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2022年1月8日青海门源MS 6.9地震地表破裂考察的初步结果及对冷龙岭断裂活动行为和区域强震危险性的启示

韩帅 吴中海 高扬 卢海峰

韩帅, 吴中海, 高扬, 等, 2022. 2022年1月8日青海门源MS 6.9地震地表破裂考察的初步结果及对冷龙岭断裂活动行为和区域强震危险性的启示. 地质力学学报, 28 (2): 155-168. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2022013
引用本文: 韩帅, 吴中海, 高扬, 等, 2022. 2022年1月8日青海门源MS 6.9地震地表破裂考察的初步结果及对冷龙岭断裂活动行为和区域强震危险性的启示. 地质力学学报, 28 (2): 155-168. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2022013
HAN Shuai, WU Zhonghai, GAO Yang, et al., 2022. Surface rupture investigation of the 2022 Menyuan MS 6.9 Earthquake, Qinghai, China: Implications for the fault behavior of the Lenglongling fault and regional intense earthquake risk. Journal of Geomechanics, 28 (2): 155-168. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2022013
Citation: HAN Shuai, WU Zhonghai, GAO Yang, et al., 2022. Surface rupture investigation of the 2022 Menyuan MS 6.9 Earthquake, Qinghai, China: Implications for the fault behavior of the Lenglongling fault and regional intense earthquake risk. Journal of Geomechanics, 28 (2): 155-168. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2022013

2022年1月8日青海门源MS 6.9地震地表破裂考察的初步结果及对冷龙岭断裂活动行为和区域强震危险性的启示

doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2022013

中国地质科学院地质力学研究所中央财政科研项目结余经费新开项目 Grant No.35, 56


    韩帅(1989—),男,助理研究员,主要从事构造地质学和活动构造研究。E-mail: 814224279@qq.com


    吴中海(1974—),男,博士,研究员,主要从事活动构造和第四纪地质研究。E-mail: 715516189@qq.com

  • 中图分类号: P54; P597; P59

Surface rupture investigation of the 2022 Menyuan MS 6.9 Earthquake, Qinghai, China: Implications for the fault behavior of the Lenglongling fault and regional intense earthquake risk


the Fundamental Research Funds of the Institute of Geomechanics Grant No.35, 56

  • 摘要: 2022年1月8日青海门源MS 6.9地震发生在青藏高原东北缘的祁连山断块内部,仪器震中位于海原活动断裂系西段的冷龙岭断裂带上,是该断裂系自1920年海原8.5级大地震后再次发生M>6.5的强震。考察结果的初步总结表明,此次门源地震产生了呈左阶斜列分布、总长度近23 km的南北两条破裂,在两者之间存在长约3.2 km、宽近2 km的地表破裂空区。南支破裂(F1)出现在托来山断裂的东段,走向91°,长约2.4 km,以兼具向南逆冲的左旋走滑变形为主,最大走滑位移近0.4 m。北支主破裂(F2)出现在冷龙岭断裂的西段,总长度近20 km,以左旋走滑变形为主,呈整体微凸向北东的弧形展布,包含了走向分别为102°、109°和118°的西、中、东三段,最大走滑位移出现在中段,为3.0±0.2 m。此外,在北支主破裂中—东段的北侧新发现一条累计长度约7.6 km、以右旋正断为主的北支次级破裂(F3),累计最大走滑量约0.8 m,最大正断位移约1.5 m。综合分析认为,整个同震破裂以左旋走滑变形为主,具有双侧破裂特点,宏观震中位于北支主破裂的中段,其地表走滑位移很大可能与震源破裂深度浅有关,其中的右旋正断次级破裂可能是南侧主动盘向东运移过程中拖曳北侧块体发生差异运动所引起的特殊变形现象。印度与欧亚板块近南北向强烈碰撞挤压导致南祁连断块沿海原左旋走滑断裂系向东挤出,从而引发该断裂系中的托来山断裂与冷龙岭断裂同时发生破裂,成为导致此次强震的主要动力机制。在此大陆动力学背景下,以海原左旋走滑断裂系为主边界的祁连山断块及其周边的未来强震危险性需得到进一步重视。


  • 图  1  研究区区域地质图

    a—青藏高原活动断裂构造纲要图(图中矩形框代表图b位置;据Li et al., 2015修改);b—青藏高原东北缘冷龙岭断裂及邻区区域构造简图(LLLF—冷龙岭断裂;JQHF—金强河断裂;MMSF—毛毛山断裂;LHSF—老虎山断裂;HYF—海源断裂;TLSF—托来山断裂;GLF—古浪断裂;XS-TJSF—香山-天景山断裂;CMF—昌马断裂;HLLF—哈拉湖断裂;MLF—民乐断裂;WWF—武威断裂;RYSF—日月山断裂;ELSF—鄂拉山断裂,ATF—阿尔金断裂;黄色五角星代表此次地震震中,白色虚线代表图c地质剖面位置、红色实线代表此次地震的发震断裂冷龙岭断裂带;据Guo et al., 2019a修改)、c—祁连山块体构造剖面示意图

    Figure  1.  Regional geological map of the study area

    (a) Schematic tectonic map of the active faults in the Tibetan Plateau (modified after Li et al., 2015). The rectangular box in the figure represents the position of Fig. 1b; (b) Main active tectonics of the Lenglongling fault and adjacent region(modified after Guo et al., 2019a). The yellow star represents the epicenter of this earthquake, the white dotted line represents the position of the geological section in Fig. 1c, and the solid red line represents the seismogenic Lenglongling fault zone of this earthquake; (c) Geological profile of the Qilian Mountains block
    LLLF-Lenglongling Fault; JQHF-Jinqianghe Fault; MMSF-Maomaoshan Fault; LHSF-Laohushan Fault; HYF-Haiyuan Fault; TLSF-Tuolaishan Fault; GLF-Gulang Fault; XS-TJSF-Xiangshan-Tianjingshan Fault; CMF-Changma Fault; HLLF-Hala Lake Fault; MLF-Minle Fault; WWF-Wuwei Fault; RYSF-Riyueshan Fault; ELSF-Elashan Fault; ATF-Altyn Tagh Fault

    图  2  2022年1月8日青海门源MS 6.9地震地表破裂分布图


    Figure  2.  Surface rupture distribution map of the Menyuan MS 6.9 earthquake in Qinghai province on January 8, 2022

    3a-7f represent the locations of the photos in the following figures; F1-F3 represent the south branch rupture, the north branch main rupture and the north branch secondary rupture, respectively (see discription in chap. 2.1)

    图  3  南支破裂(F1)野外照片(位置见图 2)

    a—南支西侧尾端拉张区的左阶雁列张裂隙带;b—南支栅栏错动;c—南支次级破裂临近东端的左旋错断0.34 m;d—南支次级破裂临近东侧多条发散小裂缝

    Figure  3.  Field photos of the south branch rupture (F1) (see location in Fig. 2)

    (a)The left-step en echelon of the tensile fracture zone at the west end of the south branch; (b) The fence dislocated by the south branch; (c) A 0.34 m sinistral displacement near the east end of the south branch; (d) Several small divergent fractures developed near the east side of the south branch

    图  4  北支主破裂(F2)西段野外照片(位置见图 2)

    a—破裂西段上R剪切破裂右阶部分发育的低角度逆冲断层,缩短量约91 cm;b—破裂西段的尾端呈马尾状撒开走向的张剪裂隙带,单条裂缝拉伸量和左旋走滑量都仅在厘米级;c—破裂西段无人机航拍照片;d—地表草坨左旋位错0.8 m;e—宏观震中附近最大张裂隙;f—宏观震中附近左旋错断栅栏约2.6 m

    Figure  4.  Field photos of the west section of the north branch main rupture (F2) (see location in Fig. 2)

    (a)The low-angle thrust fault developed in the right stage of the R shear rupture in the west section of the rupture, with the shortening distance of about 91 cm; (b) A ponytail-shaped spreading tension-shear fracture zone At the tail end of the west section of the rupture, whose tensile amount and left-lateral strike-slip amount of a single crack are only at centimeter level; (c)Aerial photo of UAV in the west section of the rupture; (d)The sinistral dislocation of the grass mound reaches 0.8 m; (e)Maximum tensile fracture near the macroscopic epicenter of seismic network; (f)The 2.6 m sinistral dislocation of the fence near the macroscopic epicenter of the seismic network

    图  5  北支主破裂(F2)中段野外照片(位置见图 2)

    a—沿整条破裂带最大左旋位移量3.0±0.2 m;b—左旋主破裂上张裂隙与挤压鼓包相间排列;c—冷龙岭大梁隧道附近南坡上大型张裂隙;d—冷龙岭大梁隧道附近边坡失稳与岩崩现象;e—左旋主破裂上的R剪切面;f—逆断层错断板岩

    Figure  5.  Field photos of the middle section of the north branch main rupture (F2) (see location in Fig. 2)

    (a)The maximum sinistral displacement of 3.0±0.2 m along the whole fracture zone; (b)Tensile cracks and extrusion bulges alternately arranged in the sinistral main rupture; (c)Large tensile cracks on the south slope near the Lenglongling Daliang Tunnel; (d)Slope instability and rock collapse near the Lenglongling Daliang Tunnel; (e)R shear plane on the sinistral main rupture; (f)The slate dislocated by reverse fault

    图  6  北支主破裂(F2)东段野外照片(位置见图 2)

    a—北支东段上左阶拉分区走向96°的张裂隙;b—北支东段挤压鼓包,长宽高为3.8 m×4 m×1.6 m,对应走滑位移1.1~1.4 m;c—左旋剪切地表鼹鼠构造形迹;d—破裂东端的线性地表破裂形态

    Figure  6.  Field photos of the east section of the north branch main rupture (F2) (see location in Fig. 2)

    (a)The extensional fissure striking 96°in the upper left step pull-apart area in the east section of the north branch; (b)The extrusion bulge in the east section of the north branch of 3.8 m in length, 4 m in width and 1.6 m in height, and the corresponding strike-slip displacement of 1.1~1.4 m; (c)Mole structural features in the sinistral shear surface; (d)Linear surface rupture pattern at the east end of the rupture

    图  7  同震破裂带右旋张剪北支次级破裂(F3)野外照片(位置见图 2)

    a—北支次级右旋破裂菱形拉分;b—北支次级右旋破裂R剪切面局部特征;c—北支次级右旋破裂R剪切面整体形态;d—右旋破裂错动铁路桥梁;e—北支右旋正断破裂上垂直断距约1.5 m的正断层崖;f—北支东段北侧右旋剪切破裂中的共轭剪裂隙

    Figure  7.  Field photos of the north branch secondary dextral rupture (F3) in the coseismic rupture zone (see location in Fig. 2)

    (a)Diamond-shaped pull-apart of the north branch secondary dextral rupture; (b)Local features of the R shear plane of the north branch secondary dextral rupture; (c)Integral shape of the R shear plane of the north branch secondary dextral rupture; (d) Railway bridge dislocated by the dextral rupture; (e)The normal fault cliff with a vertical fault distance of about 1.5 m on the north branch normal dextral rupture; (f) Conjugate shear fissures in the dextral shear rupture on the north side of the east section of the north branch, and the pink arrow represents the strain direction

    图  8  硫磺沟段破裂深部结构及右旋机理


    Figure  8.  Diagrams showing the deep structure and dextral rupture mechanism of the ruptures in the Liuhuanggou section

    (a)Flower-like structure of the dislocated Liuhuanggou bridge tunnel; F2-1~F3-6 represent the secondary branch of the rupture; (b) Genetic model of the dextral rupture. V1 and V2 represent the velocity of the active fault wall and the passive fault wall, respectively; The active fault wall (south fault wall) is extruded eastward. Due to the velocity difference inside the block, the dextral fault is developed on the sinistral main fault, and there is a transition zone for the deformation between the two fault walls; The blue curve indicates the dragging deformation of the surface marker.

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