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唐海兵 吴建军 张春山 杨为民 渠敬凯 马思琦 徐传成

唐海兵,吴建军,张春山,等,2024. 涪江源区韩家沟泥石流防治工程改进前后危险性分析[J]. 地质力学学报,30(4):659−672 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023097
引用本文: 唐海兵,吴建军,张春山,等,2024. 涪江源区韩家沟泥石流防治工程改进前后危险性分析[J]. 地质力学学报,30(4):659−672 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023097
TANG H B,WU J J,ZHANG C S,et al.,2024. Debris flow hazard analysis before and after improvement of Hanjia gully control engineering at the source area of the Fujiang River[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,30(4):659−672 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023097
Citation: TANG H B,WU J J,ZHANG C S,et al.,2024. Debris flow hazard analysis before and after improvement of Hanjia gully control engineering at the source area of the Fujiang River[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,30(4):659−672 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023097


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023097
基金项目: 科技部基地与人才项目(2019QZKK0902)




  • 中图分类号: P694;P642.5

Debris flow hazard analysis before and after improvement of Hanjia gully control engineering at the source area of the Fujiang River

Funds: This research is financially supported by the Base and Talent Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology (Grant No. 2019QZKK0902).
  • 摘要: 为了降低涪江源区左岸韩家沟泥石流的危害,文章采用遥感解译、野外调查、FLO-2D数值模拟等手段,查清了韩家沟泥石流特征及其防治现状,认为现有防治工程不能满足防灾需求,并据此提出改进的防治工程,对不同降雨频率下防治工程改进前后的泥石流危险性进行了研究,并分析改进防治工程的有效性。结果表明:韩家沟位于“8·8”九寨沟地震扰动区,震后泥石流物源丰富,导致每逢强降雨时泥石流频发。在10年一遇降雨频率下,丰河村及平松路均处于低危险区,现有防治工程可有效防治泥石流灾害;在50年一遇降雨频率下,丰河村处于泥石流高危险区,泥石流冲出排导槽,冲毁平松路,现有防治工程不能满足要求。采用多级拦挡坝、排导槽截弯取直等改进的防治工程后,可有效预防泥石流对沟口下方承灾体的损害,泥石流堆积方量减少50.2%,堆积面积减少86%,高危险区均位于排导槽内,治理效果显著。


  • 图  1  涪江源区地质略图


    Figure  1.  Geological sketch of the source area of the Fujiang River

    (a) Regional geological map; (b) Active structure distribution map

    图  2  韩家沟泥石流流域崩滑体分布特征及“8·19”泥石流遗迹


    Figure  2.  Distribution characteristics of collapses and landslides and remains of the "8·19" debris flow in Hanjia gully debris flow watershed

    (a) Remote sensing image and distribution of collapses and landslides in Hanjia Gully debris flow watershed; (b) Debris flow accumulation area; (c) Debris flow burying the highway; (d) Debris flow that washed away farmland; (e) The highest mud position at the bend of the drainage channel; (f) Debris flow that washed up the drainage channel; (g) The retaining dam at the mouth of the gully was filled with debris flow material

    图  3  韩家沟泥石流防治工程改进前后工程布置平面图

    Figure  3.  Plan of Hanjia gully debris flow prevention and control engineering before and after improvement

    图  4  韩家沟内集水点流量过程曲线

    Figure  4.  Flow curve of water collection point in the Hanjia gully

    图  5  涪江流域降雨量频率拟合曲线

    Figure  5.  Fitting curve of rainfall frequency in the Fujiang River basin

    图  6  10年一遇降雨频率下不同防治工程的泥石流泥深与流速


    Figure  6.  Mud depth and velocity of debris flow in different control engineering conditions under 10-year rainfall frequency

    (a) Mud depth of debris flow under existing control engineering conditions; (b) Velocity of debris flow under existing control engineering conditions; (c) Mud depth of debris flow after improvement of control engineering; (d) Velocity of debris flow after improvement of control engineering

    图  7  50年一遇降雨频率下不同防治工程的泥石流泥深与流速


    Figure  7.  Mud depth and velocity of debris flow in different control engineering conditions under 50-year rainfall frequency

    (a) Mud depth of debris flow under existing control engineering conditions; (b) Velocity of debris flow under existing control engineering conditions; (c) Velocity of debris flow after improvement in control engineering; (d) Mud depth of debris flow after improvement in control engineering

    图  8  10年一遇降雨频率下不同防治工程的泥石流危险性分区


    Figure  8.  Hazard distribution of debris flow in different control engineering conditions under 10-year rainfall frequency

    (a) Under existing control engineering conditions; (b) After improvements in control engineering

    图  9  50年一遇降雨频率下不同防治工程的泥石流危险性分区


    Figure  9.  Hazard distribution of debris flow in different control engineering conditions under 50-year rainfall frequency

    (a) Under existing control engineering conditions; (b) After improvements in control engineering

    图  10  50年一遇降雨频率下不同防治工程的泥石流泥深及流速变化曲线

    Figure  10.  Change curve of mud depth and velocity of debris flow in different control engineering conditions under 50-year rainfall frequency

    表  1  韩家沟流域崩滑体体积

    Table  1.   Static reserves of slumped masses in the Hanjia gully watershed

    编号 崩滑体面积/×104 m2 体积/×104 m3 编号 崩滑体面积/×104 m2 体积/×104 m3
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  2  不同防治工程下的泥石流模拟结果

    Table  2.   Simulation results of debris flow under different control engineering conditions

    降雨频率 模拟情况 拦挡坝数
    坝前100 m内最大
    坝前100 m内最大
    ×104 m2
    ×104 m3
    ×104 m2
    10年一遇 P10 1 4.07(1号) 1.98(1号) 0.28 0.10 0
    P10 3 1.05(1号)5.23(2号)6.2(3号) 1.40(1号)2.07(2号)2.04(3号) 0 0 0
    50年一遇 P50 1 8.85(1号) 2.3(1号) 5.41 2.15 0.47
    P50 3 6.17(1号)6.07(2号)6.88(3号) 2.26(1号)2.56(2号)2.61(3号) 0.76 1.07 0
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  3  不同防治工程下堆积区的危险区面积、最大泥深与流速模拟结果

    Table  3.   Simulation results of hazardous area, maximum mud depth and velocity of accumulation area under different control engineering conditions

    降雨频率 模拟情况 危险区面积/×104 m2 最大流速/(m/s) 最大泥深/m
    高危险 中危险 低危险
    10年一遇 P10 0 0.11 0.17 2.40 1.41
    P10 0 0 0 0 0
    50年一遇 P50 0.44 1.43 3.54 3.65 3.14
    P50 0.35 0.12 0.29 3.40 3.90
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  4  泥石流危险性分区标准

    Table  4.   Debris flow hazard zoning standards

    危险性 堆积深度/m 逻辑关系 堆积深度与流速乘积
    H≥1.5 OR VH≥1.5
    0.5<H<1.5 AND 0.5<VH<1.5
    0.01≤H≤0.5 AND 0.1≤VH≤0.5
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  5  不同防治工程下泥石流危险性分区统计

    Table  5.   Statistics of hazard zones of debris flow under different control engineering conditions

    降雨频率 模拟情况 危险区总面积
    /×104 m2
    高危险区 中危险区 低危险区
    /×104 m2
    占总面积比例/% 面积
    /×104 m2
    /×104 m2
    10年一遇 P10 29.22 0.64 2.19 1.91 6.54 26.67 91.27
    P10 28.79 0.62 2.15 1.83 6.36 26.34 91.49
    50年一遇 P50 36.08 1.83 5.07 5.01 13.89 29.24 81.04
    P50 31.56 1.99 6.31 3.99 12.64 25.58 81.05
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  6  韩家沟泥石流数值模拟精度

    Table  6.   Numerical simulation accuracy of Hanjia gully debris flow

    沟名 堆积扇面积/×104 m2 $A_{\mathrm{c}} $
    Sa Sn S0
    韩家沟 5.15 5.41 4.57 75
    下载: 导出CSV
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