Volume 24 Issue 4
Aug.  2018
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GUAN Chengyao, ZHAO Guochun, BAI Xiangdong, et al., 2018. REVIEW OF CATEGORY AND DEVELOPMENT CONTEXT OF FAULT MECHANICS. Journal of Geomechanics, 24 (4): 555-586. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2018.24.04.058
Citation: GUAN Chengyao, ZHAO Guochun, BAI Xiangdong, et al., 2018. REVIEW OF CATEGORY AND DEVELOPMENT CONTEXT OF FAULT MECHANICS. Journal of Geomechanics, 24 (4): 555-586. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2018.24.04.058


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2018.24.04.058
More Information
  • Received: 2018-01-08
  • Revised: 2018-06-29
  • Published: 2018-08-01
  • In order to reveal the whole-theory of fault mechanics, this paper reviews the development of fault mechanics, the due system, the lack of frame and summarizes the differences of academic concerns and research contents. The results show that there are scale differences and target differences in the correlation field of fault mechanics. Fault mechanics is a link in multi-disciplinary fields, yet it is still a zone no one to manage. There are differences in size and deformation velocity between rock cracks and faults with internal structures. The centennial development trajectory of fault research from external forces to fault-tectonic stress field and then to slip-line-field is a simplified and practical way, which hinders the development of quantitative theory. "Mohr paradigm" is the support, with practical and simplified features, which also hinders the development of fault mechanics towards mechanism and quantification. There are two kinds of methods in fault research, forward modeling and inversion. Forward modeling mainly includes experimental fault mechanics and theoretical fault mechanics. The combination of forward modeling and inversion is the future development direction. In accordance with the "unified law of mechanics", "geomechanics" embodies the spatial relation and mechanical relation of faults and belongs to the category of "generalized fault mechanics". The "generalized fault mechanics" system is applicable to the development of "unified development, concern and connection", while the "narrow sense mechanics" system is applicable to the development of "decentralized development, individual achieve". The pre-rift always controlling the secondary fault and influencing the stress distribution and the "theory of stress restriction" is an important direction in the future. "fault rheological tribology" and the "fault rock fabric tribology" will emerge as two directions in the future, and the "fault rock fabric tribology" should be integrated micro-tectonics, the stability of rock fabric characteristics, the rheological characteristics, generalized friction characteristic and so on. The microscopic structural phenomenology theory needs to be promoted to the large-scale fault mechanics theory, and rock fabric needs to be introduced to the rock mechanics experiment. Different scales have different concerns, different theories and different parameters, which aggravate the isolation of research groups. The mud-particles in faults can be migrated, resulting in "The theory of fault mud-particles transport". The concept of fault-locking needs to be reconsidered, and future research should be based on the "slow strain" and "large-scale" frictional extension mechanics of fault.


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