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王建国 周晓峰 唐海忠 魏军 韩小松 郭伟

王建国, 周晓峰, 唐海忠, 等, 2021. 基于星点状方解石胶结与溶解的识别查明砂岩粒间孔隙类型——以雅布赖盆地新河组砂岩为例. 地质力学学报, 27 (4): 652-661. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.04.054
引用本文: 王建国, 周晓峰, 唐海忠, 等, 2021. 基于星点状方解石胶结与溶解的识别查明砂岩粒间孔隙类型——以雅布赖盆地新河组砂岩为例. 地质力学学报, 27 (4): 652-661. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.04.054
WANG Jianguo, ZHOU Xiaofeng, TANG Haizhong, et al., 2021. Identifying intergranular pore types by distinguishing between cementation and dissolution of dotted calcite: A case study of the Xinhe Formation sandstones in the Yabrai Basin, China. Journal of Geomechanics, 27 (4): 652-661. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.04.054
Citation: WANG Jianguo, ZHOU Xiaofeng, TANG Haizhong, et al., 2021. Identifying intergranular pore types by distinguishing between cementation and dissolution of dotted calcite: A case study of the Xinhe Formation sandstones in the Yabrai Basin, China. Journal of Geomechanics, 27 (4): 652-661. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.04.054


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.04.054

中国石油科技创新基金 2019D-5007-0202


    王建国(1978-), 男, 博士, 讲师, 从事油气田开发地质研究。E-mail: wjglww@cup.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: P618.13

Identifying intergranular pore types by distinguishing between cementation and dissolution of dotted calcite: A case study of the Xinhe Formation sandstones in the Yabrai Basin, China


the PetroChina Innovation Foundation 2019D-5007-0202

  • 摘要: 目前含油气砂岩中粒间孔隙是原生孔隙还是次生孔隙的认识仍不一致,而对星点状方解石胶结与溶解的识别能够有效地查明粒间孔隙的类型。文章通过铸体薄片细致地观察雅布赖盆地新河组砂岩中的微观现象,以成岩环境演化和成岩序列分析为主线,重视方解石胶结物的赋存状态与物质来源和溶蚀流体来源的配置关系,精细解剖微观现象,从而弄清楚星点状方解石的成因,进而查明砂岩的粒间孔隙类型和储集空间类型。结果表明,粒间孔隙中的星点状方解石是成岩早期浸染状方解石胶结物的溶蚀残余,溶蚀流体为成岩中期的有机酸流体,溶蚀类型为一致性溶解,形成的粒间孔隙为次生孔隙。鉴于此,雅布赖盆地新河组砂岩的储集空间由次生粒间孔隙和次生粒内孔隙(长石、岩屑、方解石胶结物的溶蚀孔隙)组成。


  • 图  1  雅布赖盆地地理位置与构造单元划分

    Figure  1.  Sketch map showing the location and tectonic units of the Yabrai Basin

    图  2  雅布赖盆地新河组砂岩岩石学特征显微照片

    a、b—雅探6井,2651.57 m,石英、长石、火山岩屑、变质岩屑大小混杂堆积,方解石胶结物多,次生长石加大和次生石英加大少见,粒间孔隙中可见零星分布的方解石(蓝色箭头所指处),a为单偏光,b为正交偏光;c、d—雅探11井,2597.64 m,团块状方解石胶结物发育的微域碎屑颗粒间点接触或基底式接触,次生长石加大发育,粒间孔隙中可见星点状方解石(蓝色箭头所指处),c为单偏光,d为正交偏光;e—雅探6井,2651.57 m,粒间孔隙、长石溶蚀孔隙、岩屑溶蚀孔隙,粒间孔隙中常见星点状方解石(蓝色箭头所指处),单偏光;f—雅探7井,2406.62 m,方解石经混合液染色呈蓝色,方解石溶蚀孔隙发育,单偏光

    Figure  2.  Microscopy photos of petrological characteristics of Xinhe Formation sandstones, Yabrai Basin. (a, b) The Well YT6, 2651.57 m; large and small mixed accumulation of quartz, feldspar, volcanic and metamorphic debris. Calcite cements are more than feldspar overgrowths and quartz overgrowths; calcite distributes sporadically in intergranular pores(where the blue arrows point); a is taken under single polar and b is taken under crossed polar. (c, d) The well YT11, 2597.64 m; in the micro domain where the massive calcite cements are developed, the clastic particles are in point contact or basal contact; feldspars overgrow; dotted calcites are distributed in intergranular pores(where the blue arrows point); c is taken under single polar and d is taken under crossed polar. (e) The well YT6, 2651.57 m; there are intergranular pores, feldspar dissolution pores and debris dissolution pores; dotted calcites are distributed in intergranular pores(where the blue arrows point); e is taken under single polar. (f) The well YT7, 2406.62 m; calcite was dyed blue by mixed solution; the dissolution pores of calcite are well developed; f is taken under single polar

    Q-quartz; F-feldspar; Rv-volcanic debris; Rm-metamorphic debris; Qo-Quartz overgrowth; Fo-feldspar overgrowth; Ca-calcite cement; P-intergranular pore; PF-dissolution pore of feldspar; PRv-dissolution pore of volcanic rock; PCa-dissolution pore of calcite cement

    图  3  雅布赖盆地新河组砂岩方解石胶结与溶解显微照片

    a、b—雅探6井,2654.75 m,浸染状方解石胶结物,形成钙质砂岩,a为单偏光,b为正交偏光;c、d—雅探1井,2914.71 m,团块状方解石胶结物,与粒间孔隙接触处方解石胶结物溶蚀成港湾状,c为单偏光,d为正交光;e—雅探6井,2653.34 m,斑块状方解石胶结物,边缘参差不齐,单偏光;f—雅探6井,2651.82 m,星点状和斑块状方解石附着在粒间孔隙壁面上,方解石表面凹凸不平,单偏光

    Figure  3.  Microscopy photos of caltite cementation and dissolution in Xinhe Formation sandstones, Yabrai Basin. (a, b) The well YT6, 2654.75 m; disseminated calcite cements form calcareous sandstones, a is taken under single polar and b is taken under crossed polar. (c, d) The well YT1, 2914.71 m; the massive calcite cements next to intergranular pores are dissolved into a harbor, c is taken under single polar and d is taken under crossed polar. (e) The well YT6, 2653.34 m; the edge of patchy calcite cements are uneven, e is taken under single polar. (f) The well YT6, 2651.82 m; the dotted and patchy calcites adhere to the walls of intergranular pores, and the surface of calcites are uneven; f is taken under single polar.

    Ca1-disseminated calcite cement; Ca2-massive calcite cement; Ca3-patchy calcite cement; Ca4-dotted calcite cement

    图  4  雅布赖盆地新河组砂岩方解石胶结与溶解成岩作用过程图解

    Figure  4.  Diagenesis process of caltite cementation and dissolution in the Xinhe Formation sandstones, Yabrai Basin

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