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刘智荣 薛怀宇 王昌盛

刘智荣, 薛怀宇, 王昌盛, 2021. 河北平原中部保定西伯章剖面晚第四纪沉积特征及其环境意义. 地质力学学报, 27 (6): 1011-1023. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.06.082
引用本文: 刘智荣, 薛怀宇, 王昌盛, 2021. 河北平原中部保定西伯章剖面晚第四纪沉积特征及其环境意义. 地质力学学报, 27 (6): 1011-1023. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.06.082
LIU Zhirong, XUE Huaiyu, WANG Changsheng, 2021. Late Quaternary depositional characteristics and environment significance of the Xibozhang section in Baoding, central Hebei Plain, China. Journal of Geomechanics, 27 (6): 1011-1023. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.06.082
Citation: LIU Zhirong, XUE Huaiyu, WANG Changsheng, 2021. Late Quaternary depositional characteristics and environment significance of the Xibozhang section in Baoding, central Hebei Plain, China. Journal of Geomechanics, 27 (6): 1011-1023. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.06.082


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.06.082

河北省高等学校科学技术研究项目 ZD2016205

中央高校基本科研业务项目 ZY20180105


    刘智荣(1978-), 女, 博士, 副教授, 从事沉积地质学研究。E-mail: liuzhirong10@126.com

  • 中图分类号: P534.63

Late Quaternary depositional characteristics and environment significance of the Xibozhang section in Baoding, central Hebei Plain, China


the Project of Science and Technology Research of Colleges and Universities in Hebei ZD2016205

Scientific Research Project of Central Universities of China ZY20180105

  • 摘要: 对河北平原中部保定西伯章厚20.74 m的剖面进行实测,系统采集粒度和光释光(OSL)样品进行分析,以期获得其沉积特征及环境演变信息。光释光测年显示该剖面为102~8.69 ka的沉积,时代属于晚更新世到早全新世。岩性和粒度分析表明该剖面为曲流河冲积沉积,可以进一步划分为河道沉积和河漫滩沉积。河道沉积以含云母碎片的中粗砂为主,发育斜层理,频率曲线以正偏双峰频率曲线为主,分选中等到较差,概率累积曲线以跳跃组分为主的两段式为主。河漫滩沉积以黏土质粉砂为主,含保存良好的腹足类化石和钙质结核,频率曲线以负偏双峰为主,分选差,概率累积曲线以悬浮组分占比大的两段式为主。C-M图显示该剖面以均匀悬浮沉积为主,属典型曲流河沉积。实测剖面与黄土剖面对比分析显示西伯章剖面可以分为三个阶段,下部20.74~16.14 m为末次间冰期晚期沉积,气候温暖湿润,以粉砂质沉积为主;中部16.14~3.18 m为末次冰期沉积,气候干冷,沉积物显示细—粗—细的特征,与末次冰期早冰阶—间冰阶—盛冰阶一一对应;上部3.18~0.2 m为冰后期沉积,与末次间冰期晚期沉积环境类似,以黏土和黏土质粉砂沉积为主。粒度成因分析揭示了河北平原中部保定凹陷区晚第四纪沉积环境主要为河流冲积环境,粒度阶段性分布特征是晚第四纪以来冰期-间冰期气候的物质响应。


  • 图  1  研究区位置图

    a—河北省第四纪地貌图(据陈望和和倪明云, 1987修改); b—研究区构造单元(据韩春元等, 2017修改)

    Figure  1.  Location of the study area

    (a) Quaternary geomorphologic map of Hebei Province (modified after Chen and Ni, 1987); (b) Structural unit map of the study area (modified after Han et al., 2017)

    图  2  西伯章地层剖面

    a—剖面照片; b—实测地层剖面图

    Figure  2.  Stratigraphic section of Xibozhang

    (a) Photo of the Xibozhang section; (b) Measured stratigraphic section of Xibozhang

    图  3  剖面下部岩性照片

    a—第1层黏土质粉砂; b—第2层含大量钙质结核的黏土质粉砂; c—第4层含钙质结核粉砂; d—第5层与第4层分界; e—第7层深灰色黏土层; f—第7层新鲜面; g—第7、8、9层, 第8层与第9层间为一明显差异风化面; h—第10层与第11层分界; i—第11层含交错层理细砂层

    Figure  3.  Photos of the lower part of the section

    (a)Clayey silt in the layer 1; (b) Clayey silt with lots of calcareous nodules in the layer 2; (c) Silt with calcareous nodules in the layer 4; (d) Boundary between the layer 5 and layer 4; (e) Dark grey clay in the layer 7; (f) The layer 7; (g) The layers 7, 8 and 9; an obvious difference weathering surface between the layer 8 and layer 9; (h) Boundary between the layer 10 and layer 11; (i) Fine sand with cross bedding in the layer 11

    图  4  剖面上部岩性照片

    a—第11层与第12层分界; b—第13层黄褐色中细砂; c—第14层灰色细砂; d—第13层黄褐色中细砂, 富含根系植物; e—第16层粉砂质黏土; f—第17层粉砂质黏土; g—第18层黏土质粉砂; h—第19层黏土质粉砂、黏土; i—第20层粉砂质黏土

    Figure  4.  Photos of the upper part of the section

    (a) Boundary between the layer 11 and layer 12; (b) Yellowish-brown medium-fine sand in the layer 13; (c) Gray fine sand in the layer 14;(d) Yellowish-brown medium-fine sand in the layer 13; (e) Silty clay in the layer 16; (f) Silty clay in the layer 17; (g) Clayey silt in the layer 18; (h) Clayey silt and clay in the layer 19; (i) Silty clay in the layer 20

    图  5  粒度组分百分比三角图

    Figure  5.  Sand-silt-clay ratios

    图  6  粒度频率分布曲线

    a—双峰负偏频率曲线; b—双峰近对称频率曲线; c—双峰正偏频率曲线; d—单峰频率曲线

    Figure  6.  Curves showing the grain size frequency distribution

    (a) Negative bias bimodal frequency curves; (b) Bimodal near symmetric frequency curves; (c) Positive bias bimodal frequency curves; (d) Single peak frequency curves

    图  7  样品粒度概率累积曲线

    a—一段式概率累积曲线图; b—e—两段式概率累积曲线图; f—三段式概率累积曲线

    Figure  7.  Probability cumulative curves of different samples

    (a) One-stage probability cumulative curves; (b-e) Two-stage probability cumulative curves; (f) Three-stage probability cumulative curves

    图  8  C-M曲线

    Figure  8.  C-M diagram

    图  9  西伯章剖面粒度特征及其与靖远黄土剖面平均粒径对比

    Figure  9.  Grain size characteristics of the Xibozhang section and its comparison with the loess section of Jingyuan

    表  1  光释光测年结果

    Table  1.   Results of OSL dating

    光释光样品编号 深度/m U/×10-6 Th/×10-6 K/% 含水量/% D (Gy/ka) 测试粒径/μm 测试方法 De/ Gy OSL年龄/ka
    21-1 0.76 1.94 15.9 2.34 15.61 4.70 4~11 SMAR 40.86±1.96 8.69±0.96
    20-1 2.61 1.66 10.5 1.9 14.72 3.55 4~11 SMAR 44.95±2.44 12.66±1.44
    18-1 4.73 2.22 10.2 1.92 12.02 3.72 4~11 SMAR 69.52±8.02 18.66±2.85
    17-1 7.08 2.13 10.8 1.93 11.02 3.80 4~11 SMAR 86.54±18.30 22.78±5.33
    16-1 8.01 1.94 10.7 2 14.13 3.58 4~11 SMAR 110.12±7.90 30.79±3.79
    15-1 8.31 3.59 9.54 2.04 17.23 4.00 4~11 SMAR 130.97±11.04 32.74±4.28
    12-2 9.37 2.16 10.6 1.91 8.29 3.68 4~11 SMAR 125.63±9.15 34.12±4.22
    11-1 12.04 1.87 10.1 1.8 6.66 3.66 4~11 SMAR 156.09±8.95 42.60±4.91
    9-2 12.97 2.01 11.9 1.68 19.46 3.34 4~11 SMAR 155.71±16.47 46.59±6.78
    9-1 13.29 1.87 12.4 1.82 18.85 3.41 4~11 SMAR 180.75±19.28 53.02±7.75
    7-3 14.75 1.56 10.3 1.91 17.68 3.29 4~11 SMAR 190.41±11.69 57.82±6.78
    7-1 15.49 1.82 11.3 2.02 18.68 3.54 4~11 SMAR 212.23±39.38 59.88±12.62
    5-1 16.51 2.7 17.7 2.09 21.29 4.43 4~11 SMAR 339.65±32.06 76.75±10.55
    1-1 20.64 1.89 9.3 1.74 16.58 3.15 4~11 SMAR 321.99±60.90 102.17±21.8
    注: D —环境剂量; De—等效计量
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