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籍庆佳 周维维 韩润生 胡阳

籍庆佳,周维维,韩润生,等,2024. 东营凹陷张性断层发育的生命演化阶段特征及其控藏作用[J]. 地质力学学报,30(4):595−608 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023147
引用本文: 籍庆佳,周维维,韩润生,等,2024. 东营凹陷张性断层发育的生命演化阶段特征及其控藏作用[J]. 地质力学学报,30(4):595−608 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023147
JI Q J,ZHOU W W,HAN R S,et al.,2024. Characteristics of life-cycle stages and reservoir control in the development of extensional faults in the Dongying Sag[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,30(4):595−608 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023147
Citation: JI Q J,ZHOU W W,HAN R S,et al.,2024. Characteristics of life-cycle stages and reservoir control in the development of extensional faults in the Dongying Sag[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,30(4):595−608 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023147


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023147
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(41572060,42172086,41802089);云岭学者资助项目(2014);云南省重大科技专项计划项目(202202AG050014);云南省科技厅地方本科高校基础研究联合专项面上项目(2019FH001-062);云南省教育厅科学研究基金项目(2020J0644)资助;云南省青年基金项目(202201AU070091)




  • 中图分类号: P542;P618.13

Characteristics of life-cycle stages and reservoir control in the development of extensional faults in the Dongying Sag

Funds: This research is financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grants NO. 41572060, 42172086, and 41802089), Yunling Scholars Funding Project (2014), Yunnan Major Science and Technology Special Project (Grant NO. 202202AG050014), Yunnan Provincial Science and Technology Department Local Undergraduate College Basic Research Joint Special Project (Grant NO. 2019FH001-062), Yunnan Provincial Education Department Scientific Research Fund Project (Grant NO. 2020J0644), and Yunnan Youth Fund Project (Grant NO. 202201AU070091).
  • 摘要: 断层从无到有的形成过程具有隐性、显性等多个演化阶段,而断层由隐性阶段的胚胎期到显性阶段末期的老年期等各个成长阶段的判别难度很大。针对这一问题,以渤海湾盆地东营凹陷为研究对象,应用物理模拟、数值模拟等方法重现控盆边界断层−陈南断层胚胎期到老年期的全生命阶段演化过程及各阶段的固有特征;在此基础上,定性、定量判识东营凹陷主要断层的相对年龄(Relative Age,RA)以及各年龄阶段的断层活动方式,建立其控藏模式。研究结果表明:东营凹陷张扭性断层可以划分为胚胎期(0<RA≤1,微裂缝或诱导裂缝带)、幼年期(1<RA≤2,断层核形成、裂面断续相连)、青年期(2<RA≤3,板状主断面贯通、清晰断距)、壮年期(3<RA≤4,断层核两侧破碎带形成、板状−铲式断面)、老年期(4<RA≤5,坡坪式断面、派生构造复杂)和消亡期(5<RA≤6,断层停止活动或者发生反转)6个阶段;断层的活动方式与断层年龄的持续时间和活动强度有着密切的关系,稳定、持续、高强度的断层活动方式有利于断层向老年期发展。断层控藏作用研究表明:胚胎期、幼年期断层主要控制油气圈闭,青年期断层主要控制砂体和储层分布,壮年期、老年期断层控制着烃源岩的总体展布范围以及油气的运移、聚集和逸散等过程。结合优势控藏要素、油气富集程度和油气聚集规模等因素进行断层控藏能力评价,陈南断层控藏能力等级为“强”。从断层生命发育演化阶段重新认识断层的控藏能力,将有力地推动和提升断层控藏的理论研究与成熟探区的勘探水平。


  • 图  1  渤海湾盆地构造简图及研究区位置

    N—Q—新近系—第四系;${\mathrm{E}}s_{1} $—Ed—沙河街组一段—东营组;${\mathrm{E}}s_{3} $—${\mathrm{E}}s_{2} $—沙河街组三段—沙河街组二段;Ek—${\mathrm{E}}s_{4} $—孔店组—沙河街组四段;Mz—中生界;Anz—前震旦系 a—渤海湾盆地区域图;b—东营凹陷区域图;c—东营凹陷剖面图

    Figure  1.  Simple tectonic map of Bohai Bay Basin and the location of the study region

    (a) Map of the Bohai Bay Basin; (b) Map of the Dongying Sag; (c) Cross section of the Dongying Sag

    图  2  东营凹陷地层柱状图及实验材料选取

    Figure  2.  Stratigraphic column diagram of the Dongying Sag and the experimental material selection

    图  3  砂箱实验模型示意图


    Figure  3.  Schematic diagram of sandbox experiment model

    (a) Horizontal uniform extension model; (b) Zigzag basement extension model

    图  4  陈南断层伸展模型的砂箱实验结果


    Figure  4.  Findings from sandbox experiments on the Chennan fault extension

    (a) Horizontal uniform stretch model; (b) Zigzag basement extension model Note: CNF is the Chennan fault.

    图  5  陈南断层伸展模型砂箱实验结果素描图


    Figure  5.  Sketch of the sandbox experinlental results of the Chennan fault extension model

    (a) Horizontal uniform stretching model; (b) Zigzag basement extension model Note: CNF is the Chennan fault.

    图  6  壮年期—老年期正断层生长模型

    Figure  6.  Normal fault growth model from the prime of life to old age

    图  7  伸展断层演化模式


    Figure  7.  Evolution pattern of the extensional fault

    (a) Embryonic stage; (b) Juvenile stage; (c) Mature stage; (d) Declining stage; (e) Terminal stage

    图  8  不同年龄阶段伸展断层发育特征的地震剖面


    Figure  8.  Seismic sections showing the characteristics of extensional fault development at various age stages of formation

    (a) Juvenile stage; (b) Mature stage; (c) Declining stage; (d) Terminal stage

    图  9  东营凹陷各年龄阶段断层的主要活动方式

    Figure  9.  Major fault activity patterns at varying age stages in the Dongying Sag

    图  10  东营凹陷各年龄阶段断层的控藏模式


    Figure  10.  Fault-controlled reservior pattern at different age stages of the Dongying Sag

    (a) Embryonic Stage; (b) Juvenile stage; (c) Mature stage; (d) Declining stage; (e) Terminal stage

    表  1  正断层年龄阶段判别标准

    Table  1.   Criteria for determining the age stage of normal faults

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    表  2  东营凹陷主要断层年龄阶段判别结果

    Table  2.   Results of age stage determination of major faults in the Dongying Sag

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    表  3  东营凹陷断层控藏要素分类与控藏能力评价

    Table  3.   Classification of fault reservoir-forming elements and evaluation of reservoir-controlling capabilities in the Dongying Sag

    下载: 导出CSV
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