摘要: 纵向连续地应力分布对井中储层的压裂施工设计具有重要的指导意义。以卫星油田葡萄花油藏储层为研究对象,结合实际储层压裂数据,优化建立由连续测井数据计算地层最小主应力的数学模型,给出合理的沿井轴连续的地应力剖面。以自然电位曲线的分层为基准,按照一定规则将应力剖面曲线、自然伽马曲线分层取值,并计算待压裂层与上(下)隔层间的"隔层厚度"、"储隔层应力差"、"隔层品质"等参数。利用研究区实际压裂设计数据,以避免压裂过程中待压裂岩层发生"窜槽"为目的,研究给出了不同参数岩层,在压裂排量、压砂强度、单位厚度用液量及压裂方式等施工参数方面的约束条件。实际井例的应用说明,这些条件可有效保障勘探开发压裂工艺的成功率。Abstract: The distribution of longitudinal continuous geostress is of great guiding significance for fracture construction design. Take putaohua reservoir in weixing oil-field as the research object, combined with the actual fracturing data of the reservoirs, the mathematical model of the minimum geostress which is calculated by the continuous logging data is optimized to establish, offering the reasonable continuous geostress profile along the well shaft. Based on the layers of the spontaneous potential curve, getting a value of curves of stress profile and natural gamma according to certain rules, parameters of interlayer thickness, interlayer stress difference and interlayer quality between the to-be fractured layers and on (under) interlayers layers are calculate. the actual fracture design data of the study area are used to avoid the channeling during the fracturing process. This study provides the constraint conditions of the construction parameters of rock formations, such as fracturing displacement, sand filling intensity, liquid quantity per unit thickness and fracturing way. The application of actual experience shows that the conditions can effectively guarantee the success rate of the fracturing technology of mineral exploration and development.
Key words:
- geostress /
- fracture /
- layering technology /
- logging data /
- channeling /
- weixing oil-field
表 1 卫2-3#-2井待压裂层及相应参数计算结果
Table 1. Layer to be fractured of wei 2-3#-2# and parameter calculation results respectively
表 2 压裂软件计算的压裂施工参数及不同参数对应的压窜约束限制值
Table 2. Fracturing operation parameters calculated by fracturing software and pressure constraint values of correspording parameters
输入参数 不同的参数对应的压窜约束限制值 压裂软件设计数据 预计支撑缝半长(m) 预计支撑缝宽(mm) 隔层应力差=1.3Mpa 隔层泥岩品质=0.682 隔层厚度=8m 单位厚度用砂量m3/m 3.6 3.59 3.45 4.73 单位厚度用液量m3/m 20.31 20.82 22.71 29.9 90 5.0 压裂排量m3/min 2.0 2.0 2.3 2.2 -
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