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童亨茂 张宏祥 侯泉林 陈正乐 侯贵廷

童亨茂,张宏祥,侯泉林,等,2024. 广义破裂活动准则[J]. 地质力学学报,30(1):3−14 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023180
引用本文: 童亨茂,张宏祥,侯泉林,等,2024. 广义破裂活动准则[J]. 地质力学学报,30(1):3−14 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023180
TONG H M,ZHANG H X,HOU Q L,et al.,2024. Generalized fracturing activation criteria[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,30(1):3−14 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023180
Citation: TONG H M,ZHANG H X,HOU Q L,et al.,2024. Generalized fracturing activation criteria[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,30(1):3−14 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023180


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023180
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(41272160,20772086);国家油气重大专项(2011zx05-006-02-01,2011zx5023-004-012)


  • 中图分类号: P553

Generalized fracturing activation criteria

Funds: This research is financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grants No. 41272160 and 20772086) and the National Oil and Gas Major Projects (Grants No. 2011zx05-006-02-01 and 2011zx5023-004-012).
  • 摘要: 岩石破裂及其后续活动是最基本的构造变形方式,然而,经典的破裂准则(Coulomb-Mohr准则、Griffith准则和以Byerlee律为代表的滑动摩擦律)在实际应用中存在不同方面的局限。文章在经典破裂准则的基础上,从产生破裂(扩张破裂和剪切破裂)的物理本质出发,结合广义剪切活动准则和长期的研究实践,通过理论分析,提出了“广义破裂活动准则”。该准则用统一的无量纲因子(破裂活动趋势因子)来表达扩张破裂活动和剪切破裂活动,可以用来定量判断任意介质、在任意三轴应力状态下、任意方位界面(包括先存薄弱面和非薄弱面)发生破裂活动的可能性以及破裂的类型,把Coulomb-Mohr准则、Byerlee律和Griffith准则统一起来,将破裂(fracturing)扩展到破裂活动(fracturing activity)。该准则在与破裂活动相关的资源勘探开发(如页岩气、干热岩等)、灾害(如地震与滑坡等)预测和防治中具有广阔的应用前景。


  • 图  1  Coulomb-Mohr准则与Griffith准则图解


    Figure  1.  Diagram of Coulomb-Mohr criterion and Griffith criterion

    φ is the internal friction angle of the rock, T is the tensile strength of the rock and the cohesion C=2T

    图  2  界面的空间方位定义(以3个主应力为坐标轴)


    Figure  2.  The spatial orientation definition of the interface (with 3 principal stresses as axes)

    σ1, σ2 and σ3 are the maximum, intermediate and minimum principal stresses respectively, θ is the angle between the interface and σ1, and α is the angle between σ3 and the interface's intersection line with the σ2σ3 plane.

    图  3  Griffith应力状态下的摩尔空间图解

    T为岩石的抗张强度;2T为岩石的内聚力;TP为薄弱面的扩张强度;g为Griffith张破裂线;gP为薄弱面的扩张活动线;θ 为界面与 σ 1的夹角; α 为界面在 σ 2σ 3平面上的交线与 σ 3的夹角

    Figure  3.  Diagram of the Mohr space under Griffith stress state

    T is the tensile strength of the rock, 2T is the cohesion of the rock, TP is the extension strength of the weakness plane, g is the Griffith tensile fracture line, gP is the extension activation line of the weakness plane, θ is the angle between the interface and σ 1, and α is the angle between σ 3 and the interface's intersection line with the σ 2- σ 3 plane.

    图  4  给定应力状态下摩尔空间中不同极点与破裂活动线的关系图解

    T为岩石的抗张强度;2T为岩石的内聚力;C 为介质的内聚力;C P为界面的内聚力TP为薄弱面的扩张强度;g为Griffith张破裂线;gP为薄弱面的扩张活动线;P1—P9为不同薄弱面在摩尔空间中的极点位置

    Figure  4.  Diagram of relationship between different poles and fracturing activity line in Mohr space under given stress state

    T is the tensile strength of the rock, 2T is the cohesion of the rock, C is the cohesion of the medium, CP is the cohesion of the interface, TP is the extension strength of the weakness plane, g is the Griffith tensile fracture line, gP is the extension activation line of the weakness plane, and P1–P9 are the pole positions of different weakness planes in Mohr-space.

    图  5  含多个薄弱面地质体在流体压力不断增大过程中扩张活动演化的摩尔空间图解


    Figure  5.  Mohr space diagram of the evolution of extension activities in geological bodies with multiple weak surfaces in the process of increasing fluid pressure

    (a) Mohr space diagram in the initial stress state; (b) Mohr space diagram under the stress state when pole P1 touches the extension activation line; (c) Mohr space diagram under the stress state when pole P2 touches the extension activation line; (d) Mohr space diagram under Griffith stress state; (e) Mohr space diagram of regional stress state after stress drop T is the tensile strength of the rock, 2T is the cohesion of the rock, TP is the extension strength of the weakness plane, g is the Griffith tensile fracture line, and gP is the extension activation line of the weakness plane.

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