Characteristics and evolution process of the ridge-groove sequence of the Jiulongtan glacial accumulation in Mengshan, Shandong: with the discussion on the difference of accumulation sequence of glacier and debris flow
摘要: 中国东部中低山区是否存在第四纪冰川已经争议了一个世纪,作为东部地区冰川堆积重要依据的"泥砾"(冰碛),一直被持非冰川观点者称作是泥石流沉积物。但是,由于冰川与泥石流的堆积过程之间存在本质差别,这必然在堆积体的特征上表现出专属性差异。因此建立冰川与泥石流在堆积特征与堆积过程上的专属性差异,在冰碛物的成因分析、冰碛堆积过程恢复上就有着重要意义。文章在对比分析了冰川堆积与泥石流堆积的过程差异的基础上,发现两类堆积体在平面与剖面上都存在明确的专属性差别。冰川冰碛在平面上形成专属性的垄槽序列,剖面上显示为无层理、混杂堆积状态。泥石流形成堆积扇,扇面上呈放射状垄岗堆积,剖面上表现为韵律序列。这是区别冰川与泥石流堆积体的本质所在。在此基础上,对蒙山九龙潭一带混杂堆积体进行调查与恢复,发现其具有典型的冰川成因垄槽序列特征,结合其剖面上表现为无层理、混杂堆积特征,从沉积序列与沉积过程的角度,佐证了蒙山九龙潭混杂堆积为第四纪冰川作用的事实。垄槽序列既是堆积物是否为冰川作用属性判断的专属性特征,也是恢复冰碛堆积体基本地貌特征与堆积过程的理论基础。Abstract: The existence of Quaternary glaciers in the medium-low mountainous areas in the east of China has been disputed for a century. As an important evidence for glacial accumulation in the east, "mud-gravel" (moraine) has long been referred to as debris flow sediments by those who hold a non-glacial view. However, due to the essential difference of the accumulation process between glacier and debris flow, it would inevitably show specific differences in the characteristics of the accumulation body. Therefore, in the cause analysis of moraine and restoration of moraine accumulation process, it is of great significance to identifying and summarizing the specific differences between glacier and debris flow in accumulation characteristics and accumulation process. Based on the comparative analysis, it reveals that, the glacial moraine forms a specific ridge-groove sequence on the plane, and on the section it shows a state of unstratified and mixed accumulation; Debris flow forms an accumulation fan. The fan surface presents a radial ridge accumulation, and the section shows a prosodic sequence. This is what distinguishes glacier from debris flow deposit. On this basis, the diamictons in the Jiulongtan area were investigated and reconstructed. It is found that they have the typical ridge-groove sequence of glacial origin, and meanwhile they present a state of unstratified and mixed accumulation on the section, which proves they are the results of Quaternary glaciation. The ridge-groove sequence is not only the specific feature to judge whether the diamictons are the results of glaciation, but also the theoretical basis to restore the basic geomorphological features and accumulation process of moraine deposits.
Key words:
- moraine ridge /
- edge groove /
- ridge-groove sequence /
- diamicton /
- debris flow
图 1 雄古冰川垄槽序列与古乡泥石流堆积扇特征
Figure 1. Ridge-groove sequence of the Xionggu Glacier and characteristics of the debris flow accumulation fan in Guxiang
图 2 泥石流与冰碛堆积体的剖面特征
a—云南小江粘-稀性泥石流堆积剖面照片(杜榕桓等,1987);b—泥石流堆积体剖面韵律素描图(A为砂、砾石、粘土的混合层;B为大砾石组成的石线;C为清砂或粘土层,最厚仅十几厘米;熊黑钢,1983);c—新疆奎屯河源稀性泥石流显示的粒序垂向变化(邓养鑫,1995);d—新疆奎屯河源粘性泥石流剖面(E为表砾层;F为主流体层;G为底泥层;邓养鑫,1995);e—美国南乔治亚州诺登斯克冰川中融出的泥沙、砾石在冰川边缘地带正在形成冰碛混杂堆积体(Benn and Evans, 2010);f—喜马拉雅山北麓聂聂雄拉冰期命名地的冰碛混杂堆积剖面
Figure 2. Sectional characteristics of the debris flows and moraine deposits
表 1 蒙山九龙潭冰川系统冰碛宇生核素测年结果(王照波等,2018b)
Table 1. Dating results of CRN from glacial till in Mengshan (Wang et al., 2018b)
样品编号 采样位置 纬度(N) 经度(E) 海拔/m 年龄/ka QR01 清荣峡谷 35.5° 117.8° 752 5.27±0.9 表 2 蒙山九龙潭冰川系统冰碛光释光测年结果
Table 2. OSL dating results of the Jiulongtan moraine
样品编号 采样位置 纬度(N) 经度(E) U/(μg/g) Th/(μg/g) K/% 质量含水量/% 等效剂量/Gy 年龄/ka GL01 西Ⅱ道垄 35°31′52″ 117°49′42″ 1.27 9.58 1.96 22.59 >447.7 >129.2 GL02 西Ⅲ道垄 35°31′54″ 117°49′50″ 1.09 8.36 1.88 21.64 215.4 67.4±8.5 GL03 东Ⅰ道垄 35°31′52″ 117°49′56″ 1.45 9.37 1.95 17.25 >429.5 >121.6 GL04 东Ⅲ道垄 35°31′45″ 117°49′46″ 1.48 9.10 1.86 28.58 >371.7 >111.0 SX01 生肖广场 35°31′47″ 117°49′33″ 2.32 8.28 2.22 4.47 / / SX02 生肖广场 35°33′47″ 117°49′33″ 2.38 8.26 2.20 7.35 / / ST01 寿桃石上边 35°31′51″ 117°49′40″ 2.40 9.19 2.10 10.89 >360.0 >88.3 测试单位:自然资源部海洋地质实验检测中心 -
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