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陈东升 纪洪广 袁永忠 李芹涛

陈东升,纪洪广,袁永忠,等,2023. 岩石非均质程度对水压致裂地应力测试方法影响的分析与讨论[J]. 地质力学学报,29(3):365−374 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20232906
引用本文: 陈东升,纪洪广,袁永忠,等,2023. 岩石非均质程度对水压致裂地应力测试方法影响的分析与讨论[J]. 地质力学学报,29(3):365−374 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20232906
CHEN D S,JI H G,YUAN Y Z,et al.,2023. Influence of rock inhomogeneity degree on the crustal stress results measured by hydraulic fracturing method[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,29(3):365−374 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20232906
Citation: CHEN D S,JI H G,YUAN Y Z,et al.,2023. Influence of rock inhomogeneity degree on the crustal stress results measured by hydraulic fracturing method[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,29(3):365−374 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20232906


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20232906
基金项目: 山东省重大科技创新工程项目(2019SDZY02,2019SDYZ05)

    陈东升(1994—),男,在读博士,主要从事岩石力学与地应力测量等相关工作。E-mail: beikecds@163.com


    纪洪广(1963—),男,教授,博士生导师,主要从事岩石力学基础理论与岩土工程相关工作。E-mail: jihongguang@ces.ustb.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: P553

Influence of rock inhomogeneity degree on the crustal stress results measured by hydraulic fracturing method

Funds: This research is financially supported by the Major Scientific and Technological Innovation Projects of Shandong Province, China (Grants 2019SDZY02 and 2019SDYZ05)
  • 摘要: 准确揭示原位地应力状态,对地下工程开挖支护设计和长期稳定性分析等具有十分重要的意义。利用水压致裂技术开展了纱岭金矿主竖井地应力测试工作,获得了20个测段地应力状态;室内进行了主竖井测试孔岩芯的岩石力学试验,包括巴西劈裂试验、单轴压缩试验及声发射监测试验,获得了岩石空间非均质度和强度分布特征,并分析了岩石非均质度与水压致裂测试结果的关系。结果表明:主应力大小随测量深度近似呈线性增大,测试孔的最大水平主应力值为20.78~45.20 MPa,最小水平主应力值为14.94~35.33 MPa,平均最大水平主应力方向为 NW65°;测试孔岩芯各层位非均质度不同,变辉长岩非均质度系数为0.1~0.3,且岩石不同强度条件下声发射信号数量变化不显著,岩石离散度较小,花岗岩非均质度系数最高,可达1.0,以加载后期强相破裂产生的声发射信号为主;岩石非均质度影响水压致裂裂纹的扩展方向,扩展方向和最大水平主应力方向的夹角$\varphi $影响着最大、最小水平主应力的测量结果,且对最小水平主应力的影响尤为显著。分析水压致裂测量结果与岩石性质之间的关系,对精确探测非均质地层的地应力场分布规律具有一定的指导作用。


  • 图  1  纱岭金矿区域地质构造简图与主井地质剖面图简图

    Figure  1.  Sketch map of the regional geological structure and the geological profile of the main shaft of the Shaling Gold Mine

    图  2  水压致裂典型压裂曲线

    Figure  2.  Typical fracturing curves of hydraulic fracturing

    图  3  主应力、孔隙水压力随深度变化规律

    Figure  3.  Distribution of principal stress and pore water pressure with depth

    图  4  单轴试件安装及劈裂试件应变片布置图

    Figure  4.  Uniaxial rock sample installation and splitting specimen strain gauge layout drawing

    图  5  不同深度岩石的劈裂应变及变异系数

    Figure  5.  Splitting strains and coefficients of variation for rocks at different depths

    图  6  岩样应力−应变曲线、声发射幅值演化及各应力下声发射信号占比

    Figure  6.  Stress–strain curves of rock samples, evolution of acoustic emission amplitude, and percentage of acoustic emission signal at each stress

    图  7  水压致裂岩石强弱相分布示意图

    σHσh—最大、最小水平主应力;$\varphi $—岩体和测试孔中心连线与最大水平主应力方向的夹角;r—测试孔半径

    Figure  7.  Schematic diagram showing the strong and weak phase distribution of rocks using hydraulic fracturing

    σH and σh–maximum and minimum horizontal principal stresses; $\varphi $–angle between the connecting line of the center of the rock and the test borehole and the direction of the maximum horizontal principal stress; r–radius of the test borehole

    图  8  水压致裂远场应力状态和坐标转化后应力状态

    Figure  8.  The far-field stress state and the stress state after coordinate transformation using hydraulic fracturing

    图  9  水压致裂测得水平主应力及误差与$\varphi $关系变化图

    Figure  9.  Plot of horizontal principal stress and error measured by hydraulic fracturing versus $\varphi $

    表  1  水压致裂地应力测量结果

    Table  1.   In-situ stress measurement results using hydraulic fracturing

    PbPrPsP0T${\sigma _{\text{H}}}$${\sigma _{\text{h}}}$${\sigma _{\text{v}}}$
    下载: 导出CSV
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