Identification and risk assessment of coal mining-induced landslides in Guizhou Province by InSAR and optical remote sensing
摘要: 贵州鬃岭滑坡群具有孕灾规律性强、发育集中密集、威胁严重等特点。文章利用InSAR和光学遥感进行精细识别,获取了区域滑坡灾害信息,总结了鬃岭区域滑坡变形破坏模式,基于此建立了该地区的滑坡风险评价的体积-距离统计公式,并对典型灾害体进行了计算,获得了一些重要认识。地下采煤活动是引起鬃岭桌山边缘山体变形的主要原因;InSAR观测结果显示鬃岭地区变形具有明显的带状特征,年平均变形速度为-20.4~10.2 cm/a,与下部采空区具有较好的对应关系,大位移区域集中在采煤沉降和斜坡重力叠加的桌山边缘地带;鬃岭地区现存变形现象64处,其中滑坡37处,裂缝27条,危险变形体2处;滑坡主要发生在飞仙关组深灰色灰岩岩层和暗紫红色泥质粉砂岩岩层中,根据滑源岩性及变形特征将滑坡划分为拉裂-倾倒和拉裂-剪断两种类型,其中拉裂-倾倒型滑坡堆积体粒径大,运动距离远,威胁较大;文中建立的岩质滑坡碎屑流滑移距离计算公式,对鬃岭地区上硬下软地层中发育的采煤滑坡滑移距离具有良好的适用性,验证误差在5%以内,利用该公式对鬃岭滑坡群左家营和箐脚危险变形体进行计算,预测危险避让距离在220~386 m。文章提出的基于差分干涉测量技术和光学影像的采煤滑坡危险性评价方法对黔西、滇东地区的采矿滑坡防治工作具有重要的示范意义。Abstract: The Zongling landslide group in Guizhou Province is characterized by strong regularity of disaster formation, concentrated development and severe threat. It is represented in the coal mining-induced geological hazards in western Guizhou and eastern Yunnan. In this paper, InSAR and optical remote sensing were used for nuanced identification to obtain the regional landslide information, and the landslide deformation-failure mode in the Zongling region was summarized. Based on this, the volume-distance statistical formula suitable for landslide risk assessment in this region was established, and the typical disaster bodies ware calculated. Some important insights are gained: Underground coal mining is the major contributor to the deformation of the edge of Table Mountain in Zongling. InSAR observation results show that the deformation in the Zongling area has prominent zonal characteristics, and the annual average deformation velocity is between -20.4~10.2 cm/a, which corresponds well with the lower goaf. The areas with great displacement are concentrated in the edge zone of cuesta, with coal mining subsidence and slope gravity superimposed; There are 64 deformations in the Zongling area, including 37 landslides, 27 cracks, and 2 dangerous deformed bodies. Landslides mainly occur in the dark grey limestone strata and dark purplish-red argillaceous siltstone strata of the Feixianguan Formation. According to the lithology and deformation characteristics of the slip source, the landslides can be classified into two types: pull-toppling and pull-clipping, and the former is distinguished by large particle size, long movement distance, and severe threat. The formula for calculating the slip distance of rock landslide debris flow has good applicability to the slip distance of coal mining-induced landslide developed in the "upper hard and lower soft" strata in the Zongling area, and the verification error is less than 5%. The formula is used to calculate the dangerous deformed bodies of Zuojiaying and Jingjiao in the study area, and the danger avoidance distance is predicted to be 220~386 m. The proposed method of coal mining-induced landslide risk assessment based on differential interferometry and optical image play an exemplary role for the prevention and control of coal mining-induced landslides in western Guizhou and eastern Yunnan.
Key words:
- Zongling landslide group /
- optical remote sensing /
- InSAR /
- landslide slip distance /
- risk assessment
图 4 鬃岭滑坡群多时段D-InSAR地表变形图
a—2017年5月14日至2017年6月11日干涉图;b—2017年6月11日至2017年8月6日干涉图;c—2017年8月6日至2017年11月12日干涉图; d—2017年11月12日至2017年12月24日干涉图;e—2017年12月24日至2017年4月15日干涉图;f—2017年4月15日至2018年7月8日干涉图
Figure 4. Multi-period surface deformation of the Zongling landslide group derived from D-InSAR
(a)Interferogram from 14 May 2017 to 11 June 2017; (b)Interferogram from 11 June 2017 to 6 August 2017; (c)Interferogram from 6 August 2017 to 12 November 2017; (d)Interferogram from 12 November 2017 to 24 December 2017; (e)Interferogram from 24 December 2017 to 15 April 2017; (f)Interferogram from 15 April 2017 to 8 July 2018
图 8 左家营危险变形体InSAR变形速率和野外调查图
Figure 8. InSAR deformation rate map and field survey photo of the Zuojiaying deformed slope
(a)Deformation rate of the Zuojiaying deformed slope; (b)UAV aerial photo of the Zuojiaying deformed slope; (c, d)Field photos of the Zuojiaying deformed slope (c: towards 25°, d: towards 280°)
图 9 箐脚危险变形体InSAR变形速率和野外调查图
Figure 9. InSAR deformation rate map and field photo of the Jingjiao deformed slope
(a)Deformation rate of the Jingjiao deformed slope; (b)UAV aerial photo of the Jingjiao deformed slope; (c, d)Field photos of the Jingjiao deformed slope (c: towards 9°, d: towards 11°)
表 1 研究采用的光学和雷达数据表
Table 1. Optical and radar data sets used in the study
数据 数量 分辨率/m 采集时间 用途 PALSAR-2 8 1.43×2.21(Az×Rg) 2017-05至2018-08 InSAR数据处理 Planet光学影像 8 3 2016-10至2019-11 动态解译 Google Earth光学影像 3 0.61 2017-05至2018-04 动态解译 无人机航摄照片 1 0.1 2019-11-01 精细化解译 航摄数字地表模型 1 0.1 2019-11-01 精细化解译 WorldDEM 1 12 2011 InSAR数据处理 表 2 模型修正采用的滑坡参数
Table 2. Landslide parameters used to modify the calculation model
滑坡 l1实际值/m d/m B/m α/m V/m3 H/m 修正前l1值/m 修正后l1值/m 修正前误差 修正后误差 贵州鬃岭左家营滑坡 614 12 170 27 507700 301 960.13 603.87 56.4% -1.7% 贵州鬃岭中岭滑坡 522 11 334 26 1142100 213 820.24 520.92 57.1% -0.2% 贵州鬃岭中岭2号滑坡 333 10 152 33 38307 216 531.81 337.74 59.7% 1.4% 贵州尖山营1号滑坡 242 4 110 27 78500 129 393.72 250.04 62.7% 3.3% 贵州尖山营2号滑坡 244 2.5 100 28 103500 133 387.75 246.25 58.9% 0.9% 重庆甑子岩滑坡 683 8 210 39 500000 315 1079.00 685.24 58.0% 0.3% 湖北宜昌盐池河滑坡 604 5 150 33 1000000 246 998.32 634.01 65.3% 5.0% 贵州纳雍张家湾滑坡 718 14 200 32 493000 264 1053.15 668.83 46.7% -6.8% 贵州纳雍煤冲滑坡 280 8 124 32 30348 176 461.76 293.25 64.9% 4.7% 贵州都匀马达岭滑坡 580 5 120 25 1900000 150 893.28 567.30 54.0% -2.2% 表 3 改进后计算模型验证表
Table 3. Verification table of the improved calculation model
滑坡(编号) l1实际值/m d/m B/m α/m V/m3 H/m l1计算值/m 误差 代家屋脊滑坡(L10) 160 7 110 31 5269 120 166.86 4.29% 箐脚2#滑坡(L19) 267 7 82 36 8429 228 274.60 2.85% 大土寨滑坡(L7) 260 8 105 35 9857 205 261.62 0.62% 张家麻窝滑坡(L35) 200 3 21 31 2984 160 201.65 0.83% 半边街滑坡(L1) 270 7 130 41 7800 230 262.20 -2.89% -
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