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刘晓春 赵越 王伟 陈龙耀 郑光高 刘健 王亚飞 任留东

刘晓春, 赵越, 王伟, 等, 2021. 东南极古陆核的研究现状、问题与设想. 地质力学学报, 27 (5): 691-704. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.05.057
引用本文: 刘晓春, 赵越, 王伟, 等, 2021. 东南极古陆核的研究现状、问题与设想. 地质力学学报, 27 (5): 691-704. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.05.057
LIU Xiaochun, ZHAO Yue, WANG Wei, et al., 2021. Ancient cratonic nuclei in East Antarctica: Research status, problems and prospects. Journal of Geomechanics, 27 (5): 691-704. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.05.057
Citation: LIU Xiaochun, ZHAO Yue, WANG Wei, et al., 2021. Ancient cratonic nuclei in East Antarctica: Research status, problems and prospects. Journal of Geomechanics, 27 (5): 691-704. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.05.057


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.05.057

国家自然科学基金项目 41941004


    刘晓春(1962-), 男, 研究员, 从事岩石学研究。E-mail: liuxchqw@cags.ac.cn; liuxchqw@cags.ac.cn

  • 中图分类号: P728.2;P313.2

Ancient cratonic nuclei in East Antarctica: Research status, problems and prospects


the National Natural Sciences Foundation of China 41941004

  • 摘要: 东南极地盾(克拉通)中的太古宙陆核主要分布在面向印度洋扇区的内皮尔山、南查尔斯王子山、赖于尔群岛和西福尔丘陵,在面向澳大利亚、非洲和太平洋扇区只零星出露。这些古陆核被早元古代—早古生代(泛非期)造山带所分割,它们具有不同的早期演化历史和后期改造过程,并且产于不同扇区的陆核与相邻冈瓦纳陆块具有密切的亲缘关系。对东南极古陆核开展系统的冰上和冰下地质调查以及岩石地球化学综合研究,查明太古宙岩石(物质)的时空分布、岩石成因、源区性质、构造属性及其变质改造历史,进而构建东南极古大陆从初始成核到最终聚陆的历史框架,这将弥补地球早期演化研究领域的南极短板,同时也必将促进地球早期演化研究领域的发展。


  • 图  1  东南极与冈瓦纳相邻陆块在~500 Ma的重建简图(据Harley et al., 2013修改)


    Figure  1.  Simplified map showing the reconstruction of Antarctica and adjacent areas of Gondwana at ~500 Ma (modified after Harley et al., 2013)

    AF-Albany-Fraser Orogen; AM-Amundsen Province; AP-Antarctic Peninsula; BH-Bunger Hills; BK-Bundelkhand Craton; BS-Bastar Craton; CB-Coompana Block; CD-central Dronning Maud Land; CG-Congo Craton; CH-Chatham Rise; CITZ-central Indian Tectonic Zone; CK-Choma-Kalomo Block; CL-Coats Land; CM-Campbell Plateau; CP-Cape Fold Belt; CPR-Capricorn Orogen; DG-Denman Glacier; DM-Damara Orogen; DO-Delamerian Orogen; DW-Dharwar Craton; EG-Eastern Ghats Belt; EWM-Ellsworth-Whitmore Mountains Block; FM-Falkland-Malvinas Plateau; G-Grunehogna Craton; GM-Grove Mountains; GSM-Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains; GW-Gawler Craton; IR-Irumide Orogen; KH-Kalahari Craton; KB-Kibaran Orogen; LB-Lurio Belt; LF-Lufilian Arc; LH-Lützow-Holm Complex; LC-Lachlan Orogen; MD-Madagascar; MR-Miller Range; MZ-Mozambique Orogen; N-Napier Complex; NA-North Australian Craton; NE-New England Orogen; NH-Northampton Complex; NN-Namaqua-Natal Orogen; NPC-northern Prince Charles Mountains; NV-northern Victoria Land terranes; NZ-New Zealand; PAT-Patagonia; PB-Prydz Bay; PJ-Pinjarra Orogen; PL-Pilbara Craton; PM-Petermann Orogen; PT-Paterson Orogen; RG-Rauer Group; RO-Ross Orogen; RS-Ross Province; RY-Rayner Complex; SG-Southern Granulite Terrane; SI-Singhbhum Craton; SK-Shackleton Range; SP-South Pole; SPC-southern Prince Charles Mountains; SR-Sør Rondane Mountains; STR-South Tasman Rise; T-Tasmania; TA-Terre Adélie; TH-Thomson Orogen; TIB-Thurston Island Block; TZ-Tanzania Craton; VH-Vestfold Hills; VSH-Vostok Subglacial Highlands; WD-western Dronning Maud Land; WI-Windmill Islands; YG-Yilgarn Craton; ZM-Zambezi Orogen

    图  2  东南极主要古陆核的地质事件时空演化图解

    Figure  2.  Temporal and spatial diagram showing geological events in ancient cratonic nuclei in East Antarctica

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