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吕苑苑,2024. 青藏高原盐湖硼、锂同位素变化规律及其对当雄错盐湖资源评价应用[J]. 地质力学学报,30(1):107−128 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023135
引用本文: 吕苑苑,2024. 青藏高原盐湖硼、锂同位素变化规律及其对当雄错盐湖资源评价应用[J]. 地质力学学报,30(1):107−128 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023135
LYU Y,2024. Variation patterns of boron and lithium isotopes in salt lakes on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau and their application in evaluating resources in the Damxung Co salt lake[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,30(1):107−128 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023135
Citation: LYU Y,2024. Variation patterns of boron and lithium isotopes in salt lakes on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau and their application in evaluating resources in the Damxung Co salt lake[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,30(1):107−128 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023135


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023135
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金面上项目(42273018,41673023)


  • 中图分类号: P696

Variation patterns of boron and lithium isotopes in salt lakes on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau and their application in evaluating resources in the Damxung Co salt lake

Funds: This research is financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grants No. 42273018 and 41673023).
  • 摘要: 近年,硼、锂同位素地球化学理论和分馏机理的深入,为盐湖体系硼、锂同位素示踪奠定了基础。基于现有大量研究数据,文章系统归纳盐湖体系硼、锂同位素分馏变化特征,总结盐湖演化过程硼、锂同位素组成的变化规律,建立它们的示踪方法。并以此为基础,对西藏典型富硼、锂盐湖−当雄错开展了硼同位素示踪,解决了当雄错与其物源硼同位素特征不符的难题,提出当雄错湖底蕴含大型硼、锂矿床的新认识,并预测了湖底的硼、锂资源量。根据盐湖体系硼、锂同位素地球化学特征,揭示了溶蚀湖的盐湖资源评价意义,为盐湖体系硼、锂同位素示踪和盐湖资源评价奠定理论基础。此外,借助硼同位素地球化学手段建立的当雄错“围岩−地热水−盐湖”的物源补给模式在西藏和全球具有普遍性。


  • 图  1  当雄错构造地质背景与泉华群概况


    Figure  1.  Tectonic setting of Damxung Co salt lake and overview of the travertine group

    (a) Tectonic setting of the Damxung Co salt lake; (b) Overview of travertine distribution in the Damxung Co salt lake (The red lines indicate the distribution of new and old travertines, and the white areas in the image represent exposed carbonate on the surface); (c) Field photo of the travertine outcrops near the Damxung Co lake (taken at one of the travertine top of the southern outcrops) DX−Damxung Co salt lake; DR−Tangra Yumco lake; XR−Xuru Co lake

    图  2  当雄错硼同位素地球化学行为与硼矿形成过程.


    Figure  2.  Geochemical behavior of boron isotope and the formation process of boron minerals in the Damxung Co salt lake

    (a) Evaporative concentration and carbonate precipitation of the Damxung Co salt lake; (b) Total desiccation of the Damxung Co salt lake; (c) Formation of a salt dissolving lake in the Damxung basin

    图  3  当雄错湖岸碳酸盐沉积剖面及光释光年代序列

    Figure  3.  Lacustrine carbonate sections in the Damxung Co salt lake and their OSL dating results

    图  4  随着总碳酸盐沉积的硼矿占比(n)和现今湖水来自碳酸盐的硼占比(m)变化,当雄错未剥蚀碳酸盐的硼矿资源量情况

    Figure  4.  Boron resource of residual carbonate on lakeshore as a function of proportion of boron in total boron resource derived from carbonate (n), proportion of boron from carbonate erosion in lake water (m) and the degree of carbonate erosion (s)

    图  5  随着总碳酸盐沉积的硼矿占比(n)和现今湖水来自碳酸盐的硼占比(m)变化,当雄错总硼矿资源量情况

    Figure  5.  Total boron resource as a function of proportion of boron in total boron resource derived from carbonate (n), proportion of boron from carbonate erosion in lake water (m) and the degree of carbonate erosion (s)

    图  6  随着总碳酸盐沉积的硼矿占比(n)和现今湖水来自碳酸盐的硼占比(m)变化,当雄错湖底未溶蚀的盐沉积和晶间卤水的硼矿资源量情况

    Figure  6.  Boron resource buried in the bottom of the Damxung Co salt lake as a function of proportion of boron in total boron resource derived from carbonate (n), proportion of boron from carbonate erosion in lake water (m) and the degree of carbonate erosion (s)

    表  1  海水和盐湖卤水中黏土矿物吸附的硼同位素分馏系数

    Table  1.   Boron isotopic fractionation factor (α) during adsorption of boron on clay in seawater and salt lake brine

    1 海水与沉积物 0.975,0.976 Spivack et al.,1987;Palmer et al.,1987
    2 柴达木盐湖−咸水湖与对应沉积物 0.987~0.998 Shirodkar and Xiao,1997;肖应凯等,1999
    3 大柴旦卤水与沉积物 0.987~0.992 Xiao et al.,1992
    4 卤水与沉积物模拟吸附实验 0.982~0.999 Xiao and Wang,2001(不包括负分馏)
    5 尕海盐湖(青海湖旁边)与湖底淤泥 0.985 孙大鹏等,1993
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  2  石盐蒸发实验硼含量和硼同位素组成(据Liu et al.,2000修改)

    Table  2.   Boron concentrations and isotopic compositions in rock salt evaporation experiments (revised after Liu et al., 2000)

    B/ (μg/g)δ11B/ ‰B/ (μg/g)δ11B/ ‰
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  3  不同水化学类型盐湖的硼、锂同位素变化特征

    Table  3.   The characteristics of boron and lithium isotopes in salt lakes of different hydrochemical types

    硫酸盐型  芒硝+石盐 δl=δi 大柴旦,一里坪,东台,西台等
    氯化物型  芒硝+石盐 δl=δi 察尔汗,钾湖,巴仑马海等
    碳酸盐型  碳酸钙+芒硝+石盐 δ11Bl>δ11Biδ7Lil-δ7Lii<2‰ 扎布耶,当雄错
    碳酸盐型  碳酸镁+芒硝+石盐 δ11Bl-δ11Bi<2‰;δ7Lilδ7Lii关系待定 班戈错
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    表  4  当雄错各类样品硼含量和硼同位素组成

    Table  4.   Boron concentrations and isotopic compositions of samples from the Damxung Co salt lake

    样品类型B/×10−6δ11B /‰数据来源
    地热水 0.40~6.20 −9.8~−8.5 Lü et al.,2013
    冷泉水 0.12~0.61 −14.5~-14.1 Lü et al.,2013
    河水 0.02~0.15 −4.9~−1.2 Lü et al.,2013
    盐湖卤水(0.1~14.6 m) 208.10~1760.80 −18.5~−17.4 北京绵平盐湖研究院,2006;Lü et al.,2013
    钙华 90.40~236.00 −29.5~−24.9 Lü et al.,2013
    碳酸盐 47.50~264.00 −37.2~−35.3 Lü et al.,2013
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    表  5  当雄错泉华铀系年龄

    Table  5.   U-Th results of travertine samples near the Damxung Co salt lake

    样品编号样品类型238U/×10−9232Th/×10−9230Th/232Th/×10−6δ234U230Th /238U230Th年龄/a(未校正)231Th年龄/a(校正)
    下载: 导出CSV
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