摘要: 下寒武统筇竹寺组页岩是南方页岩气勘查开发重点关注的层位之一,但滇东地区下寒武统筇竹寺组黑色页岩储层研究程度较低。样品采自2014年新钻的曲页1井,对下寒武统筇竹寺组黑色泥页岩进行全岩和粘土矿物X衍射分析、TOC、岩石物性、比表面积等测试和扫描电镜实验,综合分析了滇东曲靖地区筇竹寺组泥页岩储层特征及孔隙类型。结果表明:滇东曲靖地区下寒武统筇竹寺组泥页岩矿物组成主要是石英(44.75%)、粘土矿物(25.47%)、长石(16.44%);发育粒间孔、粒内孔和有机孔3种类型孔隙;有机质孔隙发育,以中孔为主,具有一定的页岩气勘探开发潜力;页岩储层自上而下孔隙体积有逐渐变小的趋势,但在井深400 m~500 m发育高孔隙体积;泥页岩储集性能的重要指标—孔隙度主要受有机质含量及发育程度的制约。Abstract: Shale from Qiongzhusi formation in Lower Cambrian is one of the most important focuses in shale gas exploration and development in South China; however, the black shale reservoir from Qiongzhusi formation in Lower Cambrian in eastern Yunnan province stays in a low level of study. Take Well Quye No.1 drilled in 2014 as an example, on the black shales from Qiongzhusi formation in Lower Cambrian, X-ray diffraction analysis of the whole rock and clay minerals are made; tests and SEM experiments like TOC, physical property and specific surface area are conducted; the characteristics and types of shale reservoir are analyzed comprehensively. The results show that shales are mainly composed of quartz (44.75%), clay minerals(25.47%)and feldspar (16.44%), consisting of three major pore types, which are intergranular pore, intragranular pore and organic-matter pore. It is worth mentioning that organic-matter pores are abundant and of great importance, in which mesopores are the main force with a certain potential of shale gas exploration and development. The volumes of pores decrease with the depth, and with increasing TOC, micropore volumes relatively increase. The porosity is mainly restricted by the organic-matter content and the development degree.
Key words:
- pore type /
- pore volume /
- characteristics of reservoir /
- shale /
- Qiongzhusi formation /
- Well Quye NO.1
表 1 曲页1井下寒武统筇竹寺组泥页岩孔隙度和渗透率
Table 1. Porosity vs. permeability of shales in Qiongzhusi formation in lower Cambrian, Well Quye NO. 1
/×10-3μm2QY1-Y57 276.03 1.78 0.0193 QY1-Y56 281.26 1.56 0.0184 QY1-J4 295.03 2.18 0.0136 QY1-J5 301.94 3.01 0.0275 QY1-Y52 302.95 1.94 0.0196 QY1-Y50 313.75 1.35 0.0476 QY1-Y48 324.29 1.73 0.0149 QY1-J9 326.42 2.45 0.0361 QY1-Y47 328.54 1.69 0.0190 QY1-Y46 333.39 1.14 0.0188 QY1-J13 362.48 2.57 0.0275 QY1-Y41 371.07 1.64 0.0170 QY1-Y40 378.8 2.24 0.0153 QY1-J16 388.19 2.00 0.0116 QY1-J18 402.37 1.18 0.0030 QY1-J19 415.83 0.77 0.0076 QY1-J21 430.6 1.82 0.0110 QY1-J23 442.31 0.86 0.0103 QY1-Y33 442.75 1.94 0.0429 QY1-J25 451.23 1.18 0.0121 QY1-J27 457.06 2.10 0.0088 QY1-Y32 457.66 2.34 0.0399 QY1-J29 463.02 1.59 0.0067 QY1-J31 469.14 1.61 0.0117 QY1-Y30 471.00 1.72 0.0308 QY1-J32 474.12 1.72 0.0078 QY1-Y28 484.47 2.17 0.0256 QY1-J34 484.64 1.81 0.0077 QY1-Y27 492.56 0.91 0.0211 QY1-J36 496.78 1.43 0.0113 QY1-Y26 498.44 0.38 0.0179 QY1-Y25 501.06 0.48 0.0279 QY1-J38 513.22 1.07 0.0103 QY1-Y22 523.81 1.88 0.0255 QY1-Y20 535.75 0.81 0.0276 QY1-J40 535.91 1.89 0.0073 QY1-Y18 547.95 0.26 0.0104 QY1-Y17 552.47 1.47 0.0150 QY1-Y16 556.93 0.37 0.0183 QY1-Y14 567.17 1.65 0.0162 QY1-Y13 572.19 1.15 0.0095 表 2 曲页1井下寒武统筇竹寺组泥页岩比表面积测试结果
Table 2. Test results of specific surface area of shales in Qiongzhusi formation in lower Cambrian, Well Quye NO. 1
样品编号 QY1-J1 QY1-J5 QY1-J9 QY1-J11 QY1-J13 QY1-J15 QY1-J19 QY1-J21 QY1-J23 QY1-J25 QY1-J27 QY1-J32 QY1-J36 QY1-J38 QY1-J40 井深/m 245.75 301.94 326.42 338.15 362.48 382.89 415.83 430.6 442.31 451.23 457.06 474.12 496.78 513.22 535.91 表面积/(m2/g) 5.3130 3.9960 4.0330 3.2980 2.0870 2.8000 10.5310 6.1420 1.8000 4.3920 4.2500 4.7990 8.2760 1.9500 2.6860 孔隙体积/(ml/g) 0.0103 0.0076 0.0074 0.0068 0.0050 0.0060 0.0147 0.0116 0.0030 0.0072 0.0096 0.0081 0.0118 0.0042 0.0054 平均孔径/nm 3.8690 3.7985 3.6923 4.1234 4.8119 4.2959 2.7823 3.7632 3.3439 3.2928 4.5177 3.3714 2.8579 4.2600 4.0343 -
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