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高玉飞 唐晓音 杨树春 赵欣妍 胡圣标

高玉飞,唐晓音,杨树春,等,2024. 渤海盆地秦南凹陷新生代以来构造−热演化史[J]. 地质力学学报,30(4):622−632 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023168
引用本文: 高玉飞,唐晓音,杨树春,等,2024. 渤海盆地秦南凹陷新生代以来构造−热演化史[J]. 地质力学学报,30(4):622−632 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023168
GAO Y F,TANG X Y,YANG S C,et al.,2024. Cenozoic tectonic-thermal history reconstruction of the Qinnan Depression, Bohai Basin[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,30(4):622−632 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023168
Citation: GAO Y F,TANG X Y,YANG S C,et al.,2024. Cenozoic tectonic-thermal history reconstruction of the Qinnan Depression, Bohai Basin[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,30(4):622−632 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023168


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023168
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目 (42072181);中海石油有限公司科研项目(YXKY-ZX 01 2021)




  • 中图分类号: P314;P542

Cenozoic tectonic-thermal history reconstruction of the Qinnan Depression, Bohai Basin

Funds: This research is financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 42072181) and the CNOOC Research Project “Resource Potential, Reservoir Formation Mechanism and Breakthrough Direction of Potential Oil-rich Depressions in Offshore Basins of China” (Grant No. YXKY-ZX 01 2021).
  • 摘要: 构造−热演化史是认识盆地形成及其动力学机制的重要窗口,也是烃源岩成熟生烃研究的核心问题。随着能源需求的增长以及陆地油气发现难度的增加,海域逐渐成为中国油气勘探的重要接替区与国家能源战略研究的重要领域。秦南凹陷位于渤海海域西北部,勘探前景良好,但勘探程度低,构造−热演化研究尚属空白。文章选取秦南凹陷3条地震剖面,建立25口人工井,进行了构造沉降史和热史模拟,恢复了秦南凹陷构造−热演化历史。研究结果表明:秦南凹陷新生代以来于孔店组—沙河街组四段沉积时期(65~42 Ma)、沙河街组三段沉积时期(42~38 Ma)以及东营组三段沉积时期(32.8~30.3 Ma)分别经历了3期裂陷拉张,总拉张系数为1.27~2.05;对应这3期拉张作用,秦南凹陷基底热流经历3期升高,在东营组三段沉积末期(30.3 Ma)基底热流达到峰值64.0~89.0 mW/m2,之后逐渐降低至今;秦南凹陷构造−热演化过程与断裂活动具有良好的耦合关系。研究获得的拉张系数、基底热流等参数对于了解渤海盆地构造演化的深部动力学机制以及指导研究区油气勘探具有重要意义。


  • 图  1  秦南凹陷位置、构造单元与地层


    Figure  1.  Map showing location,tectonic units,and stratigraphy of the Qinnan Depression

    (a) The location of the Qinnan Depression; (b) The tectonic units of the Qinnan Depression;(c) The Cenozoic strata of the Qinnan Depression

    图  2  秦南凹陷构造剖面图(剖面位置见图1b;据胡志伟等,2019修改)


    Figure  2.  Structural section of the Qinnan Depression (The cross-sectional position is shown in Fig.1b;modified from Hu et al., 2019)

    Notes: Mz—basement; Qp—Pleistocene; other stratigraphic symbols are the same as Fig.1c.

    图  3  秦南凹陷孔店组底界面深度图以及模拟井分布

    Figure  3.  Map showing the depth of the bottom interface of the Kongdian Formation of the Qinnan Depression and the distribution of modelling wells

    图  4  渤海盆地秦南凹陷构造沉降曲线

    Figure  4.  Back-stripped tectonic subsidence curves for the 25 artificial wells of the Qinnan Depression

    图  5  渤海盆地秦南凹陷观测构造沉降曲线与预测沉积曲线拟合


    Figure  5.  Subsidence analysis for the 25 artificial wells in the Qinnan depression.

    The circles connected by the dashed lines indicate observed subsidence (from back-stripping), while the dark solid lines represent the theoretical subsidence predicted by the multi-episodic finite stretching model; β—total stretching factor.

    图  6  渤海盆地秦南凹陷基底热流史


    Figure  6.  Reconstructed basal thermal history for the artificial wells in the Qinnan Depression

    (a) Xi subsea;(b) Dong subsag; (c) Southwest subsag.

    图  7  模拟温度及镜质体反射率与实测值拟合图


    Figure  7.  Simulated and measured values of temperature and vitrinite reflectance

    (a) Simulated and measured values of temperature (the solid line represents the simulated temperature curve, and the circle represents the measured temperature value); (b) Simulated and measured values of vitrinite reflectance (the solid line represents the RO value curve calculated by the ARCO model, the dashed line represents the RO value curve calculated by the LLNL model, and the box represents the measured RO value)

    图  8  秦南凹陷各沉积时期平均构造沉降速率与断层平均活动速率


    Figure  8.  Average tectonic subsidence rate and fault activity rate during different sedimentary periods in the Qinnan Depression

    (a) Average tectonic subsidence rate; (b) Average fault activity rate(Liu et al.,2020)

    表  1  模型参数及取值

    Table  1.   Definitions and values of parameters used in this study

    参数符号 参数名称 取值 单位
    $ a $ 岩石圈厚度 125 km
    $ {t}_{{\mathrm{c}}} $ 初始地壳厚度 35 km
    $ {\rho }_{{\mathrm{w}}} $ 海水密度 1030 kg/m3
    $ {\rho }_{{\mathrm{c}}} $ 地壳密度 2800 kg/m3
    $ {\rho }_{{\mathrm{m}}} $ 地幔密度 3330 kg/m3
    $ {\rho }_{{\mathrm{a}}} $ 软流圈密度 3200 kg/m3
    $ \mathrm{\kappa } $ 岩石圈热扩散率系数 1.0×10−6 m2/s
    $ \mathrm{\alpha } $ 岩石圈热膨胀系数 3.2×10−5 −1
    $ {K}_{{\mathrm{c}}} $ 地壳热导率 3.1 W/(m·K)
    $ {K}_{{\mathrm{m}}} $ 地幔热导率 2.9 W/(m·K)
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    表  2  渤海盆地秦南凹陷拉张因子

    Table  2.   Stretching factors of the Qinnan Depression

    洼陷 井号 第1期
    (65~42 Ma)
    (42~38 Ma)
    西洼 Q1-1 1.05 1.16 1.04 1.27
    Q1-2 1.07 1.24 1.01 1.34
    Q1-8 1.41 1.09 1.01 1.55
    东洼 Q2-1 1.04 1.28 1.08 1.44
    Q2-2 1.11 1.37 1.08 1.64
    Q2-3 1.19 1.43 1.08 1.84
    Q2-4 1.14 1.62 1.11 2.05
    Q2-5 1.10 1.51 1.18 1.96
    东南洼 Q3-2 1.13 1.14 1.04 1.34
    Q3-3 1.01 1.54 1.02 1.59
    Q3-4 1.05 1.49 1.03 1.61
    Q3-5 1.13 1.37 1.03 1.59
    Q3-6 1.10 1.36 1.05 1.57
    Q3-7 1.10 1.33 1.07 1.57
    Q3-8 1.09 1.32 1.08 1.55
    Q3-9 1.18 1.16 1.08 1.48
    Q3-10 1.18 1.21 1.05 1.50
    Q3-11 1.32 1.18 1.03 1.60
    Q3-12 1.23 1.35 1.04 1.73
    Q3-13 1.24 1.20 1.09 1.62
    Q3-14 1.15 1.21 1.10 1.53
    Q3-15 1.16 1.28 1.03 1.53
    Q3-16 1.15 1.25 1.06 1.52
    Q3-17 1.18 1.19 1.07 1.50
    Q3-18 1.13 1.19 1.07 1.44
    平均值 1.15 1.30 1.06 1.57
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    表  3  渤海盆地秦南凹陷人工井基底热流史(单位:mW/m2

    Table  3.   Calculated basal heat flow data for all the artificial wells in Qinnan Depression

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