Volume 26 Issue 6
Dec.  2020
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FENG Weiping, WANG Feiyu, WANG Zongxiu, et al., 2020. Characteristics and origin of crude oils in the Wulanhua sag. Journal of Geomechanics, 26 (6): 932-940. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2020.26.06.074
Citation: FENG Weiping, WANG Feiyu, WANG Zongxiu, et al., 2020. Characteristics and origin of crude oils in the Wulanhua sag. Journal of Geomechanics, 26 (6): 932-940. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2020.26.06.074

Characteristics and origin of crude oils in the Wulanhua sag

doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2020.26.06.074
More Information
  • Received: 2020-08-08
  • Revised: 2020-10-11
  • Published: 2020-12-01
  • The Wulanhua sag is a newly discovered oil-rich sag in the Erlian basin. The physical and geochemical properties of crude oils in the Wulanhua sag were systematically analyzed to reveal the characteristics and origins. The physical properties of crude oils suggest that the API gravities range from 20.2° to 40.0°, and most are normal crude oil. The biomarker parameters show considerable variation among the oils from different tectonic units, which can be separated into two crude oil families. Crude oil family-I is dominated by oils from the Tumuer tectonic unit, and characterized by low Pr/Ph and C21/C23 TT, and relatively high gammacerane/C31 hopane and regular sterane/C30 hopane. Crude oil family-I is mostly derived from the algal organic matter at low maturity levels. Crude oil family-Ⅱ consists of oils from the Saiwusu and Hongjing tectonic units, which is characterized by high Pr/Ph and C21/C23 TT, and relatively low gammacerane/C31 hopane and regular sterane/C30 hopane. Crude oil family-Ⅱ is mainly derived from the mixed algal and terrigenous organic matter at higher maturity levels. Carbon isotopic compositions of crude oil and individual n-alkanes indicate that these two crude oil families should be the products of the same set of source rocks at different maturity levels, and likely derived from the K1ba source rock in the southern sub-sag. The factors controlling differences between the two crude oil families include the heterogeneous source rock and its maturation process.


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