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陈宏强 专少鹏 赵华平 杨瑞 陈超 段炳鑫 李庆喆

陈宏强,专少鹏,赵华平,等,2023. 河北省唐山地区古滦河冲积扇第四纪以来演化与变迁[J]. 地质力学学报,29(1):138−152 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2022023
引用本文: 陈宏强,专少鹏,赵华平,等,2023. 河北省唐山地区古滦河冲积扇第四纪以来演化与变迁[J]. 地质力学学报,29(1):138−152 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2022023
CHEN H Q,ZHUAN S P,ZHAO H P,et al.,2023. Evolution and changes of the ancient Luanhe fluvial fan since the Quaternary in Tangshan, Hebei Province[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,29(1):138−152 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2022023
Citation: CHEN H Q,ZHUAN S P,ZHAO H P,et al.,2023. Evolution and changes of the ancient Luanhe fluvial fan since the Quaternary in Tangshan, Hebei Province[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,29(1):138−152 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2022023


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2022023
基金项目: 中国地质调查局地质调查项目(DD20160042);中国地质调查局基础调查项目(DD20160060);中国地质调查局综合研究项目(DD20179394);河北地矿局综合研究项目(201821)

    陈宏强(1991—),男,硕士,工程师,主要从事第四纪地质与区域地质研究。 E-mail: 1207815740@qq.com

  • 中图分类号: P534.63;P318.4

Evolution and changes of the ancient Luanhe fluvial fan since the Quaternary in Tangshan, Hebei Province

Funds: This research is financially supported by the Geological Survey Program of the China Geological Survey (Grant No. DD20160042), the Fundamental Geology Survey Program of the China Geological Survey (Grant No. DD20160060), the Comprehensive Research Program of the China Geological Survey (Grant No. DD20179394), and the Comprehensive Research Program of Hebei Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources Exploration (Grant No. 201821).
  • 摘要: 古滦河冲积扇研究的关注点更多在全新世,对其更新世的演化与变迁一直没有进行过系统研究。根据古滦河冲积扇上PZK10、PZK20钻孔的磁性地层学、年代地层学、沉积学、测井沉积学、岩芯色度分析等,对古滦河冲积平原的第四纪三维地质结构、冲积扇体的规模以及迁移规律进行综合研究,结果表明: PZK10孔揭露了上新世时沉积的巨厚洪积成因“泥包砾”地层,早更新世时发育两个冲积扇−湖相旋回,中更新世时发育辫状河沉积,晚更新世发育湖相、冲积扇相、辫状河相沉积。PZK20孔上新世沉积了一套巨厚“泥包砾”层,早更新世为扇前平原−辫状河相沉积,中更新世为辫状河−冲积扇相沉积,晚更新世为辫状河沉积。古滦河发育两期冲积扇,第一期为早更新世早期,在沙流河镇一带出山口形成的规模较大的冲积扇;第二期为早更新世中期,古滦河在现今丘庄水库一带发生分流,在丰润区一带出山口形成的冲积扇。中更新世,第一期冲积扇开始萎缩,第二期冲积扇继续发育,形成巨厚砾石层;晚更新世,古滦河在迁西县城以北发生袭夺,东流迁移出研究区,在西峡口进入迁安盆地,形成以西峡口为顶点的冲积扇。


  • 图  1  研究区大地构造位置及古滦河冲积扇地貌遥感影像图


    Figure  1.  Geotectonic location of the study area and remote sensing image of the ancient Luanhe fluvial fan landform

    (a) Location of the study area and remote sensing image of the ancient Luanhe River fluvial fan landform; (b) Geotectonic position

    图  2  PZK10钻孔岩心照片

    Figure  2.  Photograph of the borehole PZK10

    图  3  PZK10孔色度曲线、测井曲线、沉积相分类图

    Figure  3.  Color index curves, logging curves and sedimentary types of the borehole PZK10

    图  4  PZK20孔照片(据陈宏强等,2021修改)

    Figure  4.  Photographs of the borehole PZK20(modified from Chen et al., 2021

    图  5  PZK20孔色度曲线、测井曲线、沉积相分类图

    Figure  5.  Color index curves, logging curves and sedimentary types of the borehole PZK20

    图  6  PZK10钻孔代表样品正交矢量投影图和热退磁强度衰减曲线图


    Figure  6.  Orthogonal vector plots and decay curves of the natural remanent magnetization(NRM)of representative specimens from the borehole PZK10

    M–magnetization; NRM–natural remanent magnetization

    图  7  PZK10、PZK20孔岩石地层、磁性地层及其地磁极性年表(Cande and Kent,1995)对比图

    Figure  7.  Lithostratigraphy and magnetic stratigraphy of the boreholes PZK10 and PZK20, and their correlations with the geomagnetic polarity timescale(Cande and Kent, 1995

    图  8  ZK1、焦2钻孔地层柱状图及测井曲线(胡云壮等,2014

    Figure  8.  Stratigraphic column and logging curves of the boreholes ZK1 and Jiao-2 (Hu et al., 2014)

    图  9  研究区钻孔联合剖面图

    Figure  9.  Joint borehole profile of the study area

    表  1  沉积相特征统计表

    Table  1.   Statistical table of sedimentary facies characteristics

    冲积扇相   a*>2.5,b*>13 视电阻率和自然伽玛曲线一般呈高幅箱形,视电阻率数值较高,自然伽玛数值也较高
    湖泊相    a*<2.5、b*<13 视电阻率曲线一般呈漏斗形,自然伽玛曲线呈钟形,视电阻率数值较低,自然伽玛数值较高
    辫状河相   a*>2.5,b*>13 视电阻率曲线一般呈钟形、箱型;自然伽玛曲线一般呈高幅齿形或呈高幅指形;砂泥比较高
    河漫沼泽微相 a*<2.5、b*<13 视电阻率呈低幅箱形,自然伽玛呈高幅指形、箱型,视电阻率数值较低,自然伽玛数值较高
    扇前平原微相 a*>2.5,b*>13 视电阻率曲线呈微齿形,自然伽玛曲线呈高幅齿形,齿中线呈水平平行式
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    表  2  PZK10钻孔光释光样品信息及测年数据统计表

    Table  2.   OSL sample information and dating data in the borehole PZK10

    样品编号埋深/m等效剂量 /GyU/×10−6Th/×10−6K/%含水量/%年龄/ka
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