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龚凌枫 张运达 铁永波 高延超 刘文 李青春 张斌 杨洪 李光辉 卢佳燕 鲁拓

龚凌枫, 张运达, 铁永波, 等, 2022. 雅鲁藏布江大拐弯典型泥石流全新世以来发育历史及活动特征. 地质力学学报, 28 (6): 1024-1034. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20222826
引用本文: 龚凌枫, 张运达, 铁永波, 等, 2022. 雅鲁藏布江大拐弯典型泥石流全新世以来发育历史及活动特征. 地质力学学报, 28 (6): 1024-1034. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20222826
GONG Lingfeng, ZHANG Yunda, TIE Yongbo, et al., 2022. Development history and activity characteristics of typical debris flows in the Grand Bend of the Yarlung Zangbo River since the Holocene. Journal of Geomechanics, 28 (6): 1024-1034. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20222826
Citation: GONG Lingfeng, ZHANG Yunda, TIE Yongbo, et al., 2022. Development history and activity characteristics of typical debris flows in the Grand Bend of the Yarlung Zangbo River since the Holocene. Journal of Geomechanics, 28 (6): 1024-1034. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20222826


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20222826

国家自然科学基金项目 U20A20110-01

中国地质调查局地质调查项目 DD20221746


    龚凌枫(1989—), 男, 博士, 工程师, 主要从事地质灾害风险评价及泥石流形成及致灾机理研究。E-mail: 308488910@qq.com


    铁永波(1979—), 男, 博士, 教授级高工, 博士生导师, 主要从事地质灾害形成机理与防治研究。E-mail: tyongbo@mail.cgs.gov.cn

  • 中图分类号: P642.22

Development history and activity characteristics of typical debris flows in the Grand Bend of the Yarlung Zangbo River since the Holocene


the National Natural Science Foundation of China U20A20110-01

the Geological Survey Project of the China Geological Survey DD20221746

  • 摘要:

    雅鲁藏布江大拐弯附近晚更新世末次冰期—全新世发育多期次泥石流, 组合形成了现代大规模扇形堆积体。以派镇蹦嘎沟泥石流为例, 采用地面调查、钻孔及14C测年等方法, 研究泥石流形成年代序列、堆积深度、冲出范围等特征, 分析结果表明: 现代蹦嘎沟依然有小规模的支沟泥石流发育且广泛堆积于沟道内, 现存堆积扇区域尚未发现泥石流堆积; 距今8500年左右为蹦噶沟全新世泥石流活跃期, 单期次累积堆积深度约10.9 m; 滨湖浅水相沉积(河流相)形成的浅灰色粉细砂中的两处碳样表明雅鲁藏布江现代河床在40~100年左右沉积深度约0.4 m, 年平均沉积速率4~10 mm; 海拔2906.1~2896.7 m及2849.4~2848.2 m处钻孔依次揭露厚度为9.4 m和1.2 m饼状青灰色粉质黏土, 推测发生两次堵江事件。上述结果可为该区域全新世以来泥石流活动性特征研究提供参考。


  • 图  1  研究区流域及扇形堆积特征

    Figure  1.  Characteristics of the research watershed and fan-delta accumulations

    图  2  蹦嘎沟流域特征


    Figure  2.  Characteristics of the Bengga watershed

    (a) Geological map of the study area; (b) Topographic map the Bengga watershed

    图  3  钻孔位置分布图

    Figure  3.  Location map of the boreholes

    图  4  现代泥石流调查


    Figure  4.  Debris flow investigation

    (a) Side moraine ridges in the channel flowing area; (b)Ring chronology investigation

    图  5  ZK135剖面及不同沉积成因物质成分特征照片

    Figure  5.  Characteristics of the material compositions of different sedimentary facies in the ZK135 profile

    图  6  蹦嘎沟新近泥石流特征


    Figure  6.  Photos showing the features of recent debris flows in the Bengga gully

    (a) Morphology of the alluvial fan; (b) Debris flow sediments at the fanhead; (c) Driftwood and boulder in the inundation area; (d) Debris flow accumulation in the inundation area

    图  7  蹦嘎沟现代泥石流遗迹

    Figure  7.  Remains of the modern debris flows in the Bengga gully

    图  8  蹦嘎沟流域内崩滑物源及沟道堆积分布特征

    Figure  8.  Distribution characteristics of landslide sources and channel accumulations in the Bengga watershed

    图  9  蹦嘎沟第四纪堆积区域平面物质分区

    Figure  9.  Planar source zoning in the Quaternary accumulation area in the Bengga gully

    图  10  蹦嘎沟扇体表层残留湖相沉积体

    Figure  10.  Residual lacustrine sediments on the surface of the Bengga fan-delta

    图  11  研究区末次冰盛期以来测年数据时空对应关系


    Figure  11.  Space-time correspondence of dating data since the last glacial period in the study area

    (a) Spatial location of the dating data; (b) Elevation of the dating points

    表  1  测年取样样品及其位置统计表

    Table  1.   Statistical table of the samples for dating and their locations

    样品位置及取样编号 样品照片
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    表  2  漂木样品测年结果

    Table  2.   Dating results of the driftwood samples

    样品编号 埋深/m 放射性碳年龄 公历校正 测年概率/%
    ZK135-1 12.6 7120+/-30 a B.P. 6062—5977 cal.B.C. 76.0
    5948—5919 cal.B.C. 19.4
    ZK135-4 13.0 7220+/-30 a B.P. 6100—6011 cal.B.C. 76.7
    6219—6135 cal.B.C. 18.7
    ZK135-3 38.5 7810+/-30 a B.P. 6696—6568 cal.B.C. 93.4
    ZK139-2 61.0 9370+/-40 a B.P. 8753—8547 cal.B.C. 93.7
    ZK139-1 61.8 9420+/-30 a B.P. 8792—8622 cal.B.C. 95.4
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    表  3  蹦嘎沟泥石流物源分布及时间变化特征

    Table  3.   Source distribution and temporal variation characteristics of the sources in the Bengga gully

    编号 类型 面积/m2 厚度/m 体积/×104 m3 影像日期
    BH01 崩滑物源 95734 4.21 40.29 2007-9-17
    BH02 崩滑物源 26254 3.13 8.21 2007-9-17
    BH03 崩滑物源 44733 3.54 15.81 2007-9-17
    BH04 崩滑物源 51883 3.66 18.98 2007-9-17
    BH05 崩滑物源 12012 2.61 3.14 2007-9-17
    BH06 崩滑物源 76095 3.99 30.39 2007-9-17
    BH07 崩滑物源 483453 6.10 294.98 2013-10-9
    BH08 崩滑物源 67118 3.88 26.04 2013-10-9
    BH09 崩滑物源 126595 4.49 56.81 2013-10-9
    BH10 崩滑物源 134525 4.55 61.21 2014-11-8
    BH11 崩滑物源 5820 2.21 1.29 2017-12-4
    BH12 崩滑物源 8658 2.43 2.10 2017-12-4
    BH13 崩滑物源 7208 2.33 1.68 2018-12-26
    BH14 崩滑物源 15242 2.76 4.21 2021-1-23
    GD01 沟道堆积 4149 2.05 0.85 2007-9-17
    GD02 沟道堆积 16190 2.80 4.53 2007-9-17
    GD03 沟道堆积 47282 3.58 16.93 2014-11-8
    GD04 沟道堆积 71395 3.94 28.09 2018-12-26
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