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徐长贵 杜晓峰 庞小军 王启明 潘文静

徐长贵,杜晓峰,庞小军,等,2022. 渤海南部明化镇组下段源−汇体系及其对大面积岩性油气藏的控制作用[J]. 地质力学学报,28(5):728−742 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20222813
引用本文: 徐长贵,杜晓峰,庞小军,等,2022. 渤海南部明化镇组下段源−汇体系及其对大面积岩性油气藏的控制作用[J]. 地质力学学报,28(5):728−742 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20222813
XU C G,DU X F,PANG X J,et al.,2022. The source-sink system and its control on large-area lithologic reservoirs of the lower Minghuazhen Formation in the southern Bohai Sea[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,28(5):728−742 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20222813
Citation: XU C G,DU X F,PANG X J,et al.,2022. The source-sink system and its control on large-area lithologic reservoirs of the lower Minghuazhen Formation in the southern Bohai Sea[J]. Journal of Geomechanics,28(5):728−742 doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20222813


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.20222813
基金项目: “十三五”国家科技重大专项 (2016ZX05024-003)

    徐长贵(1971—),男,博士,教授级高级工程师,主要从事石油地质与综合勘探研究。E-mail: xuchg@cnooc.com.cn

  • 中图分类号: P618.13

The source-sink system and its control on large-area lithologic reservoirs of the lower Minghuazhen Formation in the southern Bohai Sea

Funds: This research is financially supported by the Major Project of National Science and Technology (Grant 2016ZX05024-003)
  • 摘要: 近年来,在渤海南部新近系钻遇了大量大面积砂体,并发现了多个亿吨级油田,表明明化镇组下段勘探潜力巨大。该类砂体发育形成源−汇要素不清,严重制约了明下段的岩性油气藏勘探。文章利用古生物、重矿物、地震、钻井等资料,探讨了渤海南部浅层明下段源−汇体系及其对大面积岩性油气藏的控制。结果表明:渤海南部明下段沉积期发育多个方向的源−汇体系,其中,燕山−辽西隆起方向距离研究区最远,辽东隆起次之,鲁西隆起和胶东隆起较近,鲁西隆起和辽东隆起对研究区源−汇系统影响较大,燕山−辽西隆起对源−汇系统影响较弱;研究区明下段沉积期主要发育河流、河湖交互和湖泊这三种沉积体系,其中,河湖交互和湖泊浅水三角洲形成的砂体面积较大;研究区明下段沉积期具备形成大面积砂体的有利源−汇条件,其中,温带−亚热带气候、充足的降雨量、发达的古水系、长英质变质岩和岩浆岩母岩、湖泊范围频繁的扩大和缩小有利于大面积砂体的发育;河道砂−席状砂−河道砂的连通导致研究区明下段发育大面积的岩性圈闭,与单独的河道砂相比,河湖交互和浅水三角洲具有形成大面积岩性油气藏的潜力。该认识可为渤海海域新近系大型油气藏的勘探提供帮助。


  • 图  1  渤海海域大地构造位置及地层综合柱状图


    Figure  1.  Geotectonic position and stratigraphic comprehensive histogram of the Bohai Sea

    (a) Geotectonic position; (b) Stratigraphic comprehensive histogram

    图  2  渤海南部新近纪古气候分析

    Figure  2.  Paleoclimate analysis of the southern Bohai Sea of Neogene

    图  3  渤海南部地区物源分布及主要水系方向

    Figure  3.  Source distribution and directions of the of main water systems in the southern Bohai Sea

    图  4  渤海南部地区明下段沉积期古地貌与古水系叠合图

    Figure  4.  Superimposition of paleo-geomorphology and paleo-water system in the lower Minghuazhen Formation in the southern Bohai Sea

    图  5  渤海南部地区明下段重矿物相对百分含量对比

    Figure  5.  Comparison of the relative percentages of heavy minerals in the lower member of the Minghuazhen Formation in the southern Bohai Sea

    图  6  渤海南部地区明下段下部地震剖面特征(SB02层拉平;地震剖面位置见图5

    Figure  6.  Seismic profile characteristics of the lower lower part of the lower member of the Minghuazhen Formation in the southern Bohai Sea (The SB02 layer is flattened. See Fig. 5 for the location of the seismic section)

    图  7  渤海南部地区明下段不同沉积期古地貌特征


    Figure  7.  Paleo-geomorphic characteristics of the lower member of the Minghuazhen Formation in different depositional stages in the southern Bohai Sea

    (a) Paleo-geomorphic characteristics of the lower part of the lower member of the Minghuazhen Formation; (b) Paleo-geomorphic charalteristics of the upper part of the lower member of the Minghuazhen Formation

    图  8  河流体系—河湖交互体系—湖泊体系沉积特征对比分图

    Figure  8.  Comparison of sedimentary characteristics of river system, river–lake interaction system and lake system

    图  9  渤海南部地区明下段沉积体系展布图


    Figure  9.  Distribution map of the sedimentary systems in the early and late sedimentation of the lower Minghuazhen Formation in the southern Bohai Sea

    (a) Early sedimentation; (b) Late sedimentation

    图  10  渤海南部地区明下段沉积期源−汇体系模式图

    Figure  10.  Model diagram of the source–sink system in the lower member of the Minghuazhen Formation in the southern Bohai Sea

    图  11  渤海南部地区垦利6-1构造明下段砂体和油层连续分布特征

    Figure  11.  Continuous distribution characteristics of the sand bodies and oil layers in the lower member of the Minghuazhen Formation of KL 6-1 structure in the southern Bohai Sea

    图  12  渤海南部地区明下段垦利6-1构造岩性油藏成藏模式和含油面积分布


    Figure  12.  Accumulation model and oil-bearing area distribution of the KL 6-1 structural lithologic reservoir in the lower member of the Minghuazhen Formation in the southern Bohai Sea

    (a) Accumulation model; (b) Oil-bearing area distribution

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