Ostracod characteristics of the eastern Hetao Basin and its sedimentary environmental significance during the Middle and Late Quaternary
摘要: 根据河套盆地东部DTLC孔介形类组合及其岩性、岩相的分析,着重地探讨了该区第四纪中、晚期介形类的生物地层特征及其沉积古环境意义。研究认为:中更新世早期(Q21),未见介形类,以冲洪积沉积环境为主,兼有河湖交替演化;中更新世晚期(Q22),介形类生物组合为Leucocythere plethora-Eucypris inflate-Limnocyther dubiosa,推测为封闭性的半咸水、咸水湖相沉积环境,气候偏冷;晚更新世早期(Q31),介形类生物组合为Leucocythere plethora-Limnocythere dubios,反映了封闭性的半咸水深湖相沉积环境;晚更新世晚期(Q32),少见淡水介形虫化石,以Ilyocypris manasensis-Candoniella albicans-Cypria luminosa为组合特征,反映了以河流冲洪积环境为主;全新世(Q4)为河流沉积环境。通过河套盆地区域沉积环境的综合分析认为:中更新世晚期(Q22)至晚更新世早期(Q31),河套盆地为封闭性内陆湖盆,黄河为内流河;自晚更新世晚期(Q32)以来,黄河逐渐地转为外流河,河套盆地为外流湖盆。Abstract: By the comprehensive analysis of lithology, lithofacies and ostracod biological assemblages of the DTLC core in the eastern Hetao Basin, the ostracod biostratigraphy and its sedimentary environmental significance during the middle and late Quaternary was emphatically discussed. The conclusions are as follows:In the early stage of Middle Pleistocene (Q21), it reflected a fluvial-lacustrine alternative sedimentary environment mainly dominated by alluviation with no ostracod fossils. In the late stage of Middle Pleistocene (Q22), it reflected a closed brackish and salt water lake environment under cold and dry climatic condition with a brackish-salt water lacustrine ostracod enrichment characterized by Leucocythere plethora-Eucypris inflate-Limnocyther dubiosa. During the early period of Late Pleistocene (Q31), it represented a closed brackish water and deep lake environment with a relative lacustrine ostracod enrichment characterized by Leucocythere plethora-Limnocythere dubios. During the late period of Late Pleistocene (Q32), it mainly reflected an alluvial-proluvial environment with a small number of freshwater ostracods characterized by Ilyocypris manasensis-Candoniella albicans-Cypria luminosa. It was a river-floodplain environment during the Holocene (Q4). According to the comprehensive analysis of the regional sedimentary environment of the Hetao Basin, it is concluded that the Hetao Basin was a flows-in lake basin where the Yellow River was an inner river from the late stage of Middle Pleistocene (Q22) to the early period of Late Pleistocene (Q31). Since the late period of Late Pleistocene (Q32), the Yellow River gradually turned into an outflow river and the Hetao Basin became an outflow lake basin.
Key words:
- the Hetao Basin /
- ostracod /
- Quaternary /
- biostratigraphy /
- paleoenvironment
图 1 河套盆地地质构造简图(据国家地震局《鄂尔多斯周缘活动断裂系》课题组, 1988, 略修改)
Figure 1. Tectonic sketch of the Hetao Basin (revised after the Research Group on "Active Fault System around Ordos Massif", State Seismological Bureau, 1988)
图 2 ZKHB孔(李建彪等,2007)与DTLC孔等时地层格架对比图
Figure 2. The isochronous stratigraphic framework comparison of the ZKHB core(Li et al., 2007) and the DTLC core
表 1 DTLC孔岩性特征简表
Table 1. The lithologic features of the DTLC core
层号 岩性特征 底深/m 层厚/m 40 黄褐色亚砂土,表层0.40 m含现代植物根茎,少夹粉细砂薄层。 3.00 3.00 39 黄褐色亚粘土,稍密。 7.60 4.60 38 灰绿色细砂,少含泥。 12.50 4.90 37 灰黄色粉砂,少含泥,分选好,局部夹粉土薄层。 19.80 7.30 36 浅灰色亚粘土,局部夹兰黑色条带,见水平层理。 26.70 6.90 35 灰绿色细砂,分选好,松散。 30.50 3.80 34 灰绿色粗砂,少含砾,砾径2~10 mm,多次圆状,分选较差。 35.50 5.00 33 灰褐色砂砾,砾石含量>40%,多次圆状,分选差。 37.25 1.75 32 深灰色中砂,分选较好。 46.05 8.80 31 深灰色粗砂,分选较好。 51.00 4.95 30 灰黑色亚砂土,密实,可见水平层理。 60.00 9.00 29 黑灰色亚粘土,中密,含有机质,可见水平层理。 63.15 3.15 28 黑灰色亚砂土,中密,可见水平层理。 82.30 19.15 27 黑色亚粘土,密实,富含有机质,局部含钙核。 86.50 4.20 26 浅灰绿色粉砂,含泥,微结状,水平层理发育。 91.25 4.75 25 灰绿色亚粘土,中密,见水平层理,局部含钙核。 94.50 3.25 24 浅灰绿色粉砂,少含淤泥,微结状。 98.00 3.50 23 灰白色、灰绿色亚粘土,中密,块状。 101.15 3.15 22 灰绿色粉砂,含泥,微结状,分选好。 107.50 6.35 21 灰黑色亚砂土,密实。 110.20 2.70 20 深灰绿色亚粘土,密实,具有含有机质,显水平层理。 128.75 18.55 19 灰绿色粉砂,含泥,微结状,分选好。 131.55 2.80 18 灰黑色、灰绿色亚粘土,中密,显水平层理,多夹粉砂薄层。 135.00 3.45 17 灰绿色粉砂,含泥,微-半结状,局部显水平层理、斜层理。 145.60 10.60 16 浅灰绿色亚砂土,中密。 148.25 2.65 15 浅灰绿色粉砂,含泥,微结状,分选好。 160.20 11.95 14 灰绿色细砂,含少量中砂,分选好,磨圆度高。 164.25 4.05 13 灰褐色亚砂土,密实。 167.25 3.00 12 灰褐色粗砂,少含泥,分选较差。 170.85 3.60 11 灰褐色亚粘土,密实。 172.75 1.90 10 灰褐色砂砾,砾含量>30%,分选差。 180.20 7.45 9 灰黑色亚粘土,密实,少含铁锰核及锈色条痕。 181.35 1.15 8 灰绿色砂砾,砾含量>40%,偶见卵石。 184.00 2.65 7 灰褐色亚砂土,密实,少含粉细砂。 186.05 2.05 6 黄褐色砂砾,砾含量>30%,分选差,多次圆状。 196.00 9.95 5 灰褐色亚粘土,密实。 200.00 4.00 4 黄褐色砂砾,砾含量>30%,少含卵石,多次圆状,分选差。 203.10 3.10 3 灰褐色亚粘土,密实。 206.30 3.20 2 黄褐色砂砾,砾含量>30%,少含卵石,多次圆状,分选差。 213.80 7.50 1 灰褐色亚粘土,密实,见水平层理。 218.58 4.78 表 2 DTLC孔介形类种属统计表
Table 2. The statistical table of genuses and species of ostracod in the DTLC core
种 属 介形类种属名称 1 1 Limnocythere dubiosa Daday(疑湖花介) 2 1 L.sancti-patricii Brady et Robertson(圣贵湖花介) 3 1 L.binoda Huang(双瘤湖花介) 4 2 Leucocythere plethora Lin(丰满白花介) 5 2 L. mirabilis Kaufmann(奇妙白花介) 6 3 Eucypris inflate (Sars)(胖真星介) 7 4 Ilyocypris manasensis Mandelstam(玛拉斯土星介) 8 5 Cypria luminosa Sun(明亮丽星介) 9 6 Candoniella albicans (Brady)(纯净小玻璃介) -
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