Determination of the northeast section of the Nanyuan–Tongxian fault in Beijing and research on its Quaternary activity
摘要: 南苑−通县断裂是北京凹陷与大兴凸起的边界断裂,也是1665年北京612级地震的主要控震断裂,其活动性对北京市土地规划利用和地质灾害预测有着重要意义。文章通过高精度重力、纵波和横波地震综合物探剖面以及钻孔联合地质剖面探测方法,调查研究了南苑−通县断裂带北东段的几何特征及其活动性。研究结果显示,南苑−通县断裂经过通州区平家疃村后转为近东西向,倾向北,倾角56°~75°;北东段新生代活动呈正断层属性,推测上断点埋深约为21.6 m,为晚更新世活动断裂。文章论证了南苑−通县断裂北东段的活动时代与中段、南西段不同,为首都地区国土空间规划及防灾减灾体系建设提供了重要的地质依据。Abstract: The Nanyuan–Tongxian fault is the boundary fault between the Beijing depression and the Daxing uplift, also the primary seismic-controlling fault of the Beijing M 612 earthquake in 1665. Its activity is of great significance to land planning and geological disaster prediction in Beijing. Using high-precision gravity, longitudinal-wave and shear-wave seismic comprehensive exploration profiles, and composite borehole geological profiles, this study investigated the geometric characteristics and activity of the northeastern section of the Nanyuan–Tongxian fault. The results show that after passing through Pingjiatuan Village in Tongzhou District, the fault turns to a nearly east-west direction, trending north with a dip angle of 56° to 75°. The new activity in the northeastern section exhibits characteristics of a normal fault, with an estimated buried depth of about 21.6 m, indicating it as a late Pleistocene active fault. The findings demonstrate that the activity age of the northeast section of the Nanyuan–Tongxian fault differs from that of the middle and southwestern sections, providing crucial geological foundations for the spatial planning and disaster reduction systems in the Beijing region.
图 1 研究区地质构造简图
Figure 1. Schematic map of geological structure in the study area
(a) Distribution map of major faults in the plain area of Beijing; (b) Distribution map and work deployment map of Nanyuan–Tongxian fault F1–Nankou piedmont fault; F2–Huangzhuang–Gaoliying fault; F3–Shunyi fault; F4–Nanyuan–tongxian fault; F5–Lixian fault; F6–Xiadian fault; F7–Nankou–Sunhe fault; F8–Ershilichangshan fault; F9–Yongdinghe fault; F10–Tongbai fault; F11–Liqiao fault; F12–Louzizhuang fault; F13–Xiji fault
表 1 碳十四样品测试结果一览表
Table 1. Test Results of 14C Samples
样品编号 岩性 取样深度/m 年龄/ka 置信度 ZK05–6.7 含有机质灰色黏土质粉砂 6.7 11.84±0.04 95.4% ZK06–10.1 含有机质灰色黏土质粉砂 10.1 22.62±0.07 95.4% 表 2 光释光样品测试结果一览表
Table 2. Test results of OSL samples
样品编号 取样深度/m 环境剂量率
/Gy年龄/ka 测试方法 ZK04(16.0—16.2) 16.0~16.2 3.04±0.13 103.3±0.2 34.00±1.41 SAR ZK07(16.8—17.0) 16.8~17.0 3.15±0.13 113.2±6.1 35.88±2.41 SAR -
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