Volume 21 Issue 3
Sep.  2015
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DONG Pei-yu, REN Tian-xiang, YANG Shao-hua, et al., 2015. A PROBLEM AND EXPLANATION FOR BOREHOLE STRAIN METER RECORDS OF CO-SEISMIC STRAIN STEPS. Journal of Geomechanics, 21 (3): 359-370.
Citation: DONG Pei-yu, REN Tian-xiang, YANG Shao-hua, et al., 2015. A PROBLEM AND EXPLANATION FOR BOREHOLE STRAIN METER RECORDS OF CO-SEISMIC STRAIN STEPS. Journal of Geomechanics, 21 (3): 359-370.


More Information
  • Received: 2015-01-04
  • Published: 2015-09-01
  • Observation data from 4-compnoent borehole strain meters can be self-checked by Δεεεε. However, when strain meters record the co-seismic strain steps, the Δεε is not often equal to the Δεε, and observed values are greater than the theory solution. In this paper, the possible reasons were analyzed and several models with different initial confining stress and different stress disturbance caused by earthquake wave were established, with the finite element method of "kill element" and transverse isotropic" wounded element" to simulate the tension fracture or shear slip occur between metal cylinder and the cement sheath, and discuss which one is the real reason. The results indicate that tension fracture between the metal cylinder and the cement sheath account for the difference of Δεε and Δεε, and affect the co-seismic strain steps observation. Therefore, some new improved methods are needed when arranging borehole probe in the drilling-hole in order to reduce the observation error in future.


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