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刘星洪 姚鑫 杨波 汤文坤 周振凯

刘星洪,姚鑫,杨波,等,2023. 川西高原活动性滑坡识别与空间分布特征研究[J]. 地质力学学报,29(1):111−126 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2022024
引用本文: 刘星洪,姚鑫,杨波,等,2023. 川西高原活动性滑坡识别与空间分布特征研究[J]. 地质力学学报,29(1):111−126 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2022024
LIU X H,YAO X,YANG B,et al.,2023. InSAR-based indentification and spatial distribution analysis of active landslides in the Western Sichuan Plateau[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,29(1):111−126 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2022024
Citation: LIU X H,YAO X,YANG B,et al.,2023. InSAR-based indentification and spatial distribution analysis of active landslides in the Western Sichuan Plateau[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,29(1):111−126 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2022024


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2022024
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(41731287);中国地质调查局地质调查项目(DD20221738-2)

    刘星洪(1994—),女,在读博士,主要从事地质构造与地质灾害研究。E-mail: 811981187@qq.com


    姚鑫(1978—),男,博士,研究员,主要从事地质灾害与InSAR研究。E-mail: yaoxingphd@163.com

  • 中图分类号: P642.22

InSAR-based indentification and spatial distribution analysis of active landslides in the Western Sichuan Plateau

Funds: This research is financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 41731287), and the Geological Survey Project of the China Geological Survey (Grant DD20221738-2).
  • 摘要: 成都平原向西至松潘−甘孜褶皱带完成了从平原到高山峡谷区的转变,区域内起伏落差巨大,地势奇峻,河流下切侵蚀严重,构造活动频繁,地震频发,内外动力作用强烈,地质灾害众多。文章利用覆盖全区的Sentinel-1A升降轨数据以及重点区域的ALOS-2数据进行InSAR技术处理,结合GIS空间分析,对研究区活动性滑坡进行早期识别以及空间分布规律的探索,再辅以部分野外调查佐证,获得了以下认识:研究区滑坡集中分布地区按其诱因可分为水库蓄水诱发灾害区(黑水县毛尔盖水库)、震后破碎山体灾害区(茂县岷江与黑水沟交界、汶川至理县一带、九寨沟至石鸡坝镇一线)和重要河流灾害区(舟曲、腊子口镇、小金县和丹巴县);区域内活动性滑坡主要分布于千枚岩等变质岩和泥页岩等碎屑岩中;主要地形范围为坡向南东、东、北东向,坡度15°~40°,高程区间1000~3000 m,相对高差>1000 m;主要分布断裂有岷江断裂、玛曲−荷叶断裂、光盖山−迭山北麓断裂和茂汶−汶川断裂。Sentinel-1A升降轨数据的结合,使得有效观测区域提高到研究区面积的73.41%。在川西高原区ALOS-2数据相对优于Sentinel-1A数据,ALOS-2和Sentinel-1A数据在九寨沟和茂县重叠区识别的结果重合率为58.7%和44.8%,识别数量前者分别是后者的3.98倍和1.39倍。


  • 图  1  研究区及其周边地形地貌、活动断裂及MS 5.0级以上地震分布图

    Figure  1.  Map showing the surrounding topography , active faults and earthquakes(≥MS 5.0) in the study area

    图  2  活动性滑坡研究的技术流程图

    Figure  2.  Workflow of studying active landslides

    图  3  所选SAR数据的覆盖范围示意图

    Figure  3.  Coverage of the selected SAR data

    图  4  依据InSAR地表形变结果解译的活动性滑坡分布图

    Figure  4.  Distribution of active landslides interpreted by the InSAR technology

    图  5  解译滑坡地貌因子统计


    Figure  5.  Statistics of geomorphologic factors of interpreted landslides

    (a) Aspect ; (b) Slope ; (c) Elevation ; (d) Relative height

    图  6  解译滑坡与相邻断裂距离统计分析

    Figure  6.  Statistics of distance between landslide points and adjacent fractures

    图  7  解译滑坡地层岩性统计

    Figure  7.  Statistical analysis of formation lithology of interpreted landslides

    图  8  A区滑坡分布及野外典型照片


    Figure  8.  Distribution map of landslides and typical field photos of Zone A

    (a) InSAR-observed deformation map; (b) Distribution map of landslides; (c and d) Typical field photos

    图  9  B区滑坡分布及野外典型照片


    Figure  9.  Distribution map of landslides and typical field photos of Zone B

    (a) InSAR-observed deformation map; (b) Distribution map of landslides; (c and d) Typical field photos

    图  10  C区滑坡分布及野外典型照片


    Figure  10.  Distribution map of landslides and typical field photos of Zone C

    (a) InSAR-observed deformation map; (b) Distribution map of landslides; (c and d) Typical field photos

    图  11  D区滑坡分布及野外典型照片


    Figure  11.  Distribution map of landslides and typical field photos of Zone D

    (a) InSAR-observed deformation map; (b) Distribution map of landslides; (c and d) Typical field photos

    图  12  E—H区InSAR变形图及解译滑坡分布图


    Figure  12.  InSAR-observed deformation map and distribution map of landslides in Zones E−H

    (a) InSAR-observed deformation map of Zone E; (b) Distribution map of landslides in Zone E; (c) InSAR-observed deformation map of Zone F; (d) Distribution map of landslides in Zone F; (e) InSAR-observed deformation map of Zone G; (f) Distribution map of landslides in Zone G; (g) InSAR-observed deformation map of Zone H; (h) Distribution map of landslides in Zone H

    图  13  ALOS-2解译结果与Sentinel-1A解译结果对比图


    Figure  13.  Comparison of landslides interpreted by ALOS-2 and Sentinel-1A

    (a) Jiuzhaigou; (b) Maoxian; (c) Danba–Xiaojin

    表  1  研究区SAR数据基本参数

    Table  1.   Basic parameters of the SAR data

    ALOS-2 Extra-fine 丹巴−小金县 20171117、20171229、20180209、
    36.1791 升轨 1.43×2.13
    ALOS-2 Extra-fine 茂县 20171126、20171224、20180204、
    36.1763 升轨 1.43×2.12
    ALOS-2 Extra-fine 茂县 20171207、20180104、20180201、
    32.4006 降轨 1.43×1.82
    ALOS-2 Extra-fine 九寨沟 20180113、20180310、20180407、
    39.6627 降轨 1.43×1.84
    ALOS-2 Extra-fine 九寨沟 20171210、20180121、20180304、
    42.8997 升轨 1.43×2.21
    Sentinel-1A TOP 轨道55,窗口97、102、107
    轨道26, 窗口88、93、98
    轨道128, 窗口89、94、99、104
    201901—202003 39.56 升轨 13.98×2.33
    Sentinel-1A TOP 轨道62, 窗口479、484、489、494
    轨道135, 窗口483、488、493
    轨道164, 窗口485、490
    201901—202003 39.55 降轨 13.98×2.33
    下载: 导出CSV
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