Characteristics of the Mianhuakeng fault and Youdong fault and their relation to uranium mineralization in the Changjiang uranium ore field, northern Guangdong
摘要: 长江铀矿田位于广东仁化县,是中国华南地区最重要的硬岩型铀矿田。铀矿田内发育北北西(近南北)向含矿构造和北东东向棉花坑断裂及北西西向油洞断裂。棉花坑断裂、油洞断裂与铀成矿的关系涉及到矿田控矿构造格局构建和进一步找矿预测等关键问题。通过精细野外地质调查,重点研究棉花坑断裂、油洞断裂与北北西(近南北)向含矿断裂的相互关系,特别是断裂构造发育的特点和相互配套关系,取得如下认识:棉花坑断裂为脆性断裂破碎带,以未胶结的含有磨圆的花岗岩角砾的构造角砾岩和断层泥为特征,线性构造和负地貌特征明显,属于成矿后压扭性断裂,断错铀矿体和铀矿化带,但位移不大;油洞断裂为脆性破碎带,具有线性构造和负地貌特征,为北北西(近南北)向控矿构造的伴生张扭性断裂,并局部被其后的基性岩脉充填,它不是高级序控矿断裂,仅仅起局部含矿构造作用;油洞断裂带附近的韧性变形不是油洞断裂的连续韧性变形带,而是油洞岩体内小规模、零星不规则、多方向韧性变形的一部分;基于含矿构造呈北北西(近南北)向的展布特征,矿田内进一步的找矿方向不是沿着棉花坑断裂或油洞断裂的方向,而是沿着北北西(近南北)向含矿构造及现有矿化带的走向和倾向深部,在现有矿带间空白区的深部也很可能存在隐伏矿带。Abstract: The Changjiang uranium ore field, located in Renhua county of Guangdong province, is the most important granite-type uranium ore field in southern China. There developed the NNW-trending (nearly SN-trending) ore-bearing fault structures, NEE-trending Mianhuakeng fault and NWW-trending Youdong fault. Understanding the characteristics of the Mianhuakeng fault and the Youdong fault and their relation to uranium mineralization is conducive to the building of ore-controlling structure system and further prospecting for uranium deposits. We carried out detailed field investigations, and focused on the analysis of the correlation between the Mianhuakeng fault, Youdong fault and NNW-trending (nearly SN-trending) ore-bearing faults, especially the development characteristics of fault structures and their combination with each other. Our key findings are as follows. (ⅰ) The Mianhuakeng fault is a brittle fracture belt, characterized by uncemented tectonic breccia and fault gouge containing well-rounded granite rubbles. It has obvious linear structures and negative geomorphic features, belonging to a post-mineralization compresso-shear fault, and it dislocates uranium ore body and uranium mineralization zone with small displacement; (ⅱ) The Youdong fault is a brittle fracture zone with linear structures and negative landforms. It is a tensional-torsional fault associated with NNW-trending (nearly SN-trending) ore-controlling structure and partially filled by subsequent mafic dikes. It is not a high degree ore-controlling fault and only plays a role of local ore-bearing structure; (ⅲ) There are several small ductile deformations near the Youdong fault, not that they formed a continuous ductile deformation belt resulting from the Youdong fault, but that they are ductile deformations inner the Youdong granite body with small scale, different strike and sporadic occurrence. (ⅳ) Based on the distribution of NNW-trending (nearly SN-trending) ore-bearing fault structures, the further prospecting for uranium deposits should be not along the Meihuakeng fault and Youdong fault, but along the NNW-trending (nearly SN-trending) fault belt, concentrated on the strike extending area and dipping deep area. In the meantime, there is a good chance for concealed ore zone at the surface and shallow parts of the vacancy for prospecting between existing ore zones.
图 1 长江铀矿田大地构造与区域构造图
a—大地构造图(据Hu et al., 2008);b—长江铀矿田区域构造图(1—第四系;2—寒武系浅变质碎屑岩;3—燕山早期晚阶段花岗岩;4—燕山早期早阶段花岗岩;5—印支晚期花岗岩;6—印支早期花岗岩;7—海西期花岗闪长岩;8—主干断裂/次级断裂;9—铀矿带;10—地质界线;11—铀矿床;据黄国荣等,2012修改)
Figure 1. Tectonic and regional geologic map of the Changjiang uranium ore field
(a) Tectonic map of the Changjiang uranium ore field (Hu et al., 2008); (b) Regional geologic map of the Changjiang uranium ore field (1-Quaternary system; 2-Epimetamorphic clastic rock of Cambrian; 3-Granite of late stage of early Yanshanian epoch; 4-Granite of early stage of early Yanshanian epoch; 5-Granite of late Indo-Chinese epoch; 6-Granite of early Indo-Chinese epoch; 7-Granodiorite of Variscan epoch; 8-Main fault/secondary fault; 9-Uranium belt; 10-Geologic boundary; 11-Uranium deposit; modified from Huang et al., 2012)
图 2 粤北长江铀矿田地质图(据核工业北京地质研究院(2021)报告编制)
Figure 2. Geologic map of the Changjiang uranium ore field, northern Guangdong (adapted from Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology, 2021)
1- Quaternary system; 2-Fine grained micaceous granite of late Yanshanian epoch; 3-Granite porphyry of late Yanshanian epoch; 4-Spessartite of late Yanshanian epoch; 5-Fine grained biotite granite of third stage of early Yanshanian epoch; 6-Unequal-grained biotite granite of first stage of early Yanshanian epoch; 7-Medium-grained biotite granite of first stage of early Yanshanian epoch; 8-Medium-sized small porphyritic biotite granite of third stage of Indo-Chinese epoch; 9-Medium-grained porphyritic biotite adamellite of second stage of Indo-Chinese epoch; 10-Alkali netasomatic rock; 11-Main fault; 12-Second-order fracture; 13-Alkaline dike; 14-Geologic boundary; 15-Lithologic boundary; 16-Number of uranium belt; 17-Large uranium deposit; 18-Medium/small sized uranium deposit
图 4 棉花坑断裂旁侧次级裂隙构造特征平面照片
Figure 4. Pictures showing the second-order fracture on the side of the Mianhuakeng fault
(a) Picture showing the simple NE-trending fracture approaching the Mianhuakeng fault with non-alteration at Point Z74; (b-c) Pictures showing the nearly SN-trending fracture approaching the Mianhuakeng fault at Point Z74; (d-f) Pictures showing the nearly SN-trending fracture on the north side of the Mianhuakeng fault with purplish red silicification and late white calcite vein at Point Z29
图 5 棉花坑断裂破碎带剖面图(Z76点)
Figure 5. Section of fracture zone of the Mianhuakeng fault in the Changjiang uranium ore field, northern Guangdong(Point Z76)
1-Quaternary residual slope; 2-Granite; 3-Compresso-shear tectonic breccia; 4-Foliated belt; 5-Fault; 6-Silicified zone(quartz vein)
图 6 油洞村北东电站旁油洞断裂旁侧裂隙与铀矿化特征(Z28点,57号铀矿带)
1—花岗岩;2—石英脉;3—节理裂隙;4—微细石英脉;5—伽玛异常及异常值/ (nC/ (kg ·h));6—产状
Figure 6. Sketch showing the fracture and uranium mineralization near the Youdong fault
1-Granite; 2-Quartz vein; 3-Joint and fracture; 4-Fine quartz vein; 5-Gamma anomaly and its value/ (nC/ (kg ·h)); 6-Attitude
图 7 油洞断裂旁侧铀矿化地质剖面图(Z67点)
1—碎裂花岗岩;2—节理;3—黄褐色硅化带;4—猪肝色硅化带;5—伽玛异常值/nC/ (kg ·h);6—产状
Figure 7. Sketch showing the fracture and uranium mineralization near the Youdong fault (Point Z67)
1-Cataclastic granite; 2-Joint; 3-Tawny silicified zone; 4-Purplish red silicified zone; 5-Gamma anomaly and its value/nC/ (kg ·h); 6-Attitude
图 8 油洞断裂旁侧铀矿化地质剖面图(Z23点)
1—碎裂花岗岩;2—晚期石英脉;3—节理;4—伽玛异常等值线;5—硅化;6—弱铀矿化黄褐色硅化带(30 nC/ (kg ·h)≤伽玛值≤40 nC/ (kg ·h));7—强铀矿化(伽玛值≥40 nC/ (kg ·h))猪肝色硅化带;8—伽玛异常值/ (nC/ (kg ·h));9—产状;10—水池
Figure 8. Sketch showing the fracture and uranium mineralization near the Youdong fault (Point Z23)
1-Cataclastic granite; 2-Late quartz vein; 3-Joint; 4-Gamma anomaly isoline; 5-Silicification; 6-Tawny silicified zone with weak uranium mineralization(30 nC/ (kg ·h)≤gamma value≤40 nC/ (kg ·h)); 7-Purplish red silicified zone with intensive uranium mineralization; 8-Gamma anomaly value/ (nC/ (kg ·h)); 9-Attitude; 10-Cistern
图 9 油洞村油洞断裂及基性岩脉与铀矿化的关系平面素描图(Z32点)
1—花岗岩;2—基性岩脉;3—石英脉;4—片理化;5—断层;6—裂隙节理;7—赤铁矿化界线;8—赤铁矿化;9—裂隙产状;10—放射性异常辐射值/ (nC/ (kg ·h));11—弱铀矿化(50 < γ≤200 nC/ (kg ·h));12—中等铀矿化(200 < γ≤300 nC/ (kg ·h));13—强铀矿化(300 < γ≤800 nC/ (kg ·h))
Figure 9. Picture and sketch showing the relation of the Youdong fault and basic dike to uranium mineralization
1-Granite; 2-Basic dike; 3-Quartz vein; 4-Foliation; 5-Fault; 6-Joint and fracture; 7-Range of hematite mineralization; 8-Hematite mineralization; 9-Attitude of fracture; 10-Gamma Anomaly value/ (nC/ (kg ·h)); 11-Weak uranium mineralization (50 < γ≤200 nC/ (kg ·h)); 12-Moderate uranium mineralization (200 < γ≤300 nC/ (kg ·h)); 13-Intensive uranium mineralization (300 < γ≤800 nC/ (kg ·h))
图 10 长江铀矿田油洞岩体内不同方向的局部韧性变形
a—学堂垇一带,近南北向韧性变形带,原岩为花岗岩,镜头指向西下,D2100点;b—学堂垇一带,近东西向韧性变形带,原岩为花岗岩,镜头指向南下,D2100点北;c—学堂垇一带,近东西向韧性变形带,原岩为花岗岩,镜头指向南下,D2100点北;d—长江1号科学钻孔,68回次,陡倾角韧性变形带;e—图d局部放大;f—9号带南段ZK15-3钻孔220 m附近缓倾角韧性变形带
Figure 10. Pictures showing ductile deformations of different directions in several places of the Youdong granite body
(a) Picture showing the nearly SN-trending ductile deformation developed in the granite at Point D2100, Xuetang' ao; (b) Picture showing the nearly EW-trending ductile deformation developed in the granite at the north of Point D2100, Xuetang' ao; (c) Picture showing the nearly EW-trending ductile deformation developed in the granite at point D2100, Xuetang' ao; (d) Picture showing steep-dip ductile deformation developed in the granite ore from the 68th drilling trip of the Changjiang No.1 scientific drilling hole; (e) Local magnification of Fig. 10d; (f) Picture showing gentle-dip ductile deformation developed in the granite ore from 220-m drilling depth of the ZK15-3 drilling hole, southern part of No.9 uranium ore belt
图 11 长江铀矿田构造演化图
Figure 11. Evolution model of the structures in the Changjiang uranium ore field
1-Ore-bearing fault; 2-Uranium ore belt; 3-Basic dike; 4-Fault (ore-free); 5-Compressive/compresso-shear fault; 6-Extensional/tenso-shear fault; 7-Principal stress and its direction
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