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李忠 张小兵 汪金明 肖高强 张有荣 段召艳

李忠,张小兵,汪金明,等,2023. EH4在深部隐伏岩(矿)体探测中的应用:以东炉房铜钼多金属矿为例[J]. 地质力学学报,29(1):48−59 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2022037
引用本文: 李忠,张小兵,汪金明,等,2023. EH4在深部隐伏岩(矿)体探测中的应用:以东炉房铜钼多金属矿为例[J]. 地质力学学报,29(1):48−59 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2022037
LI Z,ZHANG X B,WANG J M,et al.,2023. Application of EH4 in deep concealed rock (ore) body detection: A case study of the Donglufang copper-molybdenum polymetallic deposit, Shangri-la, China[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,29(1):48−59 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2022037
Citation: LI Z,ZHANG X B,WANG J M,et al.,2023. Application of EH4 in deep concealed rock (ore) body detection: A case study of the Donglufang copper-molybdenum polymetallic deposit, Shangri-la, China[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,29(1):48−59 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2022037


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2022037
基金项目: 中国地质调查局地调项目(DD20160016-14)

    李忠(1982—),男,硕士,高级工程师,从事地球物理与地球化学研究工作。E-mail: 278618901@qq.com


    肖高强(1983—),男,硕士,高级工程师,从事地球物理与地球化学研究工作。E-mail: 13057980@qq.com

  • 中图分类号: P319.3+2

Application of EH4 in deep concealed rock (ore) body detection: A case study of the Donglufang copper-molybdenum polymetallic deposit, Shangri-la, China

Funds: This research is financially supported by the Geological Survey Program of the China Geological Survey (Grant DD20160016-14).
  • 摘要: 采用音频大地电磁测深(EH4)对东炉房铜钼多金属矿区深部地质构造进行探测分析,有效确定了矿区地下的空间电性和结构特征。通过构建音频大地电磁法(EH4)找矿标志,总结了EH4剖面视电阻率异常特征与矿体关系:浅部呈脉状或柱状低阻体对应中低温热液型金、铅、锌多金属矿体,呈柱状中阻体或中低阻体对应矽卡岩型或斑岩型铜钼多金属矿体,中阻体对应中酸性岩浆岩(玢岩、斑岩)。圈定了矿区深部隐伏矿体11处,其中5处与钻孔吻合,其余6处找矿前景良好;进一步推断在深部岩体中形成规模较大的斑岩型铜钼矿。研究表明音频大地电磁测深法针对东炉房铜钼多金属矿或者该类型矿床寻找隐伏岩(矿)体是有效的地球物理方法。


  • 图  1  东炉房铜钼多金属矿区地质图


    Figure  1.  Geological map of the Donglufang copper–molybdenum polymetallic mining area

    (a) Location sketch map of the mining area; (b) Geological map of the mining area

    图  2  围岩与矿石、矿化岩石电阻率箱线图


    Figure  2.  Boxplot of resistivity of surrounding rock, ore, and mineralized rock

    a–marble; b–limestone; c–moraine grit; d–quartz diorite porphyrite/beschtauite; e–chalcopyrite skarn; f–lead–zinc ore; g–gold-bearing limonite and hematite; n–number of samples

    图  3  EH4 资料处理流程图(Li et al., 2021)

    Figure  3.  Flow chart of the EH4 data processing (Li et al., 2021)

    图  4  视电阻率曲线图

    Figure  4.  Graphs of apparent resistivity

    图  5  7线视电阻率及相位−频率测深拟断面图


    Figure  5.  Pseudo-section maps of the apparent resistivity–frequency and phase–frequency soundings of Line 7

    (a) Pseudo-section map of the apparent resistivity–frequency sounding ; (b) Pseudo-section map of the phase–frequency sounding

    图  6  15线视电阻率及相位−频率测深拟断面图


    Figure  6.  Pseudo-section maps of the apparent resistivity–frequency and phase–frequency soundings of Line 15

    (a) Pseudo-section map of the apparent resistivity–frequency sounding ; (b) Pseudo-section map of the phase–frequency sounding

    图  7  东炉房铜钼多金属矿床成矿多样性模式图(据段召艳等,2021修改)

    Figure  7.  Metallogenic diversity pattern of the Donglufang copper–molybdenum polymetallic deposit(modified from Duan et al.,2021

    图  8  7线物探综合剖面图


    Figure  8.  Comprehensive geophysical profile of Line 7

    (a) Profile inversion results by the EH4 method; (b) Sectional map inferred by the geological and geophysical explorations

    图  9  15线物探综合剖面图

    a—EH4剖面反演结果图; b—地质及物探推断断面图

    Figure  9.  Comprehensive geophysical profile of Line 15

    (a) Profile inversion results by the EH4 method; (b) Sectional map inferred by the geological and geophysical explorations

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