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陈云飞 张鹏 黄波林 秦盼盼 李秋旺

陈云飞, 张鹏, 黄波林, 等, 2022. 考虑岩体劣化的库岸典型危岩体破坏过程与长期稳定性分析. 地质力学学报, 28 (6): 938-947. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20222821
引用本文: 陈云飞, 张鹏, 黄波林, 等, 2022. 考虑岩体劣化的库岸典型危岩体破坏过程与长期稳定性分析. 地质力学学报, 28 (6): 938-947. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20222821
CHEN Yunfei, ZHANG Peng, HUANG Bolin, et al., 2022. Failure process and long-term stability analysis of typical unstable rock mass in the Three Gorges Reservoir area considering rock mass deterioration. Journal of Geomechanics, 28 (6): 938-947. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20222821
Citation: CHEN Yunfei, ZHANG Peng, HUANG Bolin, et al., 2022. Failure process and long-term stability analysis of typical unstable rock mass in the Three Gorges Reservoir area considering rock mass deterioration. Journal of Geomechanics, 28 (6): 938-947. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20222821


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20222821

国家自然科学基金项目 42077234

重庆市地质灾害防治中心科研项目 KJ-2021047


    陈云飞(1999—), 男, 硕士研究生, 主要从事地质灾害及涌浪灾害方面的研究。E-mail: 2500672124@qq.com


    张鹏(1982—), 男, 博士, 讲师, 主要从事地质灾害成灾机理与风险分析方面的研究。E-mail: pzhang@ctgu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: P642.2

Failure process and long-term stability analysis of typical unstable rock mass in the Three Gorges Reservoir area considering rock mass deterioration


the National Natural Science Foundation of China 42077234

the Research Project of Chongqing Geological Disaster Prevention Center KJ-2021047

  • 摘要:

    自三峡库区蓄水以来, 岸坡消落带岩体劣化趋势明显, 加速了岩质岸坡向欠稳定和不稳定发展, 潜在崩塌涌浪灾害威胁长江航道安全。以三峡库区板壁岩为例, 采用抗剪强度折减法分析在岩体劣化工况下危岩体的破坏过程与长期稳定性。结果表明: 在自然工况下, 板壁岩危岩体处于稳定状态; 在库水+岩体劣化工况下, 中部锁固段处拉应力集中, 拉张裂缝逐步向顶部主控裂缝及底部基破碎带延展并相互贯通, 可能发生滑移-剪切破坏; 在库水+岩体劣化+强降雨极端工况下, 约40个水文周期后, 岩体强度下降30%, 板壁岩危岩体的稳定性系数降至约1.14, 处于欠稳定状态, 建议进行工程防治, 提高危岩体稳定性, 以保障航道安全。研究结果可为三峡库区板壁岩及类似危岩体的防灾减灾工作提供科学合理的依据。


  • 图  1  巫山板壁岩危岩体位置图

    Figure  1.  Location map of the Banbiyan dangerous rock mass

    图  2  板壁岩危岩体破碎带及裂隙分布图

    Figure  2.  Map showing the fracture zones and fissures in the Banbiyan unstable rock mass

    图  3  板壁岩危岩体工程地质剖面图

    Figure  3.  Engineering geological profile of the Banbiyan unstable rock mass

    图  4  瞬变电磁物探剖面图

    Figure  4.  Transient electromagnetic geophysical profile

    图  5  W1危岩体边界


    Figure  5.  Boundary of the W1 unstable rock mass

    (a) Right boundary; (b) Left boundary

    图  6  基座破碎带特征照片


    Figure  6.  Field photos showing the features of the foundational fracture zones

    (a) Unstable rock mass on the upstream side; (b)Unstable rock mass on the downstream side

    图  7  板壁岩危岩体连续-非连续数值模型

    Figure  7.  Continuous-discontinuous numerical model for the Banbiyan unstable rock mass

    图  8  位移及屈服单元云图


    Figure  8.  Cloud diagram showing the displacement and yield element

    (a) Under working condition 1; (b) Under working condition 2-1

    图  9  塑性区分布过程图(工况2-1)

    Figure  9.  Diagram showing the extension of the plastic zone (Under working condition 2-1)

    图  10  工况2稳定性系数与最大位移量随时间的关系


    Figure  10.  Stability coefficient versus maximum displacement as a function of time under working condition 2

    (a) Under working condition 2-1; (b) Under working condition 2-2

    图  11  位移及屈服单元云图


    Figure  11.  Cloud diagram showing the displacement and yield element

    (a) Under working condition 3-1;(b) Under working condition 3-15

    图  12  工况3稳定性系数与最大位移量随时间的关系

    Figure  12.  Stability coefficient versus maximum displacement as a function of time under working condition 3

    图  13  板壁岩危岩体稳定系数-时间过程曲线

    Figure  13.  Stability coefficient-time course curves of the Banbiyan unstable rock mass

    表  1  板壁岩单体危岩体特征表

    Table  1.   Characteristics of the Banbiyan unstable rock mass

    危岩体编号 是否涉水 整体发育形态 最低基底高程/m 危岩体顶部与基底相对高差/m 破坏方向/(°) 方量/m3
    W1 涉水 呈不规则板柱状 ~97 ~162 348 71.78×104
    W2 未涉水 呈不规则棱柱体 ~194 ~60 348 1.69×104
    W3 未涉水 呈薄板状 ~234 ~23 330 685
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    表  2  板壁岩危岩体灰岩物理力学指标标准值

    Table  2.   Standard values of physical and mechanical indexes of the limestone from the Banbiyan unstable rock mass

    状态 重度/(kN/m3) 弹性模量/×104 MPa 泊松比 抗压强度/MPa 抗拉强度/MPa 黏聚力/MPa 内摩擦角/(°)
    灰岩 天然 0.0268 0.69 0.22 21.71 0.46 1.35 37.49
    岩体 饱和 0.0269 18.21 0.40 1.08 35.69
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    表  3  板壁岩危岩体稳定性系数计算工况

    Table  3.   Working conditions for calculating the stability coefficient of the Banbiyan unstable rock mass

    工况1 工况2 工况3
    自然工况 库水+岩体劣化工况 库水+强降雨+岩体劣化工况
    1-1:自重+145 m水位
    1-2:自重+175 m水位
    1-3:自重+175 m水位+强降雨
    2-1:自重+145 m水位+岩体劣化
    2-2:自重+175 m水位+岩体劣化
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