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李剑 田继先 王波 朱军 周飞 李森明 邵泽宇 李海鹏 乔柏翰

李剑, 田继先, 王波, 等, 2023. 柴达木盆地深层天然气富集条件及勘探潜力. 地质力学学报, 29 (5): 618-630. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2022084
引用本文: 李剑, 田继先, 王波, 等, 2023. 柴达木盆地深层天然气富集条件及勘探潜力. 地质力学学报, 29 (5): 618-630. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2022084
LI Jian, TIAN Jixian, WANG Bo, et al., 2023. Accumulation conditions and exploration potential of deep natural gas in the Qaidam Basin. Journal of Geomechanics, 29 (5): 618-630. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2022084
Citation: LI Jian, TIAN Jixian, WANG Bo, et al., 2023. Accumulation conditions and exploration potential of deep natural gas in the Qaidam Basin. Journal of Geomechanics, 29 (5): 618-630. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2022084


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2022084

中国石油天然气股份有限公司前瞻性与基础性重大科技项目 2021DJ0603


    李剑(1966-), 男, 博士, 教授级高级工程师, 天然气地球化学与油气成藏。E-mail: lijian69@petrochina.com.cn


    田继先(1981-), 男, 博士, 高级工程师, 主要从事天然气综合地质研究。E-mail: tjx69@petrochina.com.cn

  • 中图分类号: TE122.3

Accumulation conditions and exploration potential of deep natural gas in the Qaidam Basin


the Prospective and Fundamental Major Science and Technology Project of the China National Petroleum Corporation 2021DJ0603

  • 摘要:

    为明确柴达木盆地深层天然气勘探潜力, 基于地震、地质、地球化学、录井及钻井等多种资料分析了柴达木盆地深层天然气藏的富集条件, 并指出了有利勘探方向。结果表明: 柴达木盆地深层具备形成大型气田的成藏条件, 深层发育柴北缘侏罗系和柴西古近系两套优质气源, 演化程度高, 生气能力强; 柴北缘深层发育基岩和古近系碎屑岩储层, 柴西深层发育古近系湖相碳酸盐岩储集层, 多种类型储层平面上分布广泛, 纵向上组成多套储盖组合, 发育的原生孔、溶蚀孔及裂缝等多种孔隙类型被认为是深层气藏富集的储存空间; 持续活动的深大断裂是深层气源的优质通道; 同时深层构造的形成与天然气生成具有良好的匹配关系, 深层烃源岩具有早生烃、持续生烃特征, 早期生成的液态烃在后期深埋过程中高温裂解成气, 生气能力强, 深层资源潜力大; 盆地深层广泛发育的盐岩、泥质岩层及异常高压层有利于深层天然气保存。综合认为柴达木盆地深层气藏富集于断裂发育的生烃凹陷周围的圈闭中, 柴北缘山前古隆起基岩、腹部构造带古近系碎屑岩和柴西环英雄岭构造带碳酸盐岩是深层天然气勘探有利区。


  • 图  1  柴达木盆地构造分区图及综合柱状图

    Figure  1.  Structural zoning map and comprehensive bar chart of the Qaidam Basin

    图  2  柴达木盆地深层主力气源RO等值线分布图(据田继先等,2017郭泽清等,2017修改)

    Figure  2.  Distribution of RO isoline of the deep main gas source in the Qaidam Basin (modified from Tian et al., 2017; Guo et al., 2017)

    图  3  柴达木盆地深层储集空间特征

    Figure  3.  Spatial types of deep reservoirs in the Qaidam Basin

    图  4  柴达木盆地古近系E32沉积相

    Figure  4.  Sedimentary facies of E32 in the Qaidam Basin

    图  5  柴西-柴北缘E32—N21连井沉积相图

    Figure  5.  Sedimentary facies of E32-N21 from west to north of the Qaidam basin

    图  6  柴北缘阿尔金山前复式隆起带油气藏地质剖面图

    Figure  6.  Geological profile of oil and gas reservoirs in the Altun piedmont complex uplift belt in the northern margin of the Qaidam Basin

    图  7  柴西地区英西-英中-英北油气藏地质剖面图

    Figure  7.  Geological profile of the Yingxi-Yingzhong-Yingbei oil and gas reservoirs in the western Qaidam Basin

    图  8  柴达木盆地烃源岩演化史图


    Figure  8.  Hydrocarbon generation history of the Qaidam basin

    (a)Evolution history of the Jurassic source rocks in the Yibei Sag, northern margin of the Qaidam Depression; (b)Evolution history of the Paleogene source rocks in Yingxiongling area, western Qaidam Depression

    图  9  柴北缘深层晚期构造带成藏模式图

    Figure  9.  Accumulation model of the late tectonic zone in the deep of the northern margin of the Qaidam Basin

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