Characteristics of chlorites from the Haopinggou Ag–Au polymetallic deposit in the Xiong’ershan ore concentration area and its exploration implications
摘要: 为理清蒿坪沟Ag-Au多金属矿床中多阶段矿化与热液蚀变之间的关系,文章选取与铅锌成矿阶段密切相关的绿泥石进行野外观察及电子探针分析。文章将蒿坪沟Ag-Au多金属矿床中的绿泥石分为3类:Ⅰ型分布在石英脉两侧的围岩中;Ⅱ型呈细粒、隐晶质填充于隐爆角砾岩基质;Ⅲ型与铅锌硫化物共生、或以蠕虫状广泛分布在石英颗粒间隙中。3种类型绿泥石均为斜绿泥石,并落在了铁镁绿泥石的范围内,指示其形成于偏还原的酸性环境中;在阳离子置换中,主要发生了Fe2+对Mg2+的置换,其余置换作用均不明显;3种绿泥石形成与镁铁质围岩关系密切。由校正后的绿泥石地质温度计估算出3种类型绿泥石的形成温度为196~239 ℃,属于中—低温热液蚀变范围。3类绿泥石与蒿坪沟Ag-Au多金属矿床银铅锌成矿阶段相匹配,对进一步找矿勘查具有重要意义。绿泥石化学特征表明岩浆热液参与了成矿流体的形成,绿泥石形成于熊耳山矿集区早白垩世大规模岩浆−成矿时期。Abstract:
Objective The Haopinggou Ag-Au polymetallic deposit is a typical intermediate-sulfidation epithermal deposit in the Xiong'ershan ore concentration area. Ag-Pb-Zn mineralization mainly occurs in steeply dipping veins and breccia matrix. The relationship between large-scale Pb-Zn mineralization and widely developed alteration minerals remains unclear. Methods In order to discuss chlorite's significance related to Pb-Zn mineralization, chlorite composition in the Haopinggou Ag-Au polymetallic deposit has been analyzed by field geological observation and electron microprobe analysis (EMPA) in this paper. Results Three types of chlorite were observed in the deposit, occurring in altered wall rocks (Type I), in(with) Pb-Zn sulfides (Type II), and in(with) the breccia matrix (Type III). All three types of chlorite are prochlorites and fall within the compositional range of Fe-rich chlorite, indicating that they could be formed in a partially reducing acidic environment. Fe2+ for Mg2+ is the primary substitution in chlorite lattice, suggesting a close association between chlorite formation and mafic wall rocks. Based on the corrected chlorite geothermometer, these chlorites formed under aluminum-saturated conditions in the medium to low-temperature range of 196-239℃. The temperatures of chlorites associated with mineralization (Types II and III) are higher than those in chlorites around quartz veins (Type I). It is believed that during the mineralization process, the hydrothermal fluids evolved from acidic to nearly neutral conditions as the temperature gradually decreased. The initial acidic environment facilitated interaction between water and rocks, promoting the dissolution of surrounding rocks and providing space for the further precipitation of metal sulfides. The evolution of ore fluid properties also corresponds to the deposition process of Ag-Pb-Zn. The genesis of chlorite in the deposit is well-correlated with the ore-forming and holds significant prospecting value. (1) Type I chlorites mainly develop on both sides of quartz veins, formed by the dissolution and metasomatism of basic wall rocks by ore-bearing hydrothermal fluids. Type I chlorite's Fe and Mg components are mostly derived from the wall rocks. Although this type does not contain mineralization, it can be used to trace veins. (2) Type III chlorites reflect the migration process of ore-bearing hydrothermal fluids carrying dissolved minerals (biotite/clinopyroxene), which precipitate with changes in the physicochemical environment. Type III chlorite's Fe and Mg components are mainly introduced by ore-bearing hydrothermal fluids. This type of chlorite fills the intergranular pore spaces between minerals and easily replaces minerals such as biotite and hornblende, exhibiting apparent mineral alteration features in hand specimens, which is beneficial for prospecting.(3) The formation mechanism of Type II chlorites includes the possibilities mentioned above. This type of chlorite is formed by complete dissolution and metasomatism of cement in ore-bearing hydrothermal fluids, forming fine-grained cryptocrystalline chlorite fillings in breccia rocks. Ore-bearing hydrothermal fluids and wall rocks both contribute Fe and Mg in the chlorites. Hand specimens of Type II chlorite are dark green, disseminated and filled in the matrix, making it easy to distinguish. The chemical characteristics of Type II chlorites are similar to those of chemical characteristics of granite-related deposits, implying the contribution of magmatic fluids to ore-forming fluids. Conclusion The Haopinggou Ag-Au polymetallic deposit contains three types of chlorites. Their chemical characteristics all reflect an acidic and reducing metallogenic environment. In cation exchange, the primary substitution is Fe for Mg, and other substitutions are insignificant. The effect of Fe/(Fe+Mg) must be eliminated in order to calculate the temperature of such deposits using chlorite geothermometers. The formation mechanism of the three chlorites is closely related to mafic wall rock, and their chemical properties suggest the involvement of magmatic fluids in ore-forming fluids. Significance These three types of chlorite are well-matched with intense Ag-Pb-Zn mineralization and can serve as key indicators for locating Pb-Zn veins. -
Key words:
- Polymetallic deposit /
- prospecting significance /
- Chlorite /
- EMPA /
- mineralization /
- Geochemistry /
- Xiong’ershan.
西南三江(怒江、澜沧江、金沙江)地区是中国最重要的构造—岩浆—成矿带之一,位于三江地区中心地带的南澜沧江火山弧带属于中国三江构造岩浆带,成矿条件优越,构造—岩浆—成矿作用关系密切,为全球特提斯成矿域的一部分,是极具找矿潜力的铜多金属远景区[1-3]。以往在该成矿远景区开展了大量研究,并发现了官房铜床[4-5]、民乐铜床[6-7]、文玉铜床、大平掌铜床、邦东铜床等中小型铜多金属矿床。红豆山铜矿床是南澜沧江带新发现的矿床之一。近年来,王磊等[8]研究表明红豆山铜矿深部断裂带中发现的隐伏斑岩属于过铝质钾玄岩性S型花岗岩,SiO2含量约71.1%~73.3%,全碱含量高,富钾,具有轻稀土元素富集特征,较明显的负Eu异常,具火山弧花岗岩与同碰撞花岗岩的特征,为活动大陆边缘弧的产物。花岗斑岩的锆石U-Pb年龄为(220.3±3.6) Ma,形成于晚三叠世。郭泽华等[9]应用R型聚类分析、因子分析圈定矿化元素组合异常,指示成矿流体的运移方向、矿体产状信息,为深部找矿预测提供了重要依据。综合已有研究成果,红豆山矿区构造—蚀变的研究相对薄弱,该矿床明显受构造—蚀变控制,为了进一步研究构造—蚀变与成矿的关系,文章在矿床地质特征的研究基础上,以该矿床1272、1220中段的不同穿脉、沿脉为研究对象,对矿床蚀变类型、蚀变分带、矿化特征等方面展开研究,为深部找矿勘探提供依据。
1. 矿床地质特征
红豆山铜矿床位于云南省临沧市云县156°方向,直线距离约38 km处。其大地构造位于南澜沧江火山弧成矿带北段,夹持于临沧花岗岩基与澜沧江深大断裂之间,是冈底斯—念青唐古拉褶皱系和兰坪—思茅褶皱带的聚合地区,从西向东依次为昌宁—孟连晚古生代洋脊(准洋脊)玄武岩、蛇绿混杂岩带、印支期临沧复式花岗岩基和南澜沧江二叠纪—三叠纪岛弧火山岩带[5]。红豆山铜矿矿(化)体主要产于三叠统小定西组的断裂构造—蚀变带及其上盘围岩中,1272中段—1170中段矿体的形态及产状受构造控制明显,严格受北东向、北西西向断裂带控制,主要有北东向矿体、北西西—近东西向矿体。
2. 围岩、岩体的蚀变及蚀变分带特征
3. 蚀变与找矿
3.1 蚀变—矿(化)体1
受F1断裂(NE40°∠50°~60°SE)控制,蚀变体分布于F1断裂带及其上盘的碎裂蚀变安山岩中(图 1)。矿体受F1断裂(NE40°∠50°~60°SE)与NE55°~60°∠50°~70°SE蚀变体交汇部位的控制,主要赋存在断裂蚀变带中的石英脉发育的硅化—长英岩化片理化的玄武质安山岩、石英脉发育的硅化-长英岩化蚀变岩、青磐岩化带和断裂上盘的石英脉及旁侧围岩中。1220—1221中段由4线→5线延长大于200 m,矿体平均厚度10~15 m,在1220 1—5线位置为F1断裂与NE55°~60°∠50°~70°SE蚀变体交汇部位,共同控制了一品位较高的钾长石化—硅化—黝铜矿—黄铜矿—斑铜矿体。
3.2 蚀变—矿(化)体2
受北西西—东西向断裂(NWW—EW∠60°~70°SW—S)控制,主要分布于北西西—东西向断裂上盘的长英岩化蚀变岩(图 2)。北西西—东西向断裂控制了近东西向蚀变矿化体,北西西—近东西向断裂与北东向断裂交汇部位多形成富厚的柱状矿体。多个北西西—东西向断裂与北东向断裂交汇平面上组成棋盘格式的构造控矿型式;1272中段在9+线与F1断裂交汇部位为一交汇重点部位,矿化蚀变体呈柱状,范围约50 m×50 m。1272中段5线与1272沿脉交汇部位蚀变体呈柱状。矿体主要分布在北西西—东西—北东东向断裂中的蚀变岩及上盘碎裂蚀变安山岩中,矿体整体具南西—南倾特征。
4. 结论
(1) 矿区的蚀变类型主要为钾长石化、硅化、绿泥石化、绿帘石化、为主,其次为碳酸盐化、绢云母化、黄铁矿化等。矿区围岩蚀变在空间上往往重叠,但具有一定的规律性。
(2) 构造—蚀变带的空间展布特征控制着矿体的空间展布特征,是重要的找矿标志。
(3) 通过对典型剖面的构造蚀变分带研究,总结了构造蚀变—矿(化)体向深部延伸和变化规律,推测1272中段、1220中段和1170中段为有利成矿区段,具有较好的找矿前景。
图 1 华北克拉通南缘熊耳山矿集区地质简图(底图据Tian et al.,2023修改)
Figure 1. Simplified geological map of the Xiong’ershan ore concentration area along the southern margin of the North China Craton(Base map modified after Tian et al., 2023)
(a) The inset showing the tectonic location of the southern margin of the North China Craton in eastern China; (b) Geological map of the Xiong’ershan ore concentration area, showing the distribution of the major deposits
图 2 蒿坪沟Ag-Au多金属矿床地质简图(底图据梁涛等,2015修改)
Figure 2. Geological map of the Haopinggou Ag-Au polymetallic deposit(Base map modified after Liang et al., 2015)
图 4 蒿坪沟Ag-Au多金属矿床矿物共生序列(据Tian et al., 2023修改)
Figure 4. Paragenetic sequence of the Haopinggou Ag-Au polymetallic deposit(modified after Tian et al., 2023)
图 5 蒿坪沟Ag-Au多金属矿床绿泥石分布情况
Figure 5. Distribution of chlorites in the Haopinggou Ag-Au polymetallic deposit
(a) Chlorite alteration of surrounding rocks on both sides of Pb-Zn veins; (b) Altered chlorites occurred on both sides of quartz veins; (c) Chlorites and ankerites filled in breccia matrix; (d) Chlorite-altered porphyry breccia Chl–chlorite; Gn–galena; Sp–sphalerite; Py–pyrite; Ank–ankerite
图 6 蒿坪沟Ag-Au多金属矿床绿泥石显微形态特征
Figure 6. Representative photomicrographs of chlorite characteristics of the Haopinggou Ag-Au polymetallic deposit
(a) Chlorite developed on both sides of quartz veins (cross-polarized light); (b) Chlorite filled in breccia matrix (cross-polarized light); (c) Chlorite coexisting with pyrite and sphalerite (cross-polarized light+ reflected light) ; (d) Worm-like chlorite filling the interstices of quartz grains (cross-polarized light); (e) Backscattered electron images of the distribution of chlorite EMPA dots, showing coexistence with sericite; (f) Backscattered electron images of the distribution of chlorite EMPA dots Chl–chlorite; Ser–sericite; Gn–galena; Qz–quartz; Sp–sphalerite; Py–pyrite; Cal–calcite
图 7 蒿坪沟Ag-Au多金属矿床绿泥石化学性质图解
a—绿泥石Fe−Si图解(Deer et al.,1962);b—绿泥石Al+□-Mg−Fe图解(Zane and Weiss,1998);c—绿泥石Si−R2+图解(据刘燚平等,2016修改)
Figure 7. Chemical diagram of chlorite from the Haopinggou Ag-Au polymetallic deposit
(a) Fe vs. Si diagram of chlorite (Deer et al., 1962); (b) Al+□–Mg–Fe plot (Zane and Weiss, 1998); (c) Si vs. R2+ diagram (modified after Liu et al., 2016)
图 8 蒿坪沟Au-Ag多金属矿床绿泥石阳离子相关关系图(单位为a.p.f.u)
a—绿泥石AlⅥ-AlⅣ图解;b—绿泥石Fe2+-Mg2+图解;c—绿泥石Fe2+/(Fe2++Mg2+)-AlⅣ图解;d—绿泥石(Fe2++ AlⅥ)-Mg2+图解;e—绿泥石Mg2+-AlⅣ图解;f—绿泥石Si4+-Mg2+图解
Figure 8. Correlation of cations in chlorites from the Haopinggou Ag-Au polymetallic deposit(unit a.p.f.u)
(a) AlⅥ vs. AlⅣ diagram of chlorite; (b) Fe2+vs. Mg2+ diagram of chlorite; (c) Fe2+/(Fe2++Mg2+) vs. AlⅣ diagram of chlorite; (d) (Fe2++ AlⅥ) vs. Mg diagram of chlorite; (e) Mg2+ vs. AlⅣ diagram of chlorite; (f) Si4+ vs.Mg2+ diagram of chlorite
图 9 蒿坪沟Ag-Au多金属矿床绿泥石形成温度频数(N)分布直方图
Figure 9. Hsitogram of formation temperatures of chlorites from the Haopinggou Ag-Au polymetallic deposit
(a) Hsitogram of formation T1 of chlorites; (b) Hsitogram of formation T2 of chlorites; Hsitogram of formation T3 of chlorites
图 10 绿泥石形成温度T与AlⅣ及Si4+相关性图解
a—绿泥石AlⅣ−T平均关系图解;b—绿泥石Si4+−T平均关系图解;c—绿泥石AlⅣ−T3关系图解;d—绿泥石Si4+ −T3关系图解
Figure 10. Correlation diagram of T vs. AlⅣ and Si4+
(a) AlⅣ vs. Taverage diagram of chlorite; (b) Si4+ vs. Taverage diagram of chlorite; (c) AlⅣ vs. T3 diagram of chlorite; (d)Si4+ vs. T3 diagram of chlorite
图 11 不同成因类型矿床中的绿泥石特征
不同矿床类型中的绿泥石投图区域:1—活动的地热系统;2—块状硫化物矿床(Kranidiotis and Maclean,1987);3—热液铜(金)矿化带(Zane and Fyfe,1995);4—与铜金矿化相关的绿泥石(Dora and Randive,2015);5—云母石英岩中的绿泥石(Randive et al.,2015);6—与花岗岩相关的矿床(Trumbull et al.,1996);7—热液脉型矿床(Walshe,1986)a—绿泥石中Fe/(Fe+Mg)−(Si/Al)关系图解;b—绿泥石中Fe/(Fe+Mg)−AlⅣ关系图解(据周栋等,2018修改)
Figure 11. Chlorite characteristics in different genic types of deposits
(a) Fe/(Fe+Mg) vs. (Si/Al) diagram of chlorite; (b) Fe/(Fe+Mg) vs. AlⅣ diagram of chlorite (modified after Zhou et al., 2018) Data source: 1−active geothermal system; 2−massive sulfide deposit (Kranidiotis and Maclean, 1987); 3−hydrothermal mineralization zone (Zane and Fyfe, 1995); 4−Chlorites related to Cu-Au mineralization (Dora and Randive, 2015); 5−green-mica quartzites (Randive et al., 2015); 6−deposits associated with granite (Trumbull et al., 1996); 7−hydrothermal vein-type deposit (Walshe, 1986)
表 1 熊耳山矿集区蒿坪沟Ag-Au多金属矿床与康山金多金属矿床地质特征
Table 1. Geological characteristics of the Haopinggou Ag-Au polymetallic deposit and the Kangshan Au polymetallic deposit in the Xionger’ shan ore concentration area
矿床名称 蒿坪沟Ag-Au多金属矿床 康山金多金属矿床 矿床类型 岩浆热液型 岩浆热液型 大地构造位置 华北克拉通南缘、熊耳山矿集区西北部 华北克拉通南缘、熊耳山矿集区西南部 控矿构造 北东向陡倾断裂和局部隐爆角砾岩 北东向脆性断裂 成矿阶段及矿物组合(Li et al.,2013) 第一阶段:Qz-Sd-Mag-Elc 第一阶段:Qz-Py 第二阶段:Gn-Sp-Qz-Ank 第二阶段:Qz-Py-Ccp-Au 第三阶段:Qz-Cal-Fl 第三阶段:Gn-Sp-gold-Qz-Ank- — 第四阶段:Qz-Cal-Fl 成矿时代 热液独居石125~123 Ma(Tian et al.,2023) 热液独居石年龄为131 Ma(张哲铭等,2023) 流体特征及来源 含银硫化物来自蒿坪沟花岗岩体,表现为还原性的酸性流体(Li et al.,2016) 含金流体来自隐伏花岗岩体, 表现为相对弱酸性的还原环境;其成矿机制为流体沸腾,第三阶段主要成矿机制为流体混合(Zhang et al.,2020) 成矿温度(Li et al.,2013;徐进鸿,2021) — Qz-Py:322~359 ℃ Qz-Sd-Mag-Elc:217~349 ℃ Qz-Py-Ccp-Au:226~305 ℃(256~302 ℃) Gn-Sp-Qz-Ank:172~267 ℃(194~237 ℃) Gn-Sp-Au-Qz-Ank:185~246 ℃ Qz-Cal-Fl:116~205 ℃ Qz-Cal-Fl:130~221 ℃ 绿泥石分类 主要为铁镁绿泥石 富铁种属的绿泥石,围岩属于铁镁绿泥石,与矿化相关的绿泥石为铁绿泥石(周栋等,2018) 注:成矿温度为流体包裹体测温数据(Li et al.,2013;徐进鸿,2021),括号内为绿泥石EMPA数据所计算出T3温度 -
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