摘要: 在已有调查研究的基础上,通过野外地质调查和剖面测量,重点分析了岷江松潘段的漳腊盆地、斗鸡台盆地地貌特征、第四纪沉积物类型、物质成分、空间分布等特征,并系统测量和研究了松潘段岷江干流及其支流的河流阶地特征。研究表明,新构造运动控制了松潘段第四纪盆地的形态和地貌演化过程,漳腊盆地和斗鸡台盆地形成于中新世末至上新世初,西侧控盆断裂为东倾正断层,东侧为西倾逆断层,盆地为断块发生西降东升的翘板式断块运动过程中形成的,称之为"翘板式箕状盆地"。松潘段岷江河谷地貌呈现出宽谷和窄谷交替出现的特点,岷江干流及其支流中发育多处湖相地层,沉积特征表现为堰塞湖。岷江上游松潘段最多发育6级阶地,以侵蚀阶地和堆积阶地为主,主要形成于中更新世晚期—全新世时期。阶地级数具有分段性特点,不同区段阶地阶面宽窄不一,受区内新构造活动控制明显。岷江上游新构造运动表现为南北条带性和东西向差异掀斜抬升的特点,红桥关以上整体为构造隆升区,至少具有3次构造隆升,岷江上游斗鸡台盆地构造隆升强度整体上大于漳腊盆地。在尕米寺地区可能发生了6次构造抬升,红桥关一带构造抬升明显要强于漳腊盆地。Abstract: The Songpan section of the Minjiang River mainly refers to the section from the source of the Minjiang River to Zhenjiangguan, which is located in the transition zone of the eastern margin of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and Sichuan Basin, belonging to the source area of the Minjiang River. With complex topography and geomorphology, strong neotectonic movements, development of Quaternary strata, various landform types, and frequently occurred and large magnitude earthquakes, the study area is an ideal for studing the tectonic movements of Minjiang River fault zone since the late Cenozoic era. Based on the previous research, through field geological survey and profile measurement, the study focuses on the geomorphological characteristics of Zhangla Basin and Doujitai Basin, the characteristics of Quaternary sediments like types, material composition and distribution, the river terrace features of the main stream and tributaries of the Minjiang River in Songpan section are systematically measured and studied. It shows that the neotectonic movements had a controlling influence on the evolution process of the topography and geomorphology of the Quaternary Basin in Songpan section; Zhangla Basin and Doujitai Basin formed during late Miocene and early Pliocene, with an east-inclined normal fault at the west basin-controlling fault and a west-inclined reverse fault at the east. The basins formed in the process of "seesaw type" block movements with east up and west down, and we named them the "seesaw type" dustpan-like basins.Broad valley and narrow valley are alternately distributed in the Songpan section of the Minjiang valley; many lacustrine strata developed in the main stream and its tributaries, with dammed lakes as the sedimentary feature.6 grade river terraces, which mainly are eroded terraces and accumulation terraces, formed during the late Pleistocene to Holocene epoch, are the main type in the Songjiang section of the upper reaches of the Minjiang River. The terrace series has the characteristics of segmentation, and the width of terraces are different in different areas, which are obviously controlled by neotectonic movements. The neotectonic movements in the upper reaches of the Minjiang River shows the characteristics that the movements in N-S direction lie in narrow belt while those in E-W direction are different in tilt-lift, which means the upper reaches of Hongqiaoguan is overall a tectonic uplift area, with at least 3 times of tectonic uplift; the tectonic uplift intensity in Doujitai Basin is stronger than that in Zhangla Basin. There might be 6 times of tectonic uplifts in Gami temple area, and the tectonic uplift intensity in Hongqiaoguan area is much stronger than that in Zhangla Basin.
图 3 岷江断裂带构造简图与实测阶地位置图(据文献[7]修改)
Figure 3. Simplified strucural map of the Minjiang fault zone and location of measured terrace sections of the Minjiang river
表 1 岷江上游AMS14C测年结果
Table 1. AMS14C dating results of shell in lacustrine strata
样号 实验室编号 测年材料 14C年龄/a BP 校正年龄/a BP 资料来源 SCL16G1050-1 Beta-446565 炭块 11210±40 11250±40 样品采集 - Beta-320196 炭块 10180±40 10230±40 文献[18] 注:AMS14C年龄测试由美国Beta实验室完成 表 2 岷江上游泉华分布点
Table 2. Distribution of tufa on the upper reaches of the Minjiang River
序号 地点 坐标 海拔(m) 性质 时代 流域 经度 纬度 1 尕米寺南 103°40′26.33″ 33°53′24.70″ 3318 钙华 老 岷江干流 2 山巴乡 103°38′55.45″ 32°50′18.15″ 3050 钙华 老 岷江干流 3 漳腊村 103°38′34.22″ 32°47′55.47″ 3050 钙华 老 岷江干流 4 窑沟村 103°35′14.15″ 32°37′41.62″ 2878 钙华 老 岷江干流 5 二道沟 103°32′38.67″ 32°38′39.87″ 3071 钙华 老 岷江支流 6 三联村 103°41′0.17″ 32°34′39.67″ 2969 钙华 老 岷江支流 7 扎噶瀑布 103°32′30.95″ 32°34′17.95″ 2921 钙华 现代 岷江支流 8 黄龙沟 103°49′59.24″ 32°43′28.95″ 3570 钙华 现代 涪江支流 表 3 岷江上游河流阶地高程统计表
Table 3. Statistical table of terrace elevation on the upper reaches of the Minjiang River
序号 地点 坐标 河面海拔/m 拔河高度/m 经度 纬度 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 1 黄泥坡 103°41′57.74″ 33°0′25.50″ 3420 7.1 13.0 19.0 2 七藏沟口 103°41′53.45″ 32°59′0.25″ 3345 6.0 29.0 36.0 3 卡卡沟口 103°41′24.20″ 32°58′32.63″ 3330 7.0 39.0 44.0 4 卡卡沟 103°42′25.18″ 32°57′27.29″ 3290 7.0 28.0 37.0 41.0 44.0 5 尕米寺北 103°42′1.06″ 32°55′20.73″ 3226 2.0 15.0 24.0 33.0 35.0 42.0 6 尕米寺 103°41′0.17″ 32°53′59.66″ 3183 8.0 16.0 25.0 29.0 7 安备村 103°40′20.29″ 32°53′3.77″ 3137 2.0 4.0 12.0 20.0 24.0 30.0 8 山巴乡 103°38′57.40″ 32°50′13.71″ 3058 7.0 10.0 28.5 9 大屯村 103°36′59.51″ 32°43′11.11″ 2921 2.0 14.0 20.0 10 云屯村 103°37′40.30″ 32°32′23.36″ 2762 4.0 8.7 11 新塘关 103°39′39.42″ 32°28′33.44″ 2674 2.5 12 镇江关 103°43′50.65″ 32°20′40.84″ 2509 3.5 6.5 注:拔河高度使用图帕斯200测距仪和皮尺测制 表 4 岷江上游支流河流阶地统计表
Table 4. Statistical table of terrace elevation of brunches on the upper reaches of the Minjiang River
序号 地点 坐标 河面海拔/m 支流 拔河高度/m 经度 纬度 T1 T2 1 七藏沟 103°41′20.71″ 32°59′29.25″ 3404 七藏沟 4.0 10.7 2 安备村 103°40′26.96″ 32°53′6.21″ 3345 安备沟 33.0 38.0 3 东北村 103°34′29.88″ 32°47′55.62″ 3055 羊洞河 3.0 17.6 4 二道海 103°30′30.87″ 32°40′1.20″ 3284 牟尼沟 2.0 5 桥头 103°32′30.16″ 32°39′17.43″ 3096 牟尼沟 2.0 6 上寨村 103°32′48.89″ 32°37′46.80″ 3031 牟尼沟 5.0 7 包座村 103°32′18.37″ 32°36′26.88″ 3013 牟尼沟 2.0 8 安宏村 103°37′16.18″ 32°30′55.40″ 2741 牟尼沟 2.0 注:拔河高度使用图帕斯200测距仪和皮尺测制 表 5 岷江上游阶地测年数据表
Table 5. Dating data of river terraces on the upper reaches of the Minjiang River
序号 地点 阶地 拔河高度(m) 测试方法 年龄(ka) 数据质量 资料来源 1 小西天北 T3 40 TL 31.2±2.3 可信 文献[11] 2 川盘 T2 25 ESR 287.27 参考 文献[23] 3 川盘 T2 25 TL 30.2±2.3 可信 文献[4] 4 川盘 T2 25 TL 46.4±3.7 可信 文献[4] 5 川盘 T2 28 ESR 642.7 参考 文献[23] 6 尕米寺 T2 - OSL 46.7±3.1 可信 文献[6] 7 山巴乡 T4 150 TL 134.8±10.2 参考 文献[4] 8 漳腊北 T2 60 14C 7.75±0.057 可信 文献[15] 9 漳腊北 T2 35 14C 6.12±0.057 可信 文献[15] 10 漳腊 T1 10 14C 2.81±0.077 可信 文献[15] 11 漳腊 T2 40 TL 15.3±1.2 可信 文献[11] 12 漳腊 T2 80 TL 23.6±2.0 参考 文献[11] 13 祁命 T2 120 TL 27±2.1 参考 文献[4] 14 川主寺 T2 35 14C 12.94±0.185 可信 文献[15] 15 传子沟 T2 200 14C 23.46±0.350 参考 文献[15] 16 传子沟 T4 80 IRSL 157±28 参考 文献[15] 17 传子沟 T4 300 IRSL 254±35 参考 文献[15] 18 传子沟 T4 160 TL 157.6±11.8 参考 文献[11] 19 传子沟 T4 250 TL 830±68.9 参考 文献[11] 20 漳腊盆地 T4 ~140 ESR 264±29 参考 文献[19] 21 漳腊盆地 T5 ~230 ESR 471±47 参考 文献[19] 22 漳腊盆地 T6 ~300 ESR 588±76 参考 文献[19] 23 斗鸡台盆地 T5 ~230 ESR 376.3 参考 文献[38] 24 斗鸡台盆地 T5 124 ESR 322.6 参考 文献[38] -
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