XU Sheng-lin, ANG Jiao-dong, ZHOU Xin-gui, et al., 2016. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN BOHAI SEGMENT OF TANLU FAULT ZONE AND YISHU FAULT ZONE. Journal of Geomechanics, 22 (1): 56-65.
Citation: LIU Jian-chao, WANG De-quan, ZHANG Hai-dong, et al., 2013. PETROGENESIS AND TECTONIC SIGNIFICANCE OF GRANITE IN THE HAOYAOERHUDONG GOLD DEPOSIT IN INNER MONGOLIA. Journal of Geomechanics, 19 (4): 413-422.


More Information
  • The Haoyaoerhudong gold deposit is a mesothermal-epithermal deposit with ultra-large reserves and low grade. Hercynian granite was developed in the gold deposit. Granitite, granite aplite, granite pegmatite and granite-porphyry could be found in the Haoyaoerhudong gold deposit. The content of SiO2 is from 65.36 to 73.07, and Na2O/K2O is 0.43 to 1.01, with average value of 0.75. The granite dikes belong to high potassium calcium alkaline. The biotite granitization belongs to shoshonitic series. The variation tendency of other elements with following the content of SiO2 is obviously linear, and then it expresses the characters of Ⅰ-type granite. The content of ∑REE ranges from 64.86×10-6 to 164.80×10-6, which means low content of REE. The ratio of (La/Yb)N ranges from 6.59 to 16.98, revealing apparent fractionation between LREE and HREE. The distribution curve of REE is right deviation. The δEu average value of biotite granitization is 0.30. The δEu average value of granite dikes is 0.65, indicating high and medium negative anomaly of Eu elememt. The biotite granitization showed low Sr and low Y characteristics. The granite dikes showed high Sr and low Y characteristics. According to the geochemical characteristics, the granitoids belong to collision-post collision environment Ⅰ-type granite.


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