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华北克拉通新太古代早期—中太古代晚期(2.6~3.0 Ga)巨量陆壳增生:综述

万渝生 董春艳 颉颃强 李源 王宇晴 王堃力

万渝生,董春艳,颉颃强,等,2022. 华北克拉通新太古代早期—中太古代晚期(2.6~3.0 Ga)巨量陆壳增生:综述[J]. 地质力学学报,28(5):866−906 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20222817
引用本文: 万渝生,董春艳,颉颃强,等,2022. 华北克拉通新太古代早期—中太古代晚期(2.6~3.0 Ga)巨量陆壳增生:综述[J]. 地质力学学报,28(5):866−906 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20222817
WAN Y S,DONG C Y,XIE H Q,et al.,2022. Huge growth of the late Mesoarchean–early Neoarchean (2.6~3.0 Ga) continental crust in the North China Craton: A review[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,28(5):866−906 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20222817
Citation: WAN Y S,DONG C Y,XIE H Q,et al.,2022. Huge growth of the late Mesoarchean–early Neoarchean (2.6~3.0 Ga) continental crust in the North China Craton: A review[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,28(5):866−906 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20222817

华北克拉通新太古代早期—中太古代晚期(2.6~3.0 Ga)巨量陆壳增生:综述

doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20222817
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金重大项目(41890834);国家自然科学基金重点项目(42130311);中国地质调查局地质调查项目(DD20221645, DD20190358, DD22021649)


  • 中图分类号: P588.122;P597.3

Huge growth of the late Mesoarchean–early Neoarchean (2.6~3.0 Ga) continental crust in the North China Craton: A review

Funds: This research is financially supported by the Major Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.41890834), the Key Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.42130311) and Key Programs of the Ministry of Land and Resources of China (Grants DD20221645, DD20190358, DD22021649)
  • 摘要: 在对一些重点地区新太古代早期—中太古代晚期(2.6~3.0 Ga)岩石的空间分布、岩石类型和形成时代作简要介绍基础上,文章总结了华北克拉通这一时代花岗质岩石的年龄分布模式、地球化学和Nd-Hf-O同位素组成特征。新太古代早期—中太古代晚期变质基底具有如下特征:①新太古代早期—中太古代晚期岩浆作用在华北克拉通几乎连续分布,峰期为2.70~2.75 Ga;②新太古代早期—中太古代晚期岩石在华北克拉通广泛存在,主要分布在东部古陆块、中部古陆块和南部古陆块中;③新太古代早期—中太古代晚期侵入岩以英云闪长岩为主,存在奥长花岗岩和花岗闪长岩及其他类型岩石;④新太古代早期—中太古代晚期表壳岩规模很小,零星分布于花岗质岩石中,岩石类型主要为变玄武质岩石,一些地区存在变质科马提岩、变质安山质‒英安质火山岩和变质碎屑沉积岩;⑤2.6 Ga可作为华北克拉通新太古代早期和晚期的界线;⑥TTG岩石的Sr/Y和La/Yb比值存在很大变化,在Sr/Y-Y和La/Yb-Yb图中位于高压、中压和低压TTG分布区;除少量富钾花岗岩外,华北克拉通新太古代早期—中太古代晚期岩石大都具有亏损Nd-Hf同位素组成特征;岩浆锆石O同位素组成与全球太古宙岩浆锆石类似;⑦许多地区都具有类似地质特征,但一些地区显示出较大的独特性。新的研究进一步支持了这样的认识:与全球其他许多典型克拉通类似,新太古代早期—中太古代晚期是华北克拉通最重要的陆壳增生时期,主要区别是华北克拉通叠加了强烈的新太古代晚期岩浆构造热事件。


  • 图  1  华北克拉通早前寒武纪基底地质图(图中给出了2.6 ~ 3.0 Ga岩石空间分布和图2图4图7图11图14图19图23图25的位置)

    BB—蚌埠;CD—承德;DQS—大青山;DF—登封;EH—冀东;ES—胶东;FP—阜平;HA—怀安;HB—鹤壁;HS—恒山;HL—和龙;HQ—霍邱;LL—吕梁;LS—鲁山;MY—密云;NL—辽北;SJ—吉南;SL—辽南;WL—辽西;WS— 鲁西;WT—五台;XQL—小秦岭;YS—阴山;ZH—赞皇;ZJK—张家口;ZT—中条

    Figure  1.  Geological map of the early Precambrian basement of the North China Craton(showing spatial distribution of 2.6~3.0 Ga rocks and locations of figures 2, 4, 7, 11, 14, 19, 23 and 25

    BB–Bengbu; CD–Chengde; DQS–Daqingshan; DF–Dengfeng; EH–eastern Hebei; ES–eastern Shandong; FP–Fuping; HA–Huai’an; HB–Hebi; HS–Hengshan; HL–Helong; HQ–Huoqiu; LL–Lvliang; LS–Lushan; MY–Miyun; NL–northern Liaoning; SJ–southern Jilin; SL–southern Liaoning; WL–weastern Liaoning; WS–western Shandong; WT–Wutai; XQL–Xiaoqinling; YS–Yinshan; ZH–Zanhuang; ZJK–Zhangjiakou; ZT–Zhongtiao

    图  2  吉南‒辽北地区地质图(图中给出了2.6~3.0 Ga岩石定年样品分布,据Bao et al.,2022修改

    Figure  2.  Geological map of the southern Jilin–northern Liaoning area, showing the spatial distribution of 2.6 ~ 3.0 Ga dated rock samples (modified from Bao et al., 2022)

    图  3  吉南‒辽北地区新太古代早期岩石的锆石CL图像和U-Pb谐和图

    a、b—2.73 Ga英云闪长质片麻岩,歪头山(16BX03-3;Bao et al., 2022);c、d—2.68 Ga TTG,白山西北(13JN45-2;Bao et al., 2022);e、f—2.69 Ga英云闪长质片麻岩,清原东(14SJ02-1;Wu et al., 2021);g、h—2.78 Ga奥长花岗质片麻岩,夹皮沟西北(14SJ06-1;Wu et al., 2021

    Figure  3.  CL images and SHRIMP U-Pb concordia diagrams for zircons from the early Neoarchean rocks in the southern Jilin–northern Liaoning area

    (a) and (b) 2.73 Ga tonalitic gneiss , Waitoushan, (16BX03-3; Bao et al., 2022); (c) and (d) 2.68 Ga TTG, northwest of Baishan (13JN45-2; Bao et al., 2022); (e) and (f) 2.69 Ga tonalitic gneiss, east of Qingyuan (14SJ02-1; Wu et al., 2021); (g) and (h) 2.78 Ga trondhjemitic gneiss (14SJ06-1; Wu et al., 2021)

    图  4  铁架山‒弓长岭地区地质图(底图据Dong et al., 2017a;图中给出了2.9~3.0 Ga富钾花岗岩定年样品位置,数据来源Dong et al., 2017a王伟等, 2022

    Figure  4.  Geological map of the Tiejiashan–Gongchangling area (Dong et al., 2017a), showing the locations of dated 2.9~3.0 Ga K-rich granite samples (Dong et al., 2017a; Wang et al., 2022)

    图  5  铁架山‒弓长岭地区中太古代花岗质岩石的野外照片

    a—2.95 Ga正长花岗质片麻岩(A0502,铁架山‒弓长岭富钾花岗岩),铁架山北(Dong et al., 2017a);b—2.92 Ga糜棱岩化细粒正长花岗岩(A1211,铁架山‒弓长岭富钾花岗岩),小岭子西(Dong et al., 2017a);c—2.92 Ga糜棱岩化细粒正长花岗岩(A1211)与2.91 Ga糜棱岩化细粒正长花岗岩(A1212)界线,与图5b位置相同(Dong et al., 2017a);d—2.99 Ga 二长花岗质片麻岩(A0533,东鞍山花岗岩),东鞍山东野外照片中,笔的长度为14 cm,硬币的直径为2 cm;下同

    Figure  5.  Field photographs of the Mesoarchean granitoids in the Tiejiashan–Gongchangling area

    (a) 2.95 Ga syenogranitic gneiss (A0502, Tiejiashan–Gongchangling K-riched granite), north of Tiejiashan (Dong et al., 2017a); (b) 2.92 Ga mylonitized fine-grained syenogranite (A1211, Tiejiashan–Gongchangling K-riched granite), west of Xiaolingzi (Dong et al., 2017a); (c) Boundary between the 2.92 Ga mylonitized fine-grained syenogranite (A1211) and the 2.91 Ga mylonitized fine-grained syenogranite (A1212), same location as Fig.5b (Dong et al., 2017a); (d) 2.99 Ga monzogranitic gneiss (A0533), east of Donganshan Samples A0502 and A1211 are from the Tiejiashan–Gongchangling K-rich granite, and sample A0533 is from the Donganshan granite. The pen is 14 cm in length, whereas the coin is 2 cm in diameter, the same below.

    图  6  铁架山‒弓长岭地区中太古代花岗质岩石的锆石阴极发光图像和U-Pb谐和图

    a、b—2.95 Ga正长花岗质片麻岩,铁架山北(A0502;Dong et al., 2017a);c、d—2.92 Ga糜棱岩化细粒正长花岗岩,小岭子西(A1211;Dong et al., 2017a);e、f—2.99 Ga 二长花岗质片麻岩,东鞍山东(A0533)

    Figure  6.  CL images and SHRIMP U-Pb concordia diagrams for zircons from the Mesoarchean granitoids in the Tiejiashan–Gongchangling area

    (a) and (b) 2.95 Ga syenogranitic gneiss, north of Tiejiashan (A0502; Dong et al., 2017a); (c) and (d) 2.92 Ga mylonitized fine-grained syenogranite, west of Xiaolingzi (A1211; Dong et al., 2017a); (e) and (f) 2.99 Ga monzogranitic gneiss, east of Donganshan (A0533)

    图  7  冀东地区地质图(底图据Nutman et al., 2011;图中给出了2.6~3.0 Ga 定年岩石样品的位置,数据来源Nutman et al., 2011Liou et al., 2019)

    Figure  7.  Geological map of eastern Hebei (Nutman et al., 2011), showing the locations of dated 2.6~3.0 Ga rock samples (Nutman et al., 2011; Liou et al., 2019)

    图  8  冀东草场地区中太古代表壳岩的野外照片(Liou et al., 2019


    Figure  8.  Field photographs of the Mesoarchean supracrustal rocks in the Caochang region, eastern Hebei (Liou et al., 2019)

    (a) Supracrustal rock section; (b) and (c) Mafic gneisses interbedded with felsic gneisses; a coarse-grained leucosome dyke parallels to the mafic gneisses in Fig.8b; (d) and (e) Leucocratic felsic gneisses

    图  9  冀东地区新太古代早期—中太古代晚期岩石的锆石阴极发光图像和U-Pb谐和图

    a、b—2.91 Ga长英质片麻岩,草场(LP103;Liou et al., 2019);c、d—2.92 Ga长英质片麻岩,与样品LP103同一位置(LP100;Liou et al., 2019);e、f—2.94 Ga英云闪长质片麻岩,曹庄(J0602; Nutman et al., 2011);g、h—2.59 Ga奥长花岗质片麻岩,刘皮庄(J1308)

    Figure  9.  CL images and SHRIMP U-Pb concordia diagrams for the zircons from the late Mesoarchean– early Neoarchean rocks in eastern Hebei

    (a) and (b) 2.91 Ga felsic gneiss, Caochang (LP103; Liou et al., 2019); (c) and (d) 2.92 Ga felsic gneiss (LP100; Liou et al., 2019), same location as the sample LP103; (e) and (f) 2.94 Ga tonalitic gneiss, Caozhuang (J0602; Nutman et al., 2011); (g) and (h) 2.59 Ga trondhjemitic gneiss, Liupizhuang (J1308)

    图  10  冀东地区新太古代早期—中太古代晚期岩石的野外照片

    a—2.94 Ga英云闪长质片麻岩,曹庄(J0602;Nutman et al., 2011);b—2.59 Ga奥长花岗质片麻岩,刘皮庄(J1308)

    Figure  10.  Field photographs of the late Mesoarchean–early Neoarchean granitoids in eastern Hebei

    (a) 2.94 Ga tonalitic gneiss, Caozhuang (J0602; Nutman et al., 2011); (b) 2.59 Ga trondhjemitic gneiss, Liupizhuang (J1308)

    图  11  白云鄂博‒固阳地区地质图(底图据Jian et al.,2012修改;图中给出了新太古代早期定年岩石样品的位置,数据来源董晓杰等,2012马铭株等,2013董春艳等,2021

    Figure  11.  Geological map of the Bayan Obe–Guyang area (modified after Jian et al.,2012), showing the locations of the dated early Neoachean rock samples (Dong et al.,2012; Ma et al., 2013; Dong et al., 2021)

    图  12  白云鄂博‒固阳地区新太古代早期岩石的野外照片

    a—2.70 Ga英云闪长质片麻岩(NM1322),包裹变质超基性岩,固阳东北;b—2.68 Ga二长花岗质片麻岩(NM1325-2),合教东;c—2.60 Ga奥长花岗质片麻岩(NM1234),固阳东北;d—2.63 Ga英云闪长质片麻岩(BY1331),白云鄂博东南(董春艳等,2021

    Figure  12.  Field photographs of the early Neoarchean rocks in the Bayan Obe–Guyang area

    (a) 2.70 Ga tonalitic gneiss (NM1322), containing a meta-ultra-mafic rock enclave, northeast of Guyang; (b) 2.68 Ga monzogranitic gneiss (NM1325-2), east of Hejiao; (c) 2.60 Ga trondhjemitic gneis (NM1234), northeast of Guyang; (d) 2.63 Ga tonalitic gneiss (BY1331), southeast of the Bayan–Obe area (Dong et al., 2021)

    图  13  白云鄂博‒固阳地区新太古代早期岩石的锆石阴极发光图像和U-Pb谐和图

    a、b—2.70 Ga英云闪长质片麻岩(NM1322),固阳东北;c、d—2.68 Ga二长花岗质片麻岩(NM1325-2),合教东;e、f—2.60 Ga奥长花岗质片麻岩(NM1234),固阳东北;g、h—2.63 Ga英云闪长质片麻岩(BY1331),白云鄂博东南(董春艳等,2021

    Figure  13.  CL images and SHRIMP U-Pb concordia diagrams for the zircons from the early Neoarchean rocks in the Bayan Obe–Guyang area

    (a) and (b) 2.70 Ga tonalitic gneiss (NM1322), containing a meta-ultra-mafic rock enclave, northeast of Guyang; (c) and (d) 2.68 Ga monzogranitic gneiss (NM1325-2), east of Hejiao; (e) and (f) 2.60 Ga trondhjemitic gneiss (NM1234), northeast of Guyang; (g) and (h) 2.63 Ga tonalitic gneiss (BY1331), southeast of the Bayan–Obe area (Dong et al., 2021)

    图  14  胶东地区地质图(Wan et al., 2015;图中给出了太古宙岩石定年样品空间分布(栖霞地区除外)和图15的位置)

    Figure  14.  Geological map of eastern Shandong Province, North China Craton (Wan et al., 2015), showing the spatial distribution of the dated Archean rock samples (except the Qixia area) and the location of Fig.15

    图  15  栖霞地区地质图(万渝生等,2017Wan et al., 2021;图中给出了太古宙定年样品位置,三角、方框和圆圈分别代表2.9 Ga、2.7 Ga和2.5 Ga岩石样品)

    Figure  15.  Geological map of the Qixia area (Wan et al., 2017; Wan et al., 2021), showing the spatial distribution of the dated Archean rocks, with triangle, square and circle represent 2.9 Ga, 2.7 Ga and 2.5 Ga rock samples, respectively

    图  16  栖霞地区太古宙岩浆岩的Nd-Hf同位素组成(Wan et al., 2021


    Figure  16.  Nd-Hf isotopic composition of the Archean magmatic rocks in the Qixia area (Wan et al., 2021)

    (a) Whole-rock εNd(t) vs. age diagram; (b) zircon εHf(t) vs. age diagram

    图  17  胶东莱州地区太古宙岩石的野外照片(万渝生等,2019a

    a—2.88 Ga带状英云闪长岩(JD1423),下埠东;b—2.92 Ga 闪长质片麻岩(JD1424),与样品JD1423位置相同;c—2.73 Ga条带状英云闪长岩(JD1422),张家埠;d—2.70 Ga英云闪长质片麻岩(JD1427),包裹变质辉长岩包体,下埠南

    Figure  17.  Field photographs of the Archean rocks in the Laizhou area, eastern Shandong (Wan et al., 2019a)

    (a) 2.88 Ga banded tonalite (JD1423), east of Xiafu; (b) 2.92 Ga dioritic gneiss (JD1424), same location as the sample JD1423; (c) 2.73 Ga banded tonalite (JD1422), Zhangjiafu; (d) 2.70 Ga tonalitic gneiss (JD1427), containing meta-gabbro enclaves, south of Xiafu

    图  18  胶东莱州地区太古宙岩石的锆石阴极发光图像和U-Pb谐和图(万渝生等,2019a

    a、b—2.88 Ga带状英云闪长岩(JD1423),下埠东;c、d—2.92 Ga 闪长质片麻岩(JD1424),与样品JD1423位置相同;e、f—2.73 Ga条带状英云闪长岩(JD1422),张家埠;g、h—2.70 Ga英云闪长质片麻岩(JD1427),下埠南

    Figure  18.  CL images and SHRIMP U-Pb concordia diagrams for zircons from the Archean rocks in the Laizhou area, eastern Shandong (Wan et al., 2019a)

    (a) and (b) 2.88 Ga banded tonalite (JD1423), east of Xiafu; (c) and (d) 2.92 Ga dioritic gneiss (JD1424), same location as the sample JD1423; (e) and (f) 2.73 Ga banded tonalite (JD1422), Zhangjiafu; (g) and (h) 2.70 Ga tonalitic gneiss (JD1427), south of Xiafu

    图  19  鲁西七星台地区地质图(底图据Bai et al., 2020;图中给出了新太古代早期定年样品位置,数据来源马铭株等,2020

    Figure  19.  Geological map of the Qixingtai area, western Shandong (Bai et al., 2020), showing the locations of the dated early Neoachean rock samples (Ma et al., 2020)

    图  20  鲁西地区新太古代早期侵入岩的锆石年龄变化(马铭株等,2020


    Figure  20.  Zircon age variation for the early Neoarchean magmatic rocks in west Shandong (Ma et al., 2020)

    Black line and red dotted line represent magmatic and metamorphic ages, respectively

    图  21  鲁西七星台地区新太古代早期变质超基性岩—中性岩的野外照片(马铭株等,2020

    a—2.66 Ga变质闪长岩(16L4D2-2),被包裹在~2.6 Ga 奥长花岗质片麻岩中,官营西南;b—变质辉长岩‒辉石岩侵入新太古代早期柳杭岩组斜长角闪岩,界线附近又有伟晶岩脉侵入,官营东;c—2.68 Ga变质辉长岩(16L9D3-2),与变质辉石岩空间上共生,位置同图21b;d—变质辉长岩和变质辉石岩空间上共生,~2.6 Ga变质辉长闪长岩(17L11D2-2)取自该露头附近,东野坡南

    Figure  21.  Field photographs of the early Neoarchean meta-ultramafic to intermediate rocks in the Qixingtai area, western Shandong (Ma et al., 2020)

    (a) 2.66 Ga meta-diorite (16L4D2-2), occurring as enclaves in ~2.6 Ga trondhjemitic gneiss, southwest of Guanying; (b) Meta-gabbro–pyroxenite, intruding the amphibolite of the early Neoarchean Liuhang Group, and cut by pegmatite dyke near the boundary, east of Guanying; (c) 2.68 Ga meta-gabbro (16L9D3-2), contacting with meta-pyroxenite, same location as Fig 21b; (d) Meta-gabbro, contacting with meta-pyroxenite, ~2.6 Ga meta-gabbro sample 17L11D2-2 is taken near the outcrop, south of Dongyepo

    图  22  鲁西七星台地区新太古代早期变质超基性岩—中性岩的锆石阴极发光图像和U-Pb谐和图(马铭株等,2020

    a、b—2.66 Ga变质闪长岩(16L4D2-2),官营西南;c、d—2.68 Ga变质辉长岩(16L9D3-2),官营东;e、f—~2.6 Ga变质辉长闪长岩(17L11D2-2),东野坡南

    Figure  22.  CL images and SHRIMP U-Pb concordia diagrams for the zircons from the early Neoarchean meta-ultramafic to intermediate rocks in the Qixingtai area, western Shandong (Ma et al., 2020)

    (a) and (b) 2.66 Ga meta-diorite (16L4D2-2), southwest of Guanying; (c) and (d) 2.68 Ga meta-gabbro (16L9D3-2), east of Guanying; (e) and (f) ~2.6 Ga meta-gabbro (17L11D2-2), south of Dongyepo

    图  23  蚌埠地区地质图(底图据刘贻灿等,2015;图中给出了中太古代晚期定年样品位置,数据来源Liu et al., 2019

    Figure  23.  Geological map of the Bengbu area (Liu et al., 2015) , showing the locations of the dated late Mesoarchean rock samples (Liu et al., 2019)

    图  24  蚌埠地区中太古代晚期花岗质岩石的锆石阴极发光图像和U-Pb谐和图(Liu et al., 2019

    a、b—2.93 Ga 花岗闪长质片麻岩(14BB44-1),凤阳东南;c、d—2.83 Ga 花岗闪长质片麻岩(14BB35-1),五河南a、c中白色圆圈(50 μm和35 μm)分别为Lu-Hf和U-Pb分析位置;数字为207Pb/206Pb年龄和εHf(t)值

    Figure  24.  CL images and SHRIMP U-Pb concordia diagrams for the zircons from the late Mesoarchean granitoids in the Bengbu area (Liu et al., 2019)

    (a) and (b) 2.93 Ga granodioritic gneiss (14BB44-1), southeast of Fengyang; (c) and (d) 2.83 Ga granodioritic gneiss (14BB35-1), south of Wuhe. Circles (50 μm and 35 μm) show the positions of Lu-Hf and U-Pb analytical sites, respectively, with 207Pb/206Pb ages and εHf(t) values shown

    图  25  鲁山地区地质图(底图据Liu et al., 2009a;图中给出了新太古代早期—中太古代晚期定年样品位置,数据来源Liu et al., 2009aDiwu et al., 2010Zhou et al., 2014; Jia et al., 2020

    Figure  25.  Geological map of the Lushan area (Liu et al., 2009a), showing the locations of the dated late Mesoarchean–early Neoarchean rock samples (Liu et al., 2009a; Diwu et al., 2010; Zhou et al., 2014; Jia et al., 2020)

    图  26  鲁山地区中太古代岩石的野外照片(Liu et al., 2009a

    a—2.84 Ga层状斜长角闪岩(LS0417-1),瓦屋东北;b—2.83 Ga片麻状英云闪长岩(LS0417-2),背深熔浅色体细脉切割,瓦屋东北

    Figure  26.  Field photographs of the Mesoarchean rocks in the Lushan area (Liu et al., 2009a)

    (a) 2.84 Ga interlayered amphibolite (LS0417-1), northeast of Wawu; (b) 2.83 Ga gneissic tonalite (LS0417-2) cut by thin anatectic dykes, field of view is 1.3 m wide, northeast of Wawu

    图  27  鲁山地区中太古代岩石的锆石阴极发光图像和U-Pb谐和图(Liu et al., 2009a

    a、b—2.84 Ga层状斜长角闪岩(LS0417-1),瓦屋东北;c、d—2.83 Ga片麻状英云闪长岩(LS0417-2),瓦屋东北

    Figure  27.  CL images and SHRIMP U-Pb concordia diagrams for the zircons from the Mesoarchean rocks in the Lushan area (Liu et al., 2009a)

    (a) and (b) 2.84 Ga interlayered amphibolite (LS0417-1), northeast of Wawu; (c) and (d) 2.83 Ga gneissic tonalite (LS0417-2), northeast of Wawu

    图  28  华北克拉通新太古代早期—中太古代晚期岩石的岩浆锆石年龄直方图

    Figure  28.  Age histogram for the magmatic zircons from the late Mesoarchean–early Neoarchean rocks in the North China Craton

    图  29  华北克拉通新太古代早期—中太古代晚期花岗质岩石的An-Ab-Or和K-Na-Ca图解

    Figure  29.  Normative An-Ab-Or diagram and K-Na-Ca diagram of the late Mesoarchean–early Neoarchean granitoids in the North China Craton

    图  30  华北克拉通新太古代早期—中太古代晚期花岗质岩石的A/CNK-A/NK图解

    Figure  30.  A/CNK-A/NK diagram for the late Mesoarchean–early Neoarchean granitoids in the North China Craton

    图  31  华北克拉通新太古代早期—中太古代晚期花岗质岩石的Sr/Y-Y和La/Yb-Yb图解(Moyen, 2011

    Figure  31.  Sr/Y-Y diagram and La/Yb-Yb diagram (for the late Mesoarchean–early Neoarchean granitoids in the North China Craton( Moyen, 2011

    图  32  华北克拉通新太古代早期—中太古代晚期岩石的全岩εNd(t) ‒年龄图

    Figure  32.  Whole-rock εNd(t) versus formation age diagram for the late Mesoarchean–early Neoarchean rocks in the North China Craton

    图  33  华北克拉通新太古代早期—中太古代晚期岩石的全岩Nd模式年龄直方图


    Figure  33.  Whole-rock Nd model age histograms for the late Mesoarchean–early Neoarchean rocks in the North China Craton

    (a) Single-stage model age (depleted mantle model age); (b) two-stage model age (crustal model age)

    图  34  华北克拉通新太古代早期—中太古代晚期岩石的岩浆锆石εHf(t)‒年龄图

    Figure  34.  εHf(t) versus formation age diagram for magmatic zircons from the late Mesoarchean–early Neoarchean rocks in the North China Craton

    图  35  华北克拉通新太古代早期—中太古代晚期岩石的岩浆锆石Hf模式年龄直方图


    Figure  35.  Hf model age histograms for the magmatic zircons from the late Mesoarchean–early Neoarchean rocks in the North China Craton

    (a) Single-stage model age (depleted mantle model age); (b) two-stage model age (crustal model age)

    图  36  华北克拉通新太古代早期—中太古代晚期岩石的Nd-Hf同位素组成


    Figure  36.  Nd-Hf isotopic compositions of the late Mesoarchean–early Neoarchean rocks in the North China Craton

    (a) Whole-rock two-stage Nd model age versus formation age diagram; (b) Magmatic zircon two-stage Hf model age versus formation age

    图  37  华北克拉通新太古代早期—中太古代晚期岩石的岩浆锆石O同位素组成

    a—δ18O ‒年龄图;b—δ18O直方图

    Figure  37.  O isotopic compositions of the magmatic zircons from the late Mesoarchean–early Neoarchean rocks in the North China Craton

    (a) δ18O versus formation age diagram; (b) δ18O histogram

    图  38  华北克拉通2.6~2.7 Ga侵入岩的锆石年龄变化(鲁西以外地区)

    Figure  38.  Zircon age variation for the 2.6~2.7 Ga intrusive rocks in the North China Craton, except for west Shandong

    图  39  华北克拉通新太古代早期—中太古代晚期花岗质岩石的Nb-Y和Ta-Yb图解(底图据Pearce et al., 1984


    Figure  39.  Nb–Y and Ta–Yb diagrams from Pearce et al. (1984) for the late Mesoarchean–early Neoarchean granitoids in the North China Craton

    syn-COLG—Syn-collision granites; VAG—Volcanic arc granites; WPG—With plate granites; ORG—Ocean ridge granites. The dashed line represents the upper compositional boundary for ORG from anomalous ridge segments

    图  40  华北克拉通大陆地壳生长线(万渝生,2018;不同的全球大陆地壳生长线引自Cawood et al.,2013

    Figure  40.  Crustal growth curve of the North China Craton (Wan, 2018), also showing the global crustal growth curves from different authors (Cawood et al., 2013)

    1–Goodwin, 1996; 2–Hurley and Rand, 1969; 3–Allégre and Rousseau, 1984; 4–Condie and Aster, 2010; 5–Belousova et al., 2010; 6–Taylor and McLennan, 1985; 7–Dhuime et al., 2012; 8–Armstrong, 1981

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