Prevention and control of land subsidence and earth fissures in Suzhou–Wuxi–Changzhou region
摘要: 苏州—无锡—常州(苏锡常)地区曾是中国地面沉降灾害最严重的地区之一,从20世纪70年代开始发生地面沉降,随之因差异沉降诱发地裂缝灾害,21世纪以来沉降速率逐年趋缓,部分地区出现区域性的地面回弹,独特的地面沉降发展历程为全面解读地面沉降提供了理想的窗口。为揭示苏锡常地区地面沉降生命周期过程及其驱动机制,利用长时间序列、大区域尺度的三维渗流、应力、应变多场监测数据以及物理试验模型、数值模拟等技术对区域地面沉降与地裂缝宏观演变规律、成因机理进行综合分析。研究结果显示:苏锡常地区地面沉降经历了发生、快速发展、趋缓、滞后和反弹5个阶段;地面沉降与地下水开采密切相关,其地层变形主要来自于地下水开采导致的含水层和弱透水层的压密释水,主采含水砂层及相邻隔水层为沉降主要贡献层,并识别了地层压缩、回弹的时空演变特征及其对地面沉降的贡献;地裂缝是地面沉降发展到一定阶段后所产生的次生地质灾害,其空间展布及成灾时间与地下水水位、地面沉降、基岩起伏变化以及土层结构差异等因素密切相关,提出了驱动地裂缝演化的压—拉—剪—弹物理过程,识别出了地裂缝发生的触发机制和临界条件。同时建立了以地质钻孔全断面光纤监测为特色、多种技术方法融合的“天−空−地”立体化、地下水−地面沉降−地裂缝协同的监测体系,为地面沉降防控提供科学、详细的数据支撑;并创新区域−场地双尺度有限元耦合界面元法,成功实现了三维复杂地质环境条件下地层形变特征及地裂缝生成和扩展的力学机制模拟,为地面沉降、地裂缝易发区精准圈定与防控提供了解决路径;通过总结基于技术创新支撑政府实施的地下水限采、禁采等地面沉降防控实践及其成效,为中国其他省/市地面沉降防控与地下水资源管理起到示范作用。Abstract:
Objective The Suzhou–Wuxi–Changzhou region is one of the most severely affected areas by land subsidence, both in China and globally. In the early 1970s, land subsidence occurred and resulted in the formation of ground fissures caused by differential subsidence, thus resulting in significant economic losses. In this century, the rate of ground subsidence has decreased, with some areas experiencing regional ground resilience. The unique developmental history of ground subsidence allows one to comprehensively interpret its evolutionary process and causal mechanisms. This study aims to unravel the life cycle and driving forces of land subsidence in the Suzhou–Wuxi–Changzhou region. Methods To achieve this, a multifaceted approach was employed, including long-term and large-scale monitoring of three-dimensional seepage, stress, and strain, complemented by physical experimental models and numerical simulations. An analysis was conducted to synthesize the macro-evolutionary patterns and causal mechanisms of land subsidence and the formation of ground fissures. Results and Conclusion The findings indicate that land subsidence in the Suzhou–Wuxi–Changzhou region exhibits distinct characteristics that evolve through five discernible stages: initiation, rapid development, deceleration, stagnation, and rebound. The development of land subsidence is intricately connected to groundwater extraction, with stratum deformation arising predominantly from the compaction and dewatering of aquifers and aquitards due to pumping. During the subsidence phase, primary aquifer sand and contiguous aquitards are identified as the primary contributors to subsidence. By dissecting the causal mechanisms of land subsidence and ground fissures, this study delineates the spatiotemporal evolution of the structural compression and rebound of strata under varying conditions of deep groundwater exploitation, restriction, and prohibition, along with their respective contributions to subsidence. Ground fissures, which act as a secondary geological hazard at certain stages of subsidence, exhibit a spatial distribution and occurrence time that are closely related to groundwater levels, land subsidence, bedrock undulations, and soil-layer structural disparities. The life cycle of ground fissures can be encapsulated by the mechanical processes of compression, tension, shearing, and rebound, which highlights the triggers and critical thresholds for fissure formation due to differential subsidence. An integrated “sky–air–ground” monitoring system that can perform full-section fiber-optic monitoring in geological boreholes and amalgamates diverse technical methods is established to obtain scientific and granular data support for land-subsidence control and prevention. Furthermore, an innovative finite-element coupling interface element method customized for regional and site-specific scales is developed. This method successfully simulates the mechanisms of stratum deformation as well as the genesis and propagation of ground fissures under complex three-dimensional geological conditions, thus facilitating the precise identification and management of subsidence and fissure prone areas. Significance This study highlights the government’s land subsidence control measures at various stages, which are characterized by technological innovations such as groundwater extraction restrictions and bans, thus setting a precedent for land subsidence management and groundwater resource stewardship in other provinces and cities across China. -
图 19 地裂缝模拟结果(Zhang et al.,2017)
Figure 19. Earth fissure simulation results (Zhang et al.,2017)
(a) Time step 10; (b) Time step 20; (c) Time step 30; (d) Time step 40; (e) Time step 60; (f) Time step 100
图 20 无锡光明村地裂缝数值模型三维位移图(Ye et al.,2018)
Figure 20. Three-dimensional displacement diagram of numerical modeling of Guangming village earth fissure, Wuxi (Ye et al.,2018)
表 1 苏锡常地区地面沉降发展变化情况
Table 1. List of changes from development of land subsidence in Suzhou–Wuxi–Changzhou region
时间 地面沉降漏斗面积/km2 累计沉降量介于200~600mm 累计沉降量介于600~1000mm 累计沉降量>1000mm 1986年 401 108 7 1991年 1473 224 37 2002年 3287 635 401 2022年 3706 708 409 表 2 部分基岩标、分层标水准测量结果
Table 2. Leveling results of bedrock and layered extensometers
序号 地点 2005年 2006年 2007年 2008年 2009年 2010年 2015年 2020年 1 清凉小学 −4.1 +1.4 +4.9 +9.2 +5.3 +4.87 +8.3 +7.7 2 前洲 −18.3 −10.5 −10.1 −5.3 −1.5 −0.13 +3.7 +7.9 3 璜塘 −15.8 −14.0 −21.5 −14.7 −15.9 −14.1 −0.1 +5.7 4 渭塘 +4.1 −1.4 −1.8 +0.7 −0.4 −1.06 +4.1 +2.7 5 松陵 −6.8 −3.9 −4.0 −3.9 −4.5 −1.38 +0.5 −0.6 注:+表示地面回弹,−表示地面沉降 表 3 常州典型分层标各层形变情况(1984—2023年)
Table 3. Deformation of individual soil layers of layerwise marks in Changzhou
层号 起止深度/m 主要岩性 监测层段 形变情况 1:地面标—分1 0~5.98 亚黏土 第Ⅰ承压含水层顶板 形变量较小,总体稳定 2:分1—分2 5.98~19.10 粉砂 第Ⅰ承压含水砂层 轻微压缩,总体稳定 3:分2—分3 19.1~39.19 淤泥质亚砂土、淤泥质亚黏土、
粉砂和亚黏土第Ⅰ承压隔水底板 1984—2006年累计压缩12.63 mm 2007—2023年累计回弹5.38 mm 4:分3—分4 39.19~71.85 亚黏土 第Ⅱ承压隔水顶板 上段 1984—2006年累计压缩125.29 mm 2007—2023年累计回弹26.38 mm 5:分4—分5 71.85~92.33 淤泥质亚黏土 下段 1984—2002年累计压缩250.65 mm 2003—2023年累计回弹30.82 mm 6:分5—分6 92.33~109.09 细砂、粉砂 第Ⅱ承压含水砂层 1984—2002年累计压缩79.11 mm 2003-2023年累计回弹13.84 mm 7:分6—分7 109.09~118.50 亚黏土 第Ⅱ—Ⅲ承压弱透水层 1984—2004年累计压缩46.97 mm 2005—2023年累计回弹8.88 mm 8:分7—分8 118.50~144.78 粉细砂、细砂夹亚黏土、黏土 第Ⅲ承压含水砂层 1984—2010年累计压缩132.6 mm 2011—2023年累计回弹10.4 mm 9:分8—基岩 144.78~288.09 亚黏土、粉细砂、泥岩、泥质砂砾层 第Ⅲ承压下部地层 1984—2005年累计压缩40.06 mm 2006—2023年累计回弹20.12 mm -
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