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丰成君 李滨 李惠 周铭辉 张鹏 朱思雨 任雅哲 戚帮申 王苗苗 谭成轩 陈群策

丰成君, 李滨, 李惠, 等, 2022. 南迦巴瓦地区地应力场估算与构造稳定性探讨. 地质力学学报, 28 (6): 919-937. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20222820
引用本文: 丰成君, 李滨, 李惠, 等, 2022. 南迦巴瓦地区地应力场估算与构造稳定性探讨. 地质力学学报, 28 (6): 919-937. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20222820
FENG Chengjun, LI Bin, LI Hui, et al., 2022. Estimation of in-situ stress field surrounding the Namcha Barwa region and discussion on the tectonic stability. Journal of Geomechanics, 28 (6): 919-937. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20222820
Citation: FENG Chengjun, LI Bin, LI Hui, et al., 2022. Estimation of in-situ stress field surrounding the Namcha Barwa region and discussion on the tectonic stability. Journal of Geomechanics, 28 (6): 919-937. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20222820


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20222820

中国地质调查局项目 DD20221816

自然资源部活动构造与地质安全重点实验室开发基金 20201201


    丰成君(1985—), 男, 博士, 副研究员, 主要从事地应力测量、构造应力场研究及地质安全风险评价等工作。E-mail: fengchengjun@mail.cgs.gov.cn


    张鹏(1986—), 男, 博士, 副研究员, 主要从事地应力测量与监测工作。E-mail: zhang-peng0713@sina.com

  • 中图分类号: P553;P554;P642

Estimation of in-situ stress field surrounding the Namcha Barwa region and discussion on the tectonic stability


the China Geological Survey Project DD20221816

the Research Fund of Key Laboratory of Active Tectonics and Geological Safety 20201201

  • 摘要:

    南迦巴瓦地区是喜马拉雅东构造结新构造活动最为强烈的区域, 晚第四纪活动断裂发育, 地震活动强烈, 嘉黎断裂带、东久-米林断裂带及墨脱断裂带等活动断裂构造稳定性直接影响该地区工程规划建设。地应力是区域构造稳定性评价的关键性参数, 当前, 关于南迦巴瓦地区地应力场研究成果相对缺乏, 难以满足交通廊道地质安全风险评价实际需求。基于震源机制解数据, 采用应力张量反演方法, 揭示南迦巴瓦地区构造应力场最大主应力方向; 依据断层滑动失稳临界地应力条件, 联合应力形因子和断层摩擦系数反演, 估算南迦巴瓦周边不同区域地应力绝对大小。结果表明: 南迦巴瓦地区现今地应力场最大主应力方向为北东至北北东向; 最大、最小水平主应力大小随深度线性增加梯度分别为0.032~0.0355 MPa/m、0.0227~0.0236 MPa/m, 存在非均匀特征, 估测结果与原位地应力实测值一致性较好; 在当前地应力环境下, 南迦巴瓦周边地区主要活动断裂局部段落存在较大的地震危险性。研究成果可为南迦巴瓦地区工程规划建设提供参考。


  • 责任编辑:范二平
  • 图  1  南迦巴瓦周边地区主要活动断裂带与中强地震活动分布(1951—2019年)

    Figure  1.  The main active fault belts surrounding the Namcha Barwa syntaxis and the distribution of moderate-strong earthquakes from 1951 to 2019

    图  2  断层滑动失稳力学解析示意图


    Figure  2.  Sketch map of mechanical analysis on fault slip instability

    (a) Two-dimensional stress state of different fractures; (b) Frictional sliding on an optimally oriented fault; (c) Mohr diagram corresponding to arbitrary sliding fault
    σ1-The maximum principal stress; σ3-The minimum principal stress; σn-The normal stress on the fault plane; τf-The shear stress on the fault plane; φ-Internal frictional angel of the fault; β-Angle between the outward normal vector of the fault plane and the direction of σ1

    图  3  南迦巴瓦周边地区M≥2.0级地震震源机制解分布(1985—2019年)

    Figure  3.  Focal mechanism solutions of the M≥2.0 earthquakes surrounding the Namcha Barwa syntaxis from 1985 to 2019

    图  4  断层失稳参数在应力莫尔圆中的定义


    Figure  4.  Definition of the fault instability parameter in the Mohr's diagram

    σ1-The maximum principal stress; σ2-The intermediate principal stress; σ3-The minimum principal stress; I-The fault instability parameter

    图  5  南迦巴瓦周边地区震源机制解分区特征

    Figure  5.  Subarea characteristics of focal mechanism solutions surrounding the Namcha Barwa syntaxis

    图  6  南迦巴瓦周边地区不同应力区主应力方向反演结果


    Figure  6.  Principal stress directions retrieved by the STRESSINVERSE program in different stress areas surrounding the Namcha Barwa syntaxis

    σ1-The maximum principal stress; σ2-The intermediate principal stress; σ3-The minimum principal stress

    图  7  南迦巴瓦周边地区不同应力区应力形因子反演结果

    Figure  7.  Stress shape ratio retrieved by the STRESSINVERSE program in different stress areas surrounding the Namcha Barwa syntaxis

    图  8  Ⅰ区主应力大小随深度变化特征


    Figure  8.  Variation characteristics of principal stresses with depth in region Ⅰ

    σH-The maximum horizontal principal stress; σv-The vertical principal stress; σh-The minimum horizontal principal stress; P0-The pore pressure; H-The depth

    图  9  Ⅱ区主应力大小随深度变化特征


    Figure  9.  Variation characteristics of principal stresses with depth in region Ⅱ

    σH-The maximum horizontal principal stress; σv-The vertical principal stress; σh-The minimum horizontal principal stress; P0-The pore pressure; H-The depth

    图  10  Ⅲ区主应力大小随深度变化特征


    Figure  10.  Variation characteristics of principal stresses with depth in region Ⅲ

    σH-The maximum horizontal principal stress; σv-The vertical principal stress; σh-The minimum horizontal principal stress; P0-The pore pressure; H-The depth

    图  11  Ⅴ区主应力大小随深度变化特征


    Figure  11.  Variation characteristics of principal stresses with depth in region Ⅴ

    σH-The maximum horizontal principal stress; σv-The vertical principal stress; σh-The minimum horizontal principal stress; P0-The pore pressure; H-The depth

    图  12  南迦巴瓦周边地区主要活动断裂带简化分段特征

    Figure  12.  Simplified segments of the main active fault belts surrounding the Namcha Barwa syntaxis

    图  13  南迦巴瓦周边地区主要活动断裂滑动失稳概率

    Figure  13.  Fault slip probability in the main active fault belts surrounding the Namcha Barwa syntaxis

    表  1  主应力大小与断层分类

    Table  1.   Principal stress magnitudes and faulting regimes

    断层活动类型 主应力
    σ1 σ2 σ3
    正断 σv σH σh
    逆冲 σH σh σv
    走滑 σH σv σh
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    表  2  南迦巴瓦周边地区主要活动断裂带属性参数

    Table  2.   Characteristic parameters of the main active fault belts surrounding the Namcha Barwa syntaxis

    应力分区 断层编码 断层名称 断层参数
    走向 倾角 长度/km
    Ⅰ区 F1-4 嘉黎断裂带 110°±5° 70°±10° 83.08
    F7-1 西兴拉断裂带 120°±5° 70°±10° 18.46
    F7-2 西兴拉断裂带 120°±5° 70°±10° 20.00
    F9-1 东久-米林断裂带 50°±5° 70°±10° 23.08
    F9-2 东久-米林断裂带 46°±5° 70°±10° 46.15
    F9-3 东久-米林断裂带 40°±5° 70°±10° 26.15
    F9-4 未知 138°±5° 70°±10° 21.54
    Ⅱ区 F1-1 嘉黎断裂带 112°±5° 60°±10° 56.92
    F1-2 嘉黎断裂带 120°±5° 60°±10° 36.92
    F1-3 嘉黎断裂带 120°±5° 60°±10° 61.54
    F6-9 墨脱断裂带 60°±5° 60°±10° 23.08
    Ⅲ区 F2-1 阿帕龙断裂带 120°±5° 45°±10° 53.08
    F2-2 阿帕龙断裂带 133°±5° 45°±10° 15.38
    F2-3 阿帕龙断裂带 120°±5° 45°±10° 61.54
    F6-4 墨脱断裂带 43°±5° 60°±10° 12.31
    F6-5 墨脱断裂带 53°±5° 60°±10° 40.00
    F6-6 墨脱断裂带 38°±5° 60°±10° 29.23
    F6-7 墨脱断裂带 52°±5° 60°±10° 29.23
    F6-8 墨脱断裂带 30°±5° 60°±10° 36.92
    Ⅴ区 F6-1 墨脱断裂带 50°±5° 65°±10° 68.46
    F6-2 墨脱断裂带 18°±5° 65°±10° 33.85
    F6-3 墨脱断裂带 40°±5° 65°±10° 21.54
    F4-1(北段) 喜马拉雅主边界断裂 10°±5° 65°±10° 10.77
    F4-1(中段) 喜马拉雅主边界断裂 350°±5° 65°±10° 10.00
    F4-1(南段) 喜马拉雅主边界断裂 355°±5° 65°±10° 16.15
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