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周济元 陈世忠 肖凡

周济元, 陈世忠, 肖凡, 2024. 从岩浆动力成因构造研究矿床——以福建福安赤路钼矿为例. 地质力学学报, 30 (1): 168-180. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2022140
引用本文: 周济元, 陈世忠, 肖凡, 2024. 从岩浆动力成因构造研究矿床——以福建福安赤路钼矿为例. 地质力学学报, 30 (1): 168-180. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2022140


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2022140
  • 图  1  福建福安赤路矿区地质略图(据福建省地质四队四〇三分队,1976修改)


    Figure  1.  Geological sketch of the Chilu mining area in Fu'an(revised from Fujian Provincial Geological Team 403 Division, 1976

    1–rhyolitic crystal lapilli tuff and rhyolitic brecciated lapilli tuff of the Nanyuan Group; 2–fine-grained porphyritic granite; 3–syenite porphyry; 4–diabase; 5–molybdenum ore body; 6–boundary between greisenization zone and sericite alteration zone; 7–boundary between potassic alteration zone and greisenization zone; 8–boundary between sericite alteration zone and propylitization zone

    图  2  福建福安赤路矿区8线地质剖面图(据福建省地质四队四〇三分队,1976改编)


    Figure  2.  Geological profile of Line 8 in the Chilu mining area in Fu'an(revised from the Fujian Provincial Geological Team 403 Division, 1976

    1–Nanyuan Group; 2–granite; 3–syenite porphyry; 4–molybdenum ore body; 5–potassic alteration; 6–greisenization; 7–silication and sericitization; 8–silicification; 9–sericitization; 10–epidotization; 11–chloritization; 12–drill hole

    图  3  赤路钼矿床成矿模式


    Figure  3.  Metallogenic Model of the Chilu Molybdenum Deposit

    1–rhyolitic crystalline tuff lava and rhyolitic breccia lava (J3nc) from the third member of the Nanyuan Group of the Upper Jurassic; 2–medium to fine grained porphyritic granite; 3–monzogranite; 4–orthogonal granite; 5–steep inclined ore bodies at and above the contact surface; 6–gently inclined ore bodies with parallel contact surfaces at and below the contact surface; 7–No.1 ore body; 8–No.101 ore body; 9–the first stage of magmatic dynamic process; 10–the second stage of magmatic dynamic process; 11–the mode and direction of the second stage of magmatic dynamic process from the same source; 12–the boundary between different granites

    表  1  赤路钼矿床主要控矿构造特征表

    Table  1.   Main ore-controlling structural characteristics of the Chilu molybdenum deposit

    接触面以上 张性或张剪性 NNW/SWW∠70°± 垂直或近垂直 平行或近平行(NNW/SWW∠70°±)
    接触面   压性或压剪性 NEE/SSE∠20°± 同一     垂直或近垂直
    接触面以下 压性或压剪性 NEE/SSE∠20°± 平行或近平行 垂直或近垂直
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    表  2  岩浆动力成因构造控矿主要类型及其特征表

    Table  2.   The main types and characteristics of structures associated with intrusion and mineralization

    形态  直立树枝状石英脉型钨矿倾斜平行石英脉型钨矿陡倾斜石英脉型钼矿平行分布弧形石英脉型、硅化脉带型钼矿层(体)叠层平行分布两侧倾向相向平行中间夹X形石英脉型钨矿
    产状  平行或近平行接触面矽卡岩型、砂岩细脉型钨矿层(体)矽卡岩型钨矿
    结构面 接触面接触面接触面(隐形)接触面接触面
    类型  伟晶岩型、云英岩型矿体(层)平行叠层分布云英岩型矿层(体)平行接触面分布缓倾斜云英岩层(体)平行接触面及以下平行分布与接触面平行云英岩型、细脉浸染型、浸染型钨矿层(体)叠层平行分布
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