Volume 25 Issue 5
Oct.  2019
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Article Contents
ZHANG Ke, 2019. ON THE LANDFORM SIEVE AND RESTORATION: INHERITANCE AND INNOVATION OF J.S.LEE'S ACADEMIC THOUGHTS. Journal of Geomechanics, 25 (5): 889-898. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2019.25.05.073
Citation: ZHANG Ke, 2019. ON THE LANDFORM SIEVE AND RESTORATION: INHERITANCE AND INNOVATION OF J.S.LEE'S ACADEMIC THOUGHTS. Journal of Geomechanics, 25 (5): 889-898. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2019.25.05.073


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2019.25.05.073
More Information
  • Received: 2019-08-20
  • Revised: 2019-09-06
  • Published: 2019-10-31
  • The academic system of J.S.Lee is extensive and profound; his scientific thinking is distinctive and original; and his research method is comprehensive and systematic, many of which are still worth inheriting and further innovating. One of the highlights here is the geological structural sieve. The definition of structural sieve is a method of the separation of the overlap structures formed in different periods by the analysis of the relative forming order. This idea is very important especially in the study of complex tectonics, avoiding possible confusion of the different geological structures with different ages. The idea is also valuable in the study of landforms, especially in the complex and overlap ones with different ages. Geomorphology is a four-dimension discipline. It is necessary to study not only the landforms in three-dimension in space, but also the geomorphic past, present and future in the time-dimension. In the research on geomorphologic time-dimension or historical geomorphology, we need to sieve different landforms with different ages in order, together with their forming agents, from the overlap or mosaic landform complex, restore their original features, reestablish their evolution history and analyze their genesis. Along the time-dimension masterstroke, methods and significance of research on geomorphic history, evolution and mechanism are exemplified by several macro-landforms (river systems, planation surfaces, late Mesozoic granite domes, K2-E red bed basins and late Quaternary basins, etc.) in the coast area of South China. In spite of various types, mosaic ages, complex genesis of the landforms in the example area, they show a harmonious picture by the research following the method of landform sieve and restoration. The example indicates that the landform sieving is the same efficient to the structural one. The research of historical geomorphology as well as the relationship between inheritance and innovation is discussed philosophically finally. The best way in the memory of J.S.Lee is to inherit his scientific thinking instead of his special knowledge, which was inevitably limited by the scientific and technological developing level in the past. The purpose in the memory of J.S.Lee is to encourage the original innovation in the scientific research for Chinese scholars by learning from his thinking quintessence.


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