Characteristics and susceptibility evaluation of geohazard development in Shunping county, Hebei province
摘要: 河北省顺平县位于太行山东麓,主要发育有崩塌、滑坡、泥石流、地裂缝等四种类型地质灾害。基于该县地质灾害发育特征,采用GIS技术和信息量数学评价模型,选取坡度、起伏度、坡向、工程地质岩组、归一化植被指数(NDVI)、与河流的距离6个评价因子,对顺平县地质灾害进行易发性评价。评价结果显示:高易发区面积约为125 km2,占全县总面积的17.5%,分散分布于西北部的中低山和丘陵地区,密集发育崩塌灾害,少量发育滑坡、泥石流灾害;中易发区面积约为200 km2,占全县总面积的28.0%,成片分布于西北部的中低山和丘陵地区,少量发育崩塌、滑坡、泥石流灾害;低易发区面积约为389 km2,占全县总面积的54.5%,主要分布于东南部的平原地区及西北部丘陵地区内的宽阔沟谷,沿古河道发育地裂缝灾害,个别地区发育崩塌、滑坡灾害。Abstract: Shunping county of Hebei province is located at the eastern foot of the Taihang Mountains. There mainly are four kinds of geohazards, including rockfall, landslide, mud-rock flow, and earth fissures, which are widely distributed in different geomorphic units of this county. Based on the analysis of geohazard development characteristics, this paper selects six factors, namely slope angle, level difference, slope direction, engineering geological rock group, normalized differential vegetation index (NDVI), and distance to rivers, to evaluate the susceptibility of geohazards in Shunping county, by the GIS technology and Information Value method. The results show that:(1) The areas with high susceptibility, where rockfalls occur frequently and landslides and mud-rock flows occur in less often, are scattered on the medium-low mountains and hills in the northwestern Shunping with the area about 125 km2, accounting for 17.5% of the total area of this county; (2) The areas with medium susceptibility, where rockfalls, landslides and mud-rock flows occur occasionally, are widely distributed on the medium-low mountains and hills in the northwestern Shunping with the area about 200 km2, accounting for 28.0% of the total county area; (3) The areas with low susceptibility, where earth fissures occur occasionally and rockfalls, landslides and mud-rock flows occur rarely, are mainly distributed on the plains in the southeastern Shunping and the wide gullies between the hills in the northwest, with the area about 389 km2, accounting for 54.5% of the total county area.
表 1 顺平县地质灾害易发性评价各影响因子信息量计算结果
Table 1. Information value of each factor in susceptibility evaluation of geohazards in Shunping county
影响因子 分类 重分类 地质灾害点个数(Ni) 含评价因子单元数(Si) 地质灾害点总数(N) 评价因子单元总数(S) 信息量/×1000 坡度 0~3.6° 1 14 2416510 41 5495373 -252.9 3.6°~9.4° 2 6 791475 16.0 9.4°~16.1° 3 3 590350 -384.0 16.1°~22.5° 4 7 515127 599.6 22.5°~28.6° 5 4 460196 152.7 28.6°~34.7° 6 5 370873 591.7 34.7°~42.2° 7 1 254868 -642.7 42.2°~70.8° 8 1 95974 344.0 起伏度 0~2.76 m 1 15 2700149 41 5514047 -292.0 2.76~7.68 m 2 5 989475 -386.0 7.68~13.22 m 3 11 791321 626.0 13.22~19.06 m 4 7 606446 440.0 19.06~27.06 m 5 2 344477 -247.0 27.06~78.42 m 6 1 82179 493.0 坡向 0~45.72° 1 3 618603 41 5495373 -430.8 45.72°~91.02° 2 3 747600 -620.2 91.02°~133.49° 3 5 784668 -157.7 133.49°~177.38° 4 8 800443 292.4 177.38°~221.26° 5 8 755585 350.0 221.26°~266.56° 6 6 664036 191.5 266.56°~313.28° 7 5 577846 148.2 313.28°~360.00° 8 3 546592 -307.0 工程地质岩组 坚硬厚层碳酸盐岩 1 10 44563 41 285112 445.0 坚硬块状构造侵入岩 2 2 939 2695.4 较坚硬中薄层碳酸盐岩、碎屑岩 3 14 135539 -330.9 较软弱薄层碎屑岩 4 7 28282 543.0 软弱松散冲洪积层 5 8 75789 330.9 NDVI 0.32~0.52 1 1 44 41 2204 200.3 0.52~0.72 2 10 502 68.5 0.72~0.92 3 30 1658 -27.7 与河流的距离 0~46.58 m 1 40 56734 41 76356 272.3 46.58~156.28 m 2 1 19622 -2354.8 -
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