XU Chen-xi, HAO Qing-zhen, YANG Shi-ling, et al., 2011. EAST ASIAN MONSOON CHANGES DURING THE HOLOCENE———RECORDS FROM THE SOUTHEASTERN LOESS PLATEAU. Journal of Geomechanics, 17 (2): 175-184.
Citation: XU Chen-xi, HAO Qing-zhen, YANG Shi-ling, et al., 2011. EAST ASIAN MONSOON CHANGES DURING THE HOLOCENE———RECORDS FROM THE SOUTHEASTERN LOESS PLATEAU. Journal of Geomechanics, 17 (2): 175-184.


More Information
  • The influence of global warming on East Asian Monsoon (EAM) has received intensive concern, and studies on history of EAM could provide important climate analogue in the warmer temperature context.Five loess-paleosol sequences in the southeastern Loess Plateau were sampled to address the history of EAM during the last 20 ka.The intensity of EAM was weak from 18 to 12 ka B.P., increased rapidly in the interval of 12-10 ka B.P, and reached highest points during 10-6 ka B.P., and declined after 6 ka B.P.The proxies of summer monsoon, magnetic susceptibility and paleo-weathering intensity in this study is basically timely consistent with the geological records in different part of EAM region.The insolation of low-latitude northern hemisphere is main control factor of EAM, although changes of EAM lagged variations of insolation of low-latitude northern hemisphere.The lag may be induced by several important boundary conditions (e.g., scales of polar ice sheet in northern high latitudes, sea level changes, interaction between sea and atmosphere in low latitudes) of EAM to insolation and interaction between components of climate system.Additionally, our studies showed that magnetic susceptibility (MS) and maximum FeD/FeT values in same section were not in same position of soil profiles, with lower position of maximum FeD/FeT value than that of MS in relatively strong weathering area.Compared with MS, FeD/FeT ratio can better reflect the intensity of EAM.


  • 致谢: 感谢姜文英副研究员、冯少华、陈祚玲同学在野外采样中所提供的帮助。感谢审稿人提出的宝贵意见。
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