Volume 22 Issue 4
Dec.  2016
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Citation: GU Ping-yang, CHEN Rui-ming, CHA Xian-feng, et al., 2016. EXPLORATION AND PRACTICE OF 1: 50000 GEOLOGICAL MAPPING TECHNIQUES FOR ALPINE-GORGE AREA: A CASE STUDY IN BEISHAN AREA OF WUSHI, XINJIANG. Journal of Geomechanics, 22 (4): 837-855.


More Information
  • Received: 2016-09-15
  • Published: 2016-12-01
  • The 1:50000 geological mapping project makes sufficient use of remote sensing technologies to explore new methods of geological mapping in alpine-gorge area of Wushi, Xinjiang. Different spatial resolution remote sensing data can reveal different characteristics of lithology and structures. Integrated interpretations of multi-source remote sensing data can enhance the ability of interpretation effectively. Higher accuracy interpretations of lithologic classification can be obtained by combination of different bands of the same remote sensing image according to the optimum index factor (OIF) and synergestic images of Landsat-8 and worldview-2. Hyperspectral mineral mapping and lithology identification, petrochemistry components mapping using ASTER thermal infrared remote sensing data are useful technologies of geological mapping in alpine-gorge area. Both of the ETM and ASTER data were used to extract alteration information. The result shows that the ASTER data is more useful than ETM data in extracting alteration anomalies, such as ferric contamination anomaly and hydroxyl anomaly. Therefore, it is an important way of multivariate information comprehensive analysis to prospect. Based on the geological and geomorphological features, effective techniques have been selected to complete 1:50000 geological mapping of the North Mountain, Wushen area, and important research results have been obtained. The sufficient use of remote sensing data can reduce the amount of geologic section and geological survey routes, and achieve the mapping precision.


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