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樊如意 杨萌萌 周均朋 赵建新

樊如意,杨萌萌,周均朋,等,2023. 运城盆地ZK301钻孔中新世保德组孢粉组合及地质意义[J]. 地质力学学报,29(4):543−554 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023053
引用本文: 樊如意,杨萌萌,周均朋,等,2023. 运城盆地ZK301钻孔中新世保德组孢粉组合及地质意义[J]. 地质力学学报,29(4):543−554 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023053
FAN R Y,YANG M M,ZHOU J P,et al.,2023. The spore-pollen assemblages of the Miocene Baode Formation from Borehole ZK301 in the Yuncheng Basin and its geological significance[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,29(4):543−554 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023053
Citation: FAN R Y,YANG M M,ZHOU J P,et al.,2023. The spore-pollen assemblages of the Miocene Baode Formation from Borehole ZK301 in the Yuncheng Basin and its geological significance[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,29(4):543−554 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023053


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023053
基金项目: 山西省自然资源厅地质勘查项目(2020-00160 G151-C51/9)




  • 中图分类号: P534.631

The spore-pollen assemblages of the Miocene Baode Formation from Borehole ZK301 in the Yuncheng Basin and its geological significance

Funds: This research is financially supported by the Geological Exploration Project of the Shanxi Provincial Department of Natural Resources (Grant 2020-00160 G151-C51/9).
  • 摘要:



  • 图  1  运城盆地区域地质简图

    Figure  1.  Regional geologic map of the Yuncheng Basin

    图  2  ZK301钻孔中新世晚期保德组剖面柱状图

    Figure  2.  Histogram of the late Miocene Baode Formation from the Borehole ZK301

    图  3  ZK301钻孔中新世晚期保德组主要孢粉类型(比例尺均为10 μm)


    Figure  3.  Photomicrographs of selected spore-pollen types from the late Miocene Baode Formation from Borehole ZK301 (The scale is 10 μm)

    (1) Artemisia; (2) Echinops; (3) Chenopodiaceae; (4) Ephedraceae; (5) Nitraria; (6) Plumbaginaceae; (7) Gramineae; (8) Humulus; (9) Polygonaceae; (10) Ranunculaceae; (11) Geraniaceae; (12) Apiaceae; (13) Cyperaceae; (14) Potamogetonaceae; (15) Aceraceae; (16) Betulaceae; (17) Juglandaceae; (18) Salix; (19) Tiliaceae; (20) Ulmaceae; (21) Cycadaceae; (22) Tsuga; (23) Pinus

    图  4  ZK301钻孔中新世晚期保德组主要再沉积孢粉类型(比例尺均为10 μm)


    Figure  4.  Photomicrographs of selected redeposited spore-pollen types of the late Miocene Baode Formation from Borehole ZK301 (The scale is 10 μm)

    (1) Gleicheniaceae; (2) Pteridaceae; (3) Selaginellaceae; (4) Osmundaceae; (5) Parkeriaceae; (6) Classopollis; (7) Juglandaceae: Carya; (8) Juglandaceae: Engelhardtia; (9) Chenopodiaceae; (10) Elaeagnaceae; (11) Ephedraceae: Ephedripites fusiformis; (12) Ephedraceae: Ephedripites multicotatus; (13) Cupressaceae; (14) Araucariaceae; (15) Tsuga; (16) Pinus; (17) Picea

    图  5  ZK301钻孔中新世晚期保德组孢粉百分比图谱

    Figure  5.  Spore-pollen percentage diagram of the late Miocene Baode Formation from Borehole ZK301

    图  6  运城盆地新近系保德组沉积前后古地理格局


    Figure  6.  Paleogeographic pattern before and after the deposition of Neogene Baode Formation in the Yuncheng Basin

    (a) Before the deposition of the Baode Formation; (b) The early deposition stage of the Baode Formation

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