摘要: 为更科学地指导中核甘肃核技术产业园的选址工作,需对预选厂址工程区范围内岩体的地应力状态及分布规律进行分析研究。在预选厂址工程区内对2个450m深的钻孔开展水压致裂原地应力测试,并采用了4种方法进行关闭压力处理来保证主应力值的可靠性和准确性。压裂测试结果表明,工程区内最大水平主应力值6.66~25.91 MPa,最小水平主应力值3.94~15.76 MPa,水平主应力和垂直应力关系为SH > Sh > Sv,揭示工程区内水平应力作用占主导,利于逆断层活动。印模测试结果显示最大水平主应力优势方位为NE方向,与区域构造应力场方向基本吻合。基于实测数据计算Kav、KHv、KHh、μm和τm这5种应力状态特征参数,并利用库伦摩擦滑动准则分析预选厂址区断层活动性,进而综合评价预选厂址区的应力场特征及其对岩体工程稳定性的影响。Abstract: In order to more scientifically guide the site selection of CNNC nuclear technology industrial park, it is necessary to analyze the in situ stress state and the distribution law of the rock mass within the scope of the project area of the preselected site. Therefore, in-situ stress measurement was carried out by hydraulic fracturing in two 450 mdrilling in the project area, and 4 methods were used in the data processing stage to determine the instantaneous shut-in pressure to make sure the principal stress value reliable and accurate. The hydro-fracturing test results indicate that the maximum horizontal principal stress value is 6.66~25.91 MPa and the minimum is 3.94~15.76 MPa. The stress regime is SH > Sh > Sv, showing that the stress filed is dominated by the tectonic horizontal stress, and this kind of stress state is beneficial to reverse fault activities. The fracture impression test results show that the orientation of the principal horizontal stress in the project area is dominantly in the NE direction, which is in general agreement with that of regional tectonic stress field. Based on the measured data, the stress state parameters Kav, KHv, KHh, μm and τm were calculated, and the fault activity of the preselected site was analyzed using Coulomb friction sliding criterion, so as to synthetically evaluate the impact of the stress field characteristicsof the preselected site on the stability of rock mass engineering.
图 8 工程区周边区域现今构造应力场图[33]
Figure 8. Tectonic stress fields in the project site and surrounding areas
表 1 工程区水压致裂原地应力测试结果
Table 1. Geostress measurement results of the project site using hydraulic fracturing method
钻孔 深度(m) 压裂参数(MPa) 应力值(MPa) 方位(°) Pb Pr Ps PH Po SH Sh Sv ZK1 156.70 9.48 4.39 3.85 1.59 0.77 6.66 3.94 4.23 N12°E 161.00 10.22 5.50 5.97 1.62 0.81 11.00 5.97 4.35 175.80 14.97 11.83 11.93 1.81 0.96 22.82 11.93 4.75 195.80 13.60 8.71 7.38 2.00 1.16 12.06 7.38 5.29 N22°E 225.60 21.87 17.09 10.73 2.28 1.46 13.10 10.73 6.09 227.00 22.22 16.59 11.40 2.29 1.47 15.27 11.40 6.13 229.00 17.72 12.46 10.51 2.30 1.49 17.16 10.51 6.18 233.40 15.92 9.74 9.75 2.38 1.53 17.68 9.75 6.30 N19°E 252.50 13.69 10.48 8.26 2.56 1.73 12.99 8.26 6.82 308.50 17.37 14.93 12.30 3.13 2.29 19.68 12.30 8.33 358.00 16.77 14.06 12.03 3.60 2.78 19.37 12.03 9.67 N38°E 376.90 21.81 15.74 14.76 3.79 2.97 25.57 14.76 10.18 N53°E 431.50 24.99 17.85 15.76 4.33 3.52 25.91 15.76 11.65 N40°E ZK2 250.70 16.63 13.03 10.64 2.54 1.51 17.41 10.64 6.77 252.90 15.74 8.41 9.18 2.54 1.53 17.36 9.18 6.83 N56°E 267.40 10.51 8.71 7.69 2.73 1.67 13.29 7.69 7.22 270.40 21.19 13.93 10.54 2.73 1.70 15.99 10.54 7.30 N22°E 333.20 34.45 22.05 15.33 3.39 2.33 21.61 15.33 9.00 351.50 32.72 17.22 13.09 3.57 2.52 19.53 13.09 9.49 368.50 18.61 13.65 12.61 3.76 2.69 21.49 12.61 9.95 376.50 30.21 15.15 13.61 3.79 2.77 22.91 13.61 10.17 N52°E 397.50 23.28 12.26 12.63 4.05 2.98 22.44 12.63 10.73 411.50 21.05 13.22 12.94 4.14 3.12 22.48 12.94 11.11 N44°E 注:Pb—岩石原地破裂压力; Pr—破裂面重张压力; Ps—破裂面关闭压力; PH—静水柱压力; Po—孔隙压力; SH—最大水平主应力; Sh—最小水平主应力; Sv—根据上覆岩石埋深计算的垂向主应力(岩石密度取2.70 g/cm3)。
Note: Pb-Fracture pressure; Pr-Reopening pressure; Ps-Shut-in pressure; PH-Hydrostatic column pressure; Po-Pore pressure; SH-Maximum horizontal principal stress; Sh-Minimum horizontal principal stress; Sv-Vertical principal stress estimated according to the depth of the overlying rock(the mean rock density is 2.70 g/cm3)表 2 不同地区SH、Sh随深度变化规律情况
Table 2. Variation of SH、Sh as the depth in different regions
表 3 应力状态参数计算结果
Table 3. Calculation results of the stress state parameters
钻孔 深度(m) 应力状态参数 Kav KHv KHh μm τm ZK1 156.70 1.25 1.57 1.69 0.26 1.36 161.00 1.95 2.53 1.84 0.48 2.52 175.80 3.66 4.80 1.91 0.70 5.45 195.80 1.84 2.28 1.63 0.45 2.34 225.60 1.96 2.15 1.22 0.43 1.19 227.00 2.18 2.49 1.34 0.50 1.94 229.00 2.24 2.78 1.63 0.54 3.33 233.40 2.18 2.81 1.81 0.54 3.97 252.50 1.56 1.90 1.57 0.38 2.37 308.50 1.92 2.36 1.60 0.48 3.69 358.00 1.62 2.00 1.61 0.41 3.67 376.90 1.98 2.51 1.73 0.52 5.41 431.50 1.79 2.22 1.64 0.47 5.08 ZK2 250.70 2.07 2.57 1.64 0.50 3.39 252.90 1.94 2.54 1.89 0.50 4.09 267.40 1.45 1.84 1.73 0.35 2.80 270.40 1.82 2.19 1.52 0.44 2.73 333.20 2.05 2.40 1.41 0.49 3.14 351.50 1.72 2.06 1.49 0.42 3.22 368.50 1.71 2.16 1.70 0.44 4.44 376.50 1.80 2.25 1.68 0.46 4.65 397.50 1.63 2.09 1.78 0.43 4.91 411.50 1.59 2.02 1.74 0.42 4.77 注:Kav、KHv—侧压系数; KHh—水平最大最小主应力值比; μm—剪应力相对大小; τm—水平面内最大剪应力
Note: Kav、KHv-Side pressure coefficient; KHh-Ratio of maximum to minimal horizontal principal stress; μm-Relative magnitude of the shear stress; τm-Maximum shear stress -
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