore bodies. The "#"-type structure formed by the NE, NW and EW-trend structures promoted the oxidation enrichment of the ore bodies, leading to the rich orebodies. Based on the study of ore-forming tectonic system of the deposit, the regularity of lateral prostration was discovered firstly, and the plunge angle is about 36° according to the calculation. The fault F2 and its secondary faults (e.g.F2-1) in the south, the deep part of orebody Ⅲ and the lateral direction area of orebody Ⅱ have great prospecting potential, and they are the primary areas for further prospecting.
图 2 王家坪金矿矿区构造简图(据刘新伟等,2016a修改)
1—馒头山组微晶灰岩;2—星红铺组薄层灰岩夹钙质板岩;3—星红铺组钙质板岩夹灰岩;4—星红铺组钙质板岩;5—断裂带;6—断层及其编号;7—地质界线;8—探矿坑道;9—矿化蚀变带;10—金矿体;11—沟系; 12—勘探线及编号
Figure 2. Simplified geologic and tectonic map of the Wangjiaping gold deposit(modified after Liu et al., 2016a)
表 1 王家坪金矿区东西向断裂构造角砾岩分析结果(×10-6)
Table 1. Trace elements concentrations in the EW faults in the Wangjiaping gold deposit(×10-6)
样号 Cu Pb Zn W Mo As Sb Bi Hg Ag Au* wy01 24.2 35.3 43.8 2.00 2.57 30.9 4.66 0.39 0.499 0.23 9.22 wy02 11.6 20.2 18.5 0.69 2.27 18.6 1.63 0.10 0.097 0.05 3.33 wy03 65.5 14.1 15.1 0.94 1.50 39.6 5.25 0.07 0.102 0.08 5.94 wy04 8.82 16.7 17.8 0.68 1.84 15.7 0.81 0.09 0.064 0.03 2.53 wy05 20.4 22.1 41.4 1.28 5.56 17.2 1.73 0.36 0.108 0.10 3.51 wy06 15.5 21.2 31.2 1.46 15.7 210 6.16 0.12 0.110 0.04 8.26 wy07 16.5 10.9 93.3 5.58 1.81 29.6 1.13 0.13 0.038 0.04 2.75 *单位为×10-9;测试单位:有色金属西北矿产地质测试中心,采用ICP-MS测试。 -
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